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Ford Fusion Energi Forum

Titanium Energi in Place of GT500


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Had a GT500 with special tune. Ordered a Titanium Energi last month but just bought a matching one the day it came off the truck at another dealer. Do miss the GT500 some but I'm at 276 miles and a midge (?) under a quarter tank used. Different type of enjoyment.

One issue, MyFordMobile and "value charging" is a headache. Seems to lose all the set preferences before or during the 240v charge. Trying to figure that one out. Bought the Leviton 40A charger at Amazon. Unit is operating fine per the panel lights so I guess I'm doing something wrong or it's a software glitch.

Anyway, I enjoy driving the car and not tanking up like before.

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Heh... at least you won't be irritated pulling in to the gas station anywhere near as often. :)  That's what I'm looking forward to most.  A co-worker of mine has a Mustang 5.0 that I've ridden in a couple times.  Thing is a beast for acceleration.  I can't have cars like that or I'd be in big trouble.  Hahaha.  But for the most part, my speed demon days are long behind me since the gas prices skyrocketed.  I still find it interesting to see the number of people who go flying on the expressway while I putz in the right lane like an older person.  Can't beat the fuel economy numbers I can get out of a car by doing that though.  :)  Time is money and I have more time than money. ;)

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