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Ford Fusion Energi Forum

New from Pleasanton, CA


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Welcome Greg... How is the Clipper charger working for you?  I keep saying that I am going to hold off on a 220V but each time I have to plug in for 7 hours I rethink this...





So far so good.  Then again, I only have 1 charge on it.  ;-)


Welcome to the boards mang.  Doing the solar panel thing rules.  I want to do that, but not while I have a mortgage on the house. :)  Once that's gone, I'm going with the biggest solar array my home can handle (and covering my detached garage with them too).


SunRun offers multiple financing packages, some even make the install "free".  You just end up paying a few cents per kilowatt less than the lowest your electrical provider offers.  For instance, had I gone with that method, PGE charges between 17 and 38 cents per KWH and using the "SunRun installs it free" plan I would have a new electrical bill of 14 cents per KWH.


Another way is you pay for a little more than 1/2 of the system and you get 100% of the electricity for free.  SunRun just takes all the Fed credits.  Benefit to this is that you get 20 years of warranty on all parts of the system.  This is the method I went with.  I paid 5/8 of the cost of the system up-front; I get all the electricity the system provides for free; 20-year warranty.  


Just make sure you get a good installer and good performance guarantees.  My neighbors are all suing their installers because their systems don't perform as sold but I'm getting 120% of the guaranteed output.

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Problem is I'm in Michigan... and Michigan installers are somewhat limited.  SunRun isn't available here but I like the idea of paying 5/8th of what the system is worth and letting them deal with the federal rebates.  At least that way my up front cost is much less.  I could always contact the power company themselves and see what they offer... but again, I'm not doing anything to the house until it's MINE MINE MINE. :) 

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