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Ford Fusion Energi Forum

What is the battery range of a 2017 in 2022?


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I have a 2017 FFE.  Over the last 2 years, the battery has taken a beating and I now get about 20-22 miles to a charge.  Of course, in the winter, that drops down to 14. But I don't drive a lot and typically short trips so I still average a pretty high MPG per tank.


If you can test drive the vehicle, have them fully charge it first and see what you end up getting.

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Without being able to test the battery it is really hard to say, though you will likely get enough range to do the whole trip on one charge.  Even badly degraded batteries get ~14 miles per charge.


First thing to do is see what the car's range "estimate" is when fully charged.  That is a good start, though not completely accurate.  If you can drive a full charge to see how many miles and kWh you get from 100% to 0% that will be the best and most accurate way.  It mostly depends on how well the battery was treated by the previous owner(s).


Battery replacement is really not a concern.  Very few have ever died.


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With 6 years of HVB degradation as an early production 2017, ours only has ~4.5 kWh of usable EV range before it switches to hybrid mode. My wife is not as gentle on the car as I am but she still can get 20+ miles on a charge. If I'm careful I can get 24 miles (plus 2 more in hybrid mode) before the ICE kicks on.


I think it's safe to say you'll be OK to get 12-16 miles. Getting that kind of range in winter may be a challenge though, depending on your climate. The best way to measure your HVB's capacity is to start with a full charge, reset the trip odometer, then do some in-town driving in EV Now mode (use the button on the center console) until the display says EV Now Not Available. At that point, look at the used kWh. Anything over 5 kWh means the battery is in very good shape, considering its age. 4-5 kWh would be typical wear IMHO. Anything much less than 4 indicates a battery that has not been well taken care of.

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  • 4 months later...
On 7/12/2022 at 6:19 PM, theterminator93 said:

With 6 years of HVB degradation as an early production 2017, ours only has ~4.5 kWh of usable EV range before it switches to hybrid mode. My wife is not as gentle on the car as I am but she still can get 20+ miles on a charge. If I'm careful I can get 24 miles (plus 2 more in hybrid mode) before the ICE kicks on.


I think it's safe to say you'll be OK to get 12-16 miles. Getting that kind of range in winter may be a challenge though, depending on your climate. The best way to measure your HVB's capacity is to start with a full charge, reset the trip odometer, then do some in-town driving in EV Now mode (use the button on the center console) until the display says EV Now Not Available. At that point, look at the used kWh. Anything over 5 kWh means the battery is in very good shape, considering its age. 4-5 kWh would be typical wear IMHO. Anything much less than 4 indicates a battery that has not been well taken care of.

Is Ford has something like SoH (State of Health) data about battery?

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