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Modem in Car 3G Upgrade?


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So, my dealer can't find the modem to replace it. They are waiting to hear back from Ford tech line. Does anyone know for sure where it is?


Below is from my repair order (RO) from last week's visit - I think 'WSM' refers to Ford's Work Shop Manual, if so then your dealer should be able to look up the specifics of the procedure, as well as in the announcement for 15N04 that I think each dealer can see in OASIS.  Maybe it would help to print out the below and give to them, who knows.... good luck.



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I knew you guys would be helpful. The dealership is always good to me. Problem is I have the only plug in car they've ever seen. So I do have to lead them a little bit when issues come up that they are unfamiliar with. Thanks for your help guys.

Are they electric certified?  If they are they should have been trained in how to service the car.

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Don't know how hard they are working the issue but at least they acknowledge they know about it. The response I got back from ford is:


My apologies for not responding sooner.


My technical specialist has responded to your concern with the EV Range on the MyFord mobile app no longer updating. He states Ford Engineering is aware of this concern and a fix is in the works. The fix is expected to be released within the next few weeks. He also adds that once the fix is released, there won’t be anything you’re required to do on your end with your phone.



Only time will tell

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My car/modem/MFM seem to be gradually getting better. What a bizarre incremental increase in functionality! Now my car recognizes that it's at my Work profile location, and charges immediately. I was able to add Home yesterday, and will see today if it recognizes the location and Value Charges instead of starting immediately. I never reset anything or pulled a fuse, so I have no idea what changed. My car even spontaneously offered to send me a Vehicle Health Report while I was driving, and that worked too!

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I contacted ford support about a week ago about the issues I am having. They said they would research it and get back to me.  My modem seems to stop working most often when I park at work in an underground parking garage.  I recorded a video of the symptoms I get in the car when it stops working.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVvEY1A36Xo

Edited by edwarj3
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There is some signal in the parking garage it's just not very good.   Before the replacement I got notifications when it finished charging and I do occasionally get them after the replacement.   The video was taken the next morning in my driveway.  It will stay like that until I pull the fuse to reset it. 

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The new modem installed in my car was bad. Service departmetn tried reprogramming, but no dice, so that's when they found it was bad. It's been replaced, but now the car is at the body shop for a scratch fix. Hopefully will have it back on Monday, and can confirm MFM is working again. Just in time to take it to a tint shop for the windows...

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My car/modem/MFM seem to be gradually getting better. What a bizarre incremental increase in functionality! Now my car recognizes that it's at my Work profile location, and charges immediately. I was able to add Home yesterday, and will see today if it recognizes the location and Value Charges instead of starting immediately. I never reset anything or pulled a fuse, so I have no idea what changed. My car even spontaneously offered to send me a Vehicle Health Report while I was driving, and that worked too!

When I got home, the car couldn't figure out that it was at my Home location. So the modem seems to function properly at work in an underground parking garage, but not at my home in a normal garage. Thanks, Ford. I hope you don't "fix" anything else in my car!

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My upgrade was done on 12/15.  While the connectivity and updates are much improved for me, everything else is a big disappointment.  

  • MFM does recognize locations including my only charging location (home), but it will not value charge even thought it says that it syncs.  I still have to set default charging to value schedule to use value charging.  
  • MFM range is still stuck on 15 miles where it was when the upgrade took place.
  • Trip logs are hit and miss and seem to be getting worse if anything.  I've noticed that completion times are even inaccurate and sometimes show the exact time I login to get an update rather then when the trip actually ended.  In general, data in trip logs are unreliable even for trips that MFM decides to capture.

I did pull the fuse as suggested by Ford Team even thought I had zero confidence it would do anything.  I left it out about 4 minutes to be sure.  No dice.  The only hope I see is that several have noted that after a few weeks functionality has magically come back.  Come on Ford....figure this out.  

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I had the modem replaced in December for the Field Service Action that was active on my car. It seems after the new year the MFM connectivity has been lost. Ive tried pulling the fuse 10 several times to no avail, I also tried adding and deleting the car from the website with no success, and also tried pulling the 12V negative battery cable. I noticed the ESN number starts with an "N", did the dealer replace my modem with another 2g modem? 

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Thanks for the quick response bob, what would be the best way of explaining this to the dealer that performed the service? Should I reach out to someone here, or should I just try an work with the dealer explaining the situation? Would seem pretty stupid to send another 2G modem when it specifically stated in the FSA the updated part number. SMH.

Edited by wilson502
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Mistakes happen. I'd just go to the dealer and say they installed the incorrect modem. Take pictures like jdbob said and show them they put the wrong one in. My guess is they had a few of the older ones in their stuck, and the tech just grabbed the next one in line. I had a correct modem installed but it turned out to be DOA and I had to take my car back to be fixed. It's supposed to be ready later today and I'm itching to get it back!

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Update - my modem is now reliably changing to the Work value charge profile when I arrive at my job, so that's the good news.


The bad news is that my car doesn't seem capable of recognizing when it's at Home. Mind you - MyFord Mobile DOES know I'm home (showing, "your car is at home waiting to charge" or something similar), but the car itself doesn't have clue.


So my current workaround is to leave the Default profile on Value Charging, and the Work profile on Charge Now. Since these are the only two places I charge, it solves the problem. I don't have time to waste at the dealership knowing they'll be of no use whatsoever, so I'm just going to stick with this workaround.


Have to say this makes me seriously question whether I'll buy another Ford plug-in when my lease is up. The 18-mile EV range is inadequate (especially when compared to the Volt's 53 mile electric range), this modem problem is ridiculous, and driving in the rain with front-wheel drive and Ford's low-resistance tires is terrifying (there's very little traction, especially around corners).

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My upgrade was done on 12/15.  While the connectivity and updates are much improved for me, everything else is a big disappointment.  

  • MFM does recognize locations including my only charging location (home), but it will not value charge even thought it says that it syncs.  I still have to set default charging to value schedule to use value charging.  
  • MFM range is still stuck on 15 miles where it was when the upgrade took place.
  • Trip logs are hit and miss and seem to be getting worse if anything.  I've noticed that completion times are even inaccurate and sometimes show the exact time I login to get an update rather then when the trip actually ended.  In general, data in trip logs are unreliable even for trips that MFM decides to capture.

I did pull the fuse as suggested by Ford Team even thought I had zero confidence it would do anything.  I left it out about 4 minutes to be sure.  No dice.  The only hope I see is that several have noted that after a few weeks functionality has magically come back.  Come on Ford....figure this out.  

Well what do you know-- it finally happened today.  Just like others, my range magically started reading correct and is updating again.  4 weeks and a day after the modem replacement.  I did upgrade from Sync 3.6 to 3.8 this past Sunday and did pull the fuse one more time later that same day, but I have no indication that has anything to do with it beginning to work today, 5 days later.  I'll find out tonight whether or not value charge settings recognize home location settings or if that is still broken.

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Well what do you know-- it finally happened today.  Just like others, my range magically started reading correct and is updating again.  4 weeks and a day after the modem replacement.  I did upgrade from Sync 3.6 to 3.8 this past Sunday and did pull the fuse one more time later that same day, but I have no indication that has anything to do with it beginning to work today, 5 days later.  I'll find out tonight whether or not value charge settings recognize home location settings or if that is still broken.


Same here, range estimate is now working again.

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I had the 2G modem replaced on 12/12/16...it was stuck on 10 miles until this morning. I just checked MFM and it is now working correctly, showing the battery charging bar and updating the battery mileage. Being an early adopter of the 2013 FFH I didn't want to be at the dealer every other week. I just let it be, didn't pull fuses, stayed away from the dealer and just ignored it. I guess in this case, all it took was patience.

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