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Intermittent wrench/check engine light 2017 Ford Fusion Energi


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I have an intermittent wrench/check engine light on my 2017 Ford Fusion Energi. I did a scan using an OBDLINK MX2 and FORScan. This is exactly what what I found. I apologize for all the data I just wanted you all to see everything that I have going on.


I don’t even know where to start? The wrench/check engine light eventually goes away on its own after a few times of turning the car on and off. 


I did clear all faults once and everything eventually came back. 

OBDLINK MX-2 faults




2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121-00 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0155-00 - Lost Communication With Instrument Panel Cluster ((IPC)) Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0401-00 - Invalid Data Received from  (ECM)/(PCM) A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-87 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121-87 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0131-87 - Lost Communication With (PSCM)


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0253-00 - Lost Communication With Accessory Protocol Interface Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121-00 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0131-00 - Lost Communication With (PSCM)


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-00 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U019E-00 - Lost Communication With Transmission Range Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-00 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U101F-00 - Invalid Internal Control Module Monitoring Data Received from (TR) Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121-00 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module




2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U019E-00 - Lost Communication With Transmission Range Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-00 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U101F-00 - Invalid Internal Control Module Monitoring Data Received from (TR) Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121-00 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module




2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A




2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0401-00 - Invalid Data Received from  (ECM)/(PCM) A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System ((ABS)) Control Module A


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0131-00 - Lost Communication With (PSCM)


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-00 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U019E-00 - Lost Communication With Transmission Range Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-00 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U101F-00 - Invalid Internal Control Module Monitoring Data Received from (TR) Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0104-00 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0212-00 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


2017 Ford Fusion Energi fault code U0151-00 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


FORScan fault log


===SOBDMC DTC U0104:00-2F===

Code: U0104 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Secondary OBD Control Module C


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332057 s - Total time ECU has been active

-TOT_DIST: 142743.0 km - Total Vehicle Distance

-MAINPCM_V: 15.00 V - Control Module Voltage

-OUTDR_TMP: 15 °C - Outdoor Air Temperature

-ENG_TQ: 16.4 Nm - Engine Torque

-PRNDL_T: P  - Shift Position

-TFT: 21 °C - Transmission Fluid Temperature

-M_SPEED: 0 1/min - Motor Speed

-GTQ_CMD: -5.4 Nm - Generator Torque Command

-MTQ_CMD: -5.3 Nm - Motor Torque Command

-M_INV_V: 342.60 V - Motor Inverter Voltage

-G_PHTMP: 24 °C - Generator Inverter Phase Temperature

-MCLTEMP: 21 °C - Motor Coil Temperature

-GCLTEMP: 21 °C - Generator Coil Temperature

-G_SPEED: 4548 1/min - Generator Speed

-TQ_DSD: 0.0 Nm - Desired Total Torque

-M_PHTMP: 24 °C - Motor Inverter Phase Temperature

-VEHMODE: Driving  - Vehicle Control Mode

-ECU_ONTIME: 6 min - Module On Time since Key On or Reset

-ECT: 20 °C - Engine coolant temperature

-CTO: 1285 1/min - Tachometer signal output

-HV_AMP: -3.76 A - High Voltage Battery Current

-HVBAT_V: 340.50 V - High Voltage Battery Voltage

-APP: 0.00 % - Accelerator Pedal Position

-VPWR: 14.24 V - Control Module Voltage

-VS: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed




===SOBDMC DTC U0121:00-27===

Code: U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Secondary OBD Control Module C



===SOBDMC DTC U0151:00-2F===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Secondary OBD Control Module C


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332053 s - Total time ECU has been active

-TOT_DIST: 142743.0 km - Total Vehicle Distance

-MAINPCM_V: 13.75 V - Control Module Voltage

-OUTDR_TMP: 16 °C - Outdoor Air Temperature

-ENG_TQ: 49.3 Nm - Engine Torque

-PRNDL_T: P  - Shift Position

-TFT: 21 °C - Transmission Fluid Temperature

-GTQ_CMD: 3.7 Nm - Generator Torque Command

-MTQ_CMD: -5.3 Nm - Motor Torque Command

-M_INV_V: 338.70 V - Motor Inverter Voltage

-G_PHTMP: 24 °C - Generator Inverter Phase Temperature

-MCLTEMP: 21 °C - Motor Coil Temperature

-GCLTEMP: 21 °C - Generator Coil Temperature

-G_SPEED: 4298 1/min - Generator Speed

-TQ_DSD: 0.0 Nm - Desired Total Torque

-M_PHTMP: 23 °C - Motor Inverter Phase Temperature

-VEHMODE: Driving  - Vehicle Control Mode

-ECU_ONTIME: 2 min - Module On Time since Key On or Reset

-ECT: 20 °C - Engine coolant temperature

-CTO: 1218 1/min - Tachometer signal output

-HV_AMP: 16.20 A - High Voltage Battery Current

-HVBAT_V: 338.00 V - High Voltage Battery Voltage

-APP: 0.00 % - Accelerator Pedal Position

-VPWR: 12.88 V - Control Module Voltage

-VS: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed




===BECM DTC U0151:00-2F===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Battery Energy Control Module


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332062 s - Total time ECU has been active

-TOTALDIST: 142743.0 km - Total Distance

-MAINBECMV: 14.50 V - Main BECM voltage supply

-INTTEMPBECM: 21 °C - In car temperature

-POWRPCK_STATE: Like KOER - Power Pack Available  - Power Pack State

-RPM: 1298 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute

-BATCURBECM: -0.52 A - Hybrid Battery Current

-CON-VOLT_TOT: 340.78 V - Contactor Voltage Total

-BATT_CHAR [SOC]: 96.79 % - Battery Pack State of Charge (SOC)

-H_BATT_CHAR: 96.79 % - Hybrid Battery State of Charge

-VPWR: 14.49 V - Control Module Voltage

-H_BATT_TEMP: 26 °C - Hybrid Battery Temperature

-BAT_PACK_VOLT: 340.35 V - Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage

-HEVVARCHAR: 0.89 % - Hybrid Battery Variation in State of Charge Between Battery Modules

-HEVAVEVOLT: 4.06 V - Hybrid Battery Average Battery Module Voltage

-HEV_BAT_MIN_V: 4.05 V - Hybrid Battery - Minimum Battery Module Voltage

-HEV_BAT_VAR_V: 0.01 V - Hybrid Battery - Variation In Voltage Measurement Between Battery Modules

-MIN_ECU_TEMP: 24 °C - Minimum Module Temperature

-DELTA_ECU_TEMP: 3 °C - Delta Module Temperature

-BATTAGEBECM: 63   - Battery Age in Months

-PUTMR: 11 min - Time Since Module (ECU) Power Up Or Reset

-NEG_CON_INP: Closed  - Negative Contactor Input Status

-NEG_CON_FAULT: No Fault  - Negative Contactor Fault Status

-NEG_CON_DEM: Closed  - Negative Contactor Output Demanded

-MAIN_CON_INP: Closed  - Main Positive Contactor Input Status

-MAIN_CON_FAULT: No Fault  - Main Positive Contactor Fault Status

-MAIN_CON_DEM: Closed  - Main Positive Contactor Output Demanded

-CON_REQ_COM: Closed  - Vehicle Contactor Request Command

-CON_ENA_IND: Open  - Contactor System Enable Output Indicated

-NEG_VOLT_STAT: No Fault  - Negative Contactor Voltage Sensor Fault Status

-POS_VOLT_STAT: No Fault  - Positive Contactor Voltage Sensor Fault Status

-PRE_CON_DEM: Open  - Precharge Contactor Output Demanded

-SHUTDO_A_DEM: Off  - Rapid Shutdown 'A' Demanded

-VOLT_INT_INP: Closed  - High Voltage Interlock Input Status

-POWER_SUST_INP: Off  - Vehicle Power Sustain Input Status

-NEG_CON_IND: Open  - Negative Contactor Output Indicated

-MAIN_CON_IND: Open  - Main Positive Contactor Output Indicated

-FUEL_CUTOFF-INP: Enabled  - Fuel Cutoff Input Status

-CON_ENA_DEM: Closed  - Contactor System Enable Output Demanded

-PRE_CON_IND: Open  - Precharge Contactor Output Indicated

-SHUTDO_B_DEM: Off  - Rapid Shutdown 'B' Demanded

-BAT_NEG_CONOUT_IND: Off  - Battery Charging System Negative Contactor Output Indicated

-BAT_NEG_CONOUT_DEM: Off  - Battery Charging System Negative Contactor Output Demanded

-BAT_CONSYSOUT_DEM: Off  - Battery Charging System Contactor System Enable Output Demanded

-BAT_CHAR_PLUG_CON: No  - Battery Charging System Charge Plug Connected

-BAT_CHA_WAKINP_STAT: No  - Battery Charger Wake-up Signal Input Status

-BAT_CHA_SYSCOMM: Off  - Battery Charging System Contactor Command

-BAT_CHA_POS_F: No Fault  - Battery Charging System Positive Contactor Fault Status

-BAT_CHA_NEG_F: No Fault  - Battery Charging System Negative Contactor Fault Status

-BAT_POS_CONOUT_DEM: Off  - Battery Charging System Positive Contactor Output Demanded

-BAT_POS_CONOUT_IND: Off  - Battery Charging System Positive Contactor Output Indicated

-IFC: 0   - Internal Module Fail Code




===BECM DTC U0401:00-2F===

Code: U0401 - Invalid Data Received from  ECM/PCM A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Battery Energy Control Module


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332056 s - Total time ECU has been active

-TOTALDIST: 142743.0 km - Total Distance

-MAINBECMV: 14.75 V - Main BECM voltage supply

-INTTEMPBECM: 21 °C - In car temperature

-POWRPCK_STATE: Like KOER - Power Pack Available  - Power Pack State

-RPM: 1314 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute

-BATCURBECM: -7.10 A - Hybrid Battery Current

-CON-VOLT_TOT: 341.44 V - Contactor Voltage Total

-BATT_CHAR [SOC]: 96.77 % - Battery Pack State of Charge (SOC)

-H_BATT_CHAR: 96.77 % - Hybrid Battery State of Charge

-VPWR: 14.62 V - Control Module Voltage

-H_BATT_TEMP: 26 °C - Hybrid Battery Temperature

-BAT_PACK_VOLT: 341.03 V - Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage

-HEVVARCHAR: 0.89 % - Hybrid Battery Variation in State of Charge Between Battery Modules

-HEVAVEVOLT: 4.07 V - Hybrid Battery Average Battery Module Voltage

-HEV_BAT_MIN_V: 4.06 V - Hybrid Battery - Minimum Battery Module Voltage

-HEV_BAT_VAR_V: 0.01 V - Hybrid Battery - Variation In Voltage Measurement Between Battery Modules

-MIN_ECU_TEMP: 24 °C - Minimum Module Temperature

-DELTA_ECU_TEMP: 3 °C - Delta Module Temperature

-BATTAGEBECM: 63   - Battery Age in Months

-PUTMR: 5 min - Time Since Module (ECU) Power Up Or Reset

-NEG_CON_INP: Closed  - Negative Contactor Input Status

-NEG_CON_FAULT: No Fault  - Negative Contactor Fault Status

-NEG_CON_DEM: Closed  - Negative Contactor Output Demanded

-MAIN_CON_INP: Closed  - Main Positive Contactor Input Status

-MAIN_CON_FAULT: No Fault  - Main Positive Contactor Fault Status

-MAIN_CON_DEM: Closed  - Main Positive Contactor Output Demanded

-CON_REQ_COM: Closed  - Vehicle Contactor Request Command

-CON_ENA_IND: Open  - Contactor System Enable Output Indicated

-NEG_VOLT_STAT: No Fault  - Negative Contactor Voltage Sensor Fault Status

-POS_VOLT_STAT: No Fault  - Positive Contactor Voltage Sensor Fault Status

-PRE_CON_DEM: Open  - Precharge Contactor Output Demanded

-SHUTDO_A_DEM: Off  - Rapid Shutdown 'A' Demanded

-VOLT_INT_INP: Closed  - High Voltage Interlock Input Status

-POWER_SUST_INP: Off  - Vehicle Power Sustain Input Status

-NEG_CON_IND: Open  - Negative Contactor Output Indicated

-MAIN_CON_IND: Open  - Main Positive Contactor Output Indicated

-FUEL_CUTOFF-INP: Enabled  - Fuel Cutoff Input Status

-CON_ENA_DEM: Closed  - Contactor System Enable Output Demanded

-PRE_CON_IND: Open  - Precharge Contactor Output Indicated

-SHUTDO_B_DEM: Off  - Rapid Shutdown 'B' Demanded

-BAT_NEG_CONOUT_IND: Off  - Battery Charging System Negative Contactor Output Indicated

-BAT_NEG_CONOUT_DEM: Off  - Battery Charging System Negative Contactor Output Demanded

-BAT_CONSYSOUT_DEM: Off  - Battery Charging System Contactor System Enable Output Demanded

-BAT_CHAR_PLUG_CON: No  - Battery Charging System Charge Plug Connected

-BAT_CHA_WAKINP_STAT: No  - Battery Charger Wake-up Signal Input Status

-BAT_CHA_SYSCOMM: Off  - Battery Charging System Contactor Command

-BAT_CHA_POS_F: No Fault  - Battery Charging System Positive Contactor Fault Status

-BAT_CHA_NEG_F: No Fault  - Battery Charging System Negative Contactor Fault Status

-BAT_POS_CONOUT_DEM: Off  - Battery Charging System Positive Contactor Output Demanded

-BAT_POS_CONOUT_IND: Off  - Battery Charging System Positive Contactor Output Indicated

-IFC: 0   - Internal Module Fail Code




===SOBDM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Secondary OBD Control Module A



===PCM DTC U0104:00-2F===

Code: U0104 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Powertrain Control Module


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332054 s - Total time ECU has been active

-DIST_TOT_VEH: 142743.0 km - Total Vehicle Distance

-FUELSYS: Open Loop  - Fuel System Status (Open/Closed Loop)

-LOAD: 67.84 % - Calculated Load Value

-ECT: 20 °C - Engine coolant temperature

-SHRTFT1: 0.00 % - Short term fuel trim 1

-LONGFT1: -4.69 % - Long term fuel trim 1

-MAP: 69.0 kPa - Manifold absolute pressure sensor

-RPM: 1276 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute

-VSS: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed

-SPARKADV: 1.50 ° - Spark Advance

-IAT: 22 °C - Intake Air Temperature

-MAF: 9.11 g/s - Mass Air Flow

-RUNTM: 3 s - Time Since Engine Start

-EGR_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded EGR

-EVAP_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded Evaporative Purge

-FLI: 27.06 % - Fuel Level

-BARO: 98.0 kPa - Barometric pressure

-VPWR: 14.16 V - Control Module Voltage

-TP_REL: 4.71 % - Relative Throttle Position

-TAC_PCT: 7.45 % - Commanded Throttle Actuator Control

-ECT2_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1: 20 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

-ECT2: 21 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2

-RPMDSD: 1249 1/min - Desired Idle Speed RPM

-O2S12: 0.42 V - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (bank 1, sensor 2)

-TQ_CNTRL: None Requested  - Torque Control Requested

-ENGOFF_TIMER: 51474 s - Timer since Engine Off

-APP_FLT: No Fault  - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Status

-CHT_F: No Fault  - Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor Status

-CHTIL: Off  - Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator Lamp

-ECT_F: No Fault  - Engine Coolant Temperature Status

-EGR_F: No Fault  - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Status

-EGRMC2F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 2

-EGRMC1F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 1

-EGRMC3F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 3

-EGRMC4F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 4

-IAT_F: No Fault  - Inlet Air Temperature Sensor Status

-ETC_TRIM_LRN: Yes  - Throttle Angle Offset has Learned

-MISFIRE: No  - Engine Misfire currently detected

-TP_F: No Fault  - Throttle Position Sensor Status

-MP_LRN: Yes  - Misfire Profile Correction Learned

-MAF_F: No Fault  - Mass Air Flow Sensor Status

-MAP_F: No Fault  - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Status

-OTS_STAT: Enabled  - One-Touch Start Status

-SMC_MON: Off  - Starter Motor Control Output Detected

-STRT_RLY: Disabled  - Starter Motor Relay Enable

-APP1: 0.77 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 1

-APP2: 0.39 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 2

-TP1: 4.14 V - Throttle Position Sensor 1

-TP2: 1.10 V - Throttle Position Sensor 2

-GEAR: Not Supported in Module  - Gear Commanded

-TR: Park  - Transmission range




===PCM DTC U019E:00-AF===

Code: U019E - Lost Communication With Transmission Range Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Powertrain Control Module


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332063 s - Total time ECU has been active

-DIST_TOT_VEH: 142743.0 km - Total Vehicle Distance

-FUELSYS: Open Loop  - Fuel System Status (Open/Closed Loop)

-LOAD: 67.06 % - Calculated Load Value

-ECT: 20 °C - Engine coolant temperature

-SHRTFT1: 0.00 % - Short term fuel trim 1

-LONGFT1: -4.69 % - Long term fuel trim 1

-MAP: 62.0 kPa - Manifold absolute pressure sensor

-RPM: 1295 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute

-VSS: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed

-SPARKADV: -5.50 ° - Spark Advance

-IAT: 22 °C - Intake Air Temperature

-MAF: 11.41 g/s - Mass Air Flow

-RUNTM: 11 s - Time Since Engine Start

-EGR_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded EGR

-EVAP_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded Evaporative Purge

-FLI: 27.06 % - Fuel Level

-BARO: 98.0 kPa - Barometric pressure

-VPWR: 14.72 V - Control Module Voltage

-TP_REL: 5.49 % - Relative Throttle Position

-TAC_PCT: 8.63 % - Commanded Throttle Actuator Control

-ECT2_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1: 20 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

-ECT2: 21 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2

-RPMDSD: 1249 1/min - Desired Idle Speed RPM

-O2S12: 0.43 V - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (bank 1, sensor 2)

-TQ_CNTRL: None Requested  - Torque Control Requested

-ENGOFF_TIMER: 51474 s - Timer since Engine Off

-APP_FLT: No Fault  - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Status

-CHT_F: No Fault  - Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor Status

-CHTIL: Off  - Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator Lamp

-ECT_F: No Fault  - Engine Coolant Temperature Status

-EGR_F: No Fault  - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Status

-EGRMC2F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 2

-EGRMC1F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 1

-EGRMC3F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 3

-EGRMC4F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 4

-IAT_F: No Fault  - Inlet Air Temperature Sensor Status

-ETC_TRIM_LRN: Yes  - Throttle Angle Offset has Learned

-MISFIRE: No  - Engine Misfire currently detected

-TP_F: No Fault  - Throttle Position Sensor Status

-MP_LRN: Yes  - Misfire Profile Correction Learned

-MAF_F: No Fault  - Mass Air Flow Sensor Status

-MAP_F: No Fault  - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Status

-OTS_STAT: Enabled  - One-Touch Start Status

-SMC_MON: Off  - Starter Motor Control Output Detected

-STRT_RLY: Disabled  - Starter Motor Relay Enable

-APP1: 0.77 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 1

-APP2: 0.39 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 2

-TP1: 4.10 V - Throttle Position Sensor 1

-TP2: 1.20 V - Throttle Position Sensor 2

-GEAR: Not Supported in Module  - Gear Commanded

-TR: Park  - Transmission range




===PCM DTC U0212:00-2F===

Code: U0212 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Powertrain Control Module


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332054 s - Total time ECU has been active

-DIST_TOT_VEH: 142743.0 km - Total Vehicle Distance

-FUELSYS: Open Loop  - Fuel System Status (Open/Closed Loop)

-LOAD: 67.84 % - Calculated Load Value

-ECT: 20 °C - Engine coolant temperature

-SHRTFT1: 0.00 % - Short term fuel trim 1

-LONGFT1: -4.69 % - Long term fuel trim 1

-MAP: 69.0 kPa - Manifold absolute pressure sensor

-RPM: 1283 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute

-VSS: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed

-SPARKADV: 1.50 ° - Spark Advance

-IAT: 22 °C - Intake Air Temperature

-MAF: 8.79 g/s - Mass Air Flow

-RUNTM: 3 s - Time Since Engine Start

-EGR_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded EGR

-EVAP_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded Evaporative Purge

-FLI: 27.06 % - Fuel Level

-BARO: 98.0 kPa - Barometric pressure

-VPWR: 14.29 V - Control Module Voltage

-TP_REL: 4.71 % - Relative Throttle Position

-TAC_PCT: 7.45 % - Commanded Throttle Actuator Control

-ECT2_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1: 20 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

-ECT2: 21 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2

-RPMDSD: 1249 1/min - Desired Idle Speed RPM

-O2S12: 0.43 V - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (bank 1, sensor 2)

-TQ_CNTRL: None Requested  - Torque Control Requested

-ENGOFF_TIMER: 51474 s - Timer since Engine Off

-APP_FLT: No Fault  - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Status

-CHT_F: No Fault  - Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor Status

-CHTIL: Off  - Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator Lamp

-ECT_F: No Fault  - Engine Coolant Temperature Status

-EGR_F: No Fault  - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Status

-EGRMC2F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 2

-EGRMC1F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 1

-EGRMC3F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 3

-EGRMC4F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 4

-IAT_F: No Fault  - Inlet Air Temperature Sensor Status

-ETC_TRIM_LRN: Yes  - Throttle Angle Offset has Learned

-MISFIRE: No  - Engine Misfire currently detected

-TP_F: No Fault  - Throttle Position Sensor Status

-MP_LRN: Yes  - Misfire Profile Correction Learned

-MAF_F: No Fault  - Mass Air Flow Sensor Status

-MAP_F: No Fault  - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Status

-OTS_STAT: Enabled  - One-Touch Start Status

-SMC_MON: Off  - Starter Motor Control Output Detected

-STRT_RLY: Disabled  - Starter Motor Relay Enable

-APP1: 0.77 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 1

-APP2: 0.39 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 2

-TP1: 4.14 V - Throttle Position Sensor 1

-TP2: 1.10 V - Throttle Position Sensor 2

-GEAR: Not Supported in Module  - Gear Commanded

-TR: Park  - Transmission range




===PCM DTC U101F:00-AF===

Code: U101F - Invalid Internal Control Module Monitoring Data Received from Transmission Range Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Powertrain Control Module


 Freeze Frame :

-REALTIME: 166332052 s - Total time ECU has been active

-DIST_TOT_VEH: 142743.0 km - Total Vehicle Distance

-FUELSYS: Open Loop  - Fuel System Status (Open/Closed Loop)

-LOAD: 0.00 % - Calculated Load Value

-ECT: 22 °C - Engine coolant temperature

-SHRTFT1: 0.00 % - Short term fuel trim 1

-LONGFT1: -4.69 % - Long term fuel trim 1

-MAP: 98.0 kPa - Manifold absolute pressure sensor

-RPM: 0 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute

-VSS: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed

-SPARKADV: 0.00 ° - Spark Advance

-IAT: 22 °C - Intake Air Temperature

-MAF: 0.87 g/s - Mass Air Flow

-RUNTM: 1 s - Time Since Engine Start

-EGR_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded EGR

-EVAP_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded Evaporative Purge

-FLI: 27.06 % - Fuel Level

-BARO: 98.0 kPa - Barometric pressure

-VPWR: 13.34 V - Control Module Voltage

-TP_REL: 0.78 % - Relative Throttle Position

-TAC_PCT: 1.18 % - Commanded Throttle Actuator Control

-ECT2_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1_SUP: Yes  - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1 supported

-ECT1: 22 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

-ECT2: 21 °C - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2

-RPMDSD: 1249 1/min - Desired Idle Speed RPM

-O2S12: 0.43 V - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (bank 1, sensor 2)

-TQ_CNTRL: HEV Start or Stop  - Torque Control Requested

-ENGOFF_TIMER: 51473 s - Timer since Engine Off

-APP_FLT: No Fault  - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Status

-CHT_F: No Fault  - Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor Status

-CHTIL: Off  - Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator Lamp

-ECT_F: No Fault  - Engine Coolant Temperature Status

-EGR_F: No Fault  - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Status

-EGRMC2F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 2

-EGRMC1F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 1

-EGRMC3F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 3

-EGRMC4F: No Fault  - EGR Motor Control 4

-IAT_F: No Fault  - Inlet Air Temperature Sensor Status

-ETC_TRIM_LRN: No  - Throttle Angle Offset has Learned

-MISFIRE: No  - Engine Misfire currently detected

-TP_F: No Fault  - Throttle Position Sensor Status

-MP_LRN: Yes  - Misfire Profile Correction Learned

-MAF_F: No Fault  - Mass Air Flow Sensor Status

-MAP_F: No Fault  - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Status

-OTS_STAT: Enabled  - One-Touch Start Status

-SMC_MON: Off  - Starter Motor Control Output Detected

-STRT_RLY: Disabled  - Starter Motor Relay Enable

-APP1: 0.77 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 1

-APP2: 0.39 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 2

-TP1: 4.34 V - Throttle Position Sensor 1

-TP2: 0.71 V - Throttle Position Sensor 2

-GEAR: Not Supported in Module  - Gear Commanded

-TR: Park  - Transmission range




===OBDII DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: On Board Diagnostic II



===APIM DTC U0121:00-0B===

Code: U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Accessory Protocol Interface Module



===APIM DTC U0151:00-0B===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Accessory Protocol Interface Module



===APIM DTC U0155:00-0B===

Code: U0155 - Lost Communication With Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Accessory Protocol Interface Module



===ACCM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Air Conditioning Control Module



===GFM DTC U0253:00-08===

Code: U0253 - Lost Communication With Accessory Protocol Interface Module



 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Generic Function Module



===DCDC DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: DC to DC Converter Control Module



===PAM DTC U0121:00-2B===

Code: U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Parking Aid Module



===PAM DTC U0131:00-2B===

Code: U0131 - Lost Communication With Power Steering Control Module A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Parking Aid Module



===PAM DTC U0212:00-2B===

Code: U0212 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Parking Aid Module



===BdyCM DTC U0212:87-0A===

Code: U0212 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Body Control Module

===END BdyCM DTC===


===BdyCM DTC U0151:87-8A===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Body Control Module

===END BdyCM DTC===


===BdyCM DTC U0121:87-0A===

Code: U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module A


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Body Control Module

===END BdyCM DTC===


===BdyCM DTC U0131:87-0A===

Code: U0131 - Lost Communication With Power Steering Control Module A


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Body Control Module

===END BdyCM DTC===


===BECMB DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Battery Energy Control Module B



===DACMC DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Digital Audio Control Module C



===SODR DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Side Obstacle Detection Control Module - Right



===SODL DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Side Obstacle Detection Control Module - Left



===HUD DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Head Up Display



===FCIM DTC U0401:00-0A===

Code: U0401 - Invalid Data Received from  ECM/PCM A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Front Controls Interface Module



===DSP DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: (Audio) Digital Signal Processing Module



===SCME DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Seat Control Module E



===OCS DTC U0151:00-2B===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Occupant Classification System Module



===C-CM DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Cruise-Control Module

===END C-CM DTC===


===ABS DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Antilock braking system



===TCU DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Telematic Control Unit Module



===RTM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Radio Transceiver Module



===DSM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Driver's Seat Module



===PDM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Passengers Door Control Unit



===DDM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Drivers Door Module



===RCM DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Restraint Control Module



===GSM DTC U0121:00-2F===

Code: U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Gear Shift Module



===GSM DTC U0151:00-2F===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Gear Shift Module



===GSM DTC U019E:00-AF===

Code: U019E - Lost Communication With Transmission Range Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Gear Shift Module



===GSM DTC U1011:00-AF===

Code: U1011 - Invalid Internal Control Module Monitoring Data Received from ECM/PCM



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Gear Shift Module



===PSCM DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Power Steering Control Module



===ACM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Audio Control Module



===SCCM DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Steering Column Control Module



===IPC DTC U0104:00-8A===

Code: U0104 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Instrument Panel Control Module



===IPC DTC U0121:00-8A===

Code: U0121 - Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module A



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Instrument Panel Control Module



===IPC DTC U0151:00-8A===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Instrument Panel Control Module



===IPC DTC U019E:00-8A===

Code: U019E - Lost Communication With Transmission Range Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Instrument Panel Control Module



===IPC DTC U0212:00-0A===

Code: U0212 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Instrument Panel Control Module



===IPC DTC U0420:82-8A===

Code: U0420 - Invalid Data Received from Power Steering Control Module A


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Alive/Sequence Counter Incorrect/Not Updated



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC


Module: Instrument Panel Control Module



===GWM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Gateway Module A



===HSWM DTC ===

Successful DTC reading, no error codes found


Module: Heated Steering Wheel Module



===TRCM DTC ===

Unable to read DTC


Module: Transmission Range Control Module



===IPMA DTC U0212:87-2A===

Code: U0212 - Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Image Processing Module A



===IPMA DTC U0151:87-2A===

Code: U0151 - Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Image Processing Module A



===IPMA DTC U0131:87-2A===

Code: U0131 - Lost Communication With Power Steering Control Module A


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Image Processing Module A



===IPMA DTC U0104:87-2A===

Code: U0104 - Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module


Additional Fault Symptom:

 - Missing Message



 - DTC Present at Time of Request

 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC


Module: Image Processing Module A


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A cheap ELM reader can cause problems with communications on the buss.


As can Torque Pro even with the quality OBDLink readers.  When the Torque Pro app and OBDLink MX starts at the same time as the car, the app/MX and the car compete for the bus and can exhibit discovery collision problems resulting in all sorts of chimes and CELs.  One workaround is to not have the MX (or any OBDII dongle) installed at startup of the car.  After some unknown number of seconds, the car will be done with its initial discovery work on the bus.  Then it's safe to plug in the OBDII reader and connect with the app.


Having said that, I've only seen this as a problem with the Torque Pro app.  I've never read of FORScan having that problem.

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