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Modem in Car 3G Upgrade?


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Think im going to let a couple rounds of people get the upgrade before i go. Mine still works plus hopefully any issues can be addressed before my car gets messed with.


My Dealership is telling me this is just a reprogramming... no part to replace. Not even sure where to start with them.


I tried calling the customer satisfaction number listed in the letter but it seems like waste of time and bailed during the information collection phase of the call. Guess I will just make multiple trips to the dealership.


At least they are addressing the issue of installing a modem that is no longer supported, I just wish the dealers knew a little more about their cars. 

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Had my modem replaced last week. I called and scheduled the appointment prior to receiving the letter. I confirmed that they saw the FSA and asked them to order the part in advance so I didn't need to make multiple visits. They confirmed that a new part was required, ordered it, and called to confirm for me that the part had arrived prior to the visit. It's working fine and MyFordMobile seems to update very quickly now. 


My Dealership is telling me this is just a reprogramming... no part to replace. Not even sure where to start with them.


The FSA number (15N04) should be all that you need to give them -- and you shouldn't even need to give them that as it should be already added to your VIN. It very clearly says that a new part is needed. I'd call them back and ask to speak to someone else if they give you the same story.

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My Dealership is telling me this is just a reprogramming... no part to replace. Not even sure where to start with them.


I tried calling the customer satisfaction number listed in the letter but it seems like waste of time and bailed during the information collection phase of the call. Guess I will just make multiple trips to the dealership.


At least they are addressing the issue of installing a modem that is no longer supported, I just wish the dealers knew a little more about their cars. 

This is a part. A modem. Easy to install but some programing involved. Took Asheville Ford 90 minutes including a free car wash! Seems faster than prior 2G modem.

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I had one car done and this week hopefully the second one will be done. The dealer has to order the part and it can take awhile. It will be nice to have myford mobile working in both cars.


A great thing about the new 3G modem is that when you create a hotspot and join the network you can actually browse the internet. It's very slow, but it works.  



(I filled up one of our cars today. Wow, I'm glad I don't have to do that very often! )

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My service guy was supposed to order the new modem on 10/28, and he said he would call me when the part arrived.  I'm still waiting for that call.  He said it may take "a while."  At first he told me this will not be covered since it is not a warranty issue.  I replied that this is a recall so it is covered and that I received the letter explaining actions to take.  He looked up my information, and sure enough it showed the FSA 15N04, and it appeared to explain the steps involved that the dealer has to take.


It's just strange that the service people are not all up to date on these issues.

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My service guy was supposed to order the new modem on 10/28, and he said he would call me when the part arrived.  I'm still waiting for that call.  He said it may take "a while."  At first he told me this will not be covered since it is not a warranty issue.  I replied that this is a recall so it is covered and that I received the letter explaining actions to take.  He looked up my information, and sure enough it showed the FSA 15N04, and it appeared to explain the steps involved that the dealer has to take.


It's just strange that the service people are not all up to date on these issues.


Odd. The modem is available "next day". All the dealer needs is your VIN to order. It is a quick and easy part swap and a bit of set-up. Obviously you dealer is no fan of plug-ins!

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Yes, I learned fairly quickly that the service guys do not know a lot about the Energi.  I was the first Energi owner in my town, and I know an employee of the dealer bought an Energi SE about a year later, so now there are at least 2 of us.  It seems to depend on how well my service guy reads up on the recalls or issues.  One service guy I had was great and would proactively tell me all the TSB's or recalls that would be performed if not already completed.  Now I have a new guy.  He has not charged my car before I pick it up.  The other guys would always charge my car.  The last time I took my car in it was raining so we'll see if the new guy washes my car and charges it the next time.  Fingers crossed.


Now if he would just call me to let me know that the modem is in.......

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I took mine in the other day to get the latch recall done as well as the TCU replacement. I come back to pick up and they hadn't done the TCU. He tried to tell me that FSA 15N04 was just an extended warranty so I showed him the letter. He went and called someone and came back and said they wouldn't have the part available until December or January.

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I took mine in the other day to get the latch recall done as well as the TCU replacement. I come back to pick up and they hadn't done the TCU. He tried to tell me that FSA 15N04 was just an extended warranty so I showed him the letter. He went and called someone and came back and said they wouldn't have the part available until December or January.

It took a couple of weeks for my dealer to get the modem.  It will be installed next Thursday.

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So I did a night drop on my car last night and got there before close.  I pointed out the FSA to the service rep and asked if that could be taken care of at the same time and he said NO.  I said why not.  They won't do this unless you are having an issue.  He said your screen pretty much has to be blank.  I said, umm this is a modem that isn't going to be working for much longer and he said well we will test, but probably won't do anything about it. 


What is the purpose of this FSA showing up in my owner account if it isn't supposed to be done to my car???  Anyone?

@Timewellspent - They're wrong - Though they may not have one in stock. It took just one day, but it had to be ordered for us. We had to take it in so he could read all the info he needed to order it. It arrived the next day and was installed on Friday. it took about 2 hours to do while we waited. 

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I had my modem replaced last week at the local Lincoln dealer. He ordered it two weeks ago when I called him; it arrived in two days; I made the appointment, dropped off the car, was taken to work, picked up from work, and the job was done correctly in about two hours.


I stopped going to the Ford dealer a few months ago because they had to re-do the work on both visits; they seemed to be not up to par (I have learned from other Ford owners of similar unsatisfactory service visits since then). The service manager at the Lincoln dealer is great, easy to work with, very responsive. He was familiar with this process and acted accordingly.


On a previous visit he performed the TSB for the clicking noise from the front half-shafts in spite of my car having been made after the date listed in the TSB that said my car should have had the washers installed as part of the production assembly. It did not have the washers, and performing the TSB corrected the problem.


If you are not happy with a Ford dealer, go to a Lincoln dealer. They are authorized to work on Fords. 

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We had to take it in so he could read all the info he needed to order it. It arrived the next day and was installed on Friday. it took about 2 hours to do while we waited. 


This is what they had to do for me as well.  I'm surprised others are saying they were able to have the part ordered without seeing the car first.  On another note, has anyone else had the issue where the car status of mile range being stuck on where it was when the modem was replaced according to MyFord Mobile?  It is correct in the car, but mine is stuck on 11miles according to MFM.

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They should not need to see the car for a Field Service Action.  All they need is the VIN to look up the action.  They are not determining if something is broken.  They are replacing a part that Ford has dictated needs to be replaced.


I don't doubt you, but the dealer I went to said they needed info off the old part so it could be tied to the new part.  I even said shouldn't you have all that info based on VIN and he said they need to confirm.

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On another note, has anyone else had the issue where the car status of mile range being stuck on where it was when the modem was replaced according to MyFord Mobile?  It is correct in the car, but mine is stuck on 11miles according to MFM.

Yes, that seems to be the case with me as well. Stuck at 22 miles of EV range even though the battery is at 0% right now.

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For me it's mostly working, the % reported is always correct, and I can start car and remote lock/unlock.  I think the issue with charge now/value charge has to do with it confusing between default and a specific location set, but I tried removing and add that location back in and it still gets confused.  I have to set default to value charge and then at home it does my scheduled charge times.  Still wondering if anyone is sure that removing vehicle and adding again on the website will definitely fix the issue and if that resets stats?

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Finishing our third week in possession of a 2017 FFE.  Have had nothing but trouble with MFM since the start.  


Adding a second driver was not intuitive at all.  I would choose to ADD USER, enter their e-mail address, then get a message with a link to 'confirm' the addition, however the link would drop me at the sign in page for MFM, even though I was already within the website.  After re-entering the website, looking under MY ACCOUNT and selecting VEHICLE AND DRIVER MANAGEMENT the page displays two columns, VEHICLES and DRIVERS & PRIVILEGES.  One would think a driver needing confirmation would be listed under drivers with a tick box to confirm.  It is found under Vehicles/Vehicle Name/*previously entered name* and selecting the tick box to Edit the Vehicle name.  As odd as that is, no one on the FORD help phone line, MFM section, seems to have ever had anyone ask how to add a second driver.  It seemed like such a novel idea and they had no idea how to walk through the process.  They escalated my inquiry and opened a case number for the issue on OCT 31, which of course meant no one called me back until NOV 7.  Their answer take it into my dealer to have the firmware upgraded in the car.


I had sorted out the additional driver issue on my own by then, but was having other MFM issues along the way.  Go times won't sync, can't lock/unlock car,  System health and tire pressure info stopped showing up on phone, but is on the website. Can't update value charge choices from website, will not synch.  Etc.


So I took the car in and the service writer was not interested in the case number.  Took my vague description of my problems and after having it for a day have determined that it needs a SOP module?  I thought he said they were going to swap the modem, but the follow up email said SOP module.  Any idea what that is?

Edited by woeo
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I was able to have one car updated with no problem. Now after waiting 2 weeks, the dealer says Ford is rejecting the second car because it is not eligible. Ford corp. says it is eligible, to try another dealer. Tried a second dealer and they said they check and would call me back. They never did. Any more ideas?

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I was able to have one car updated with no problem. Now after waiting 2 weeks, the dealer says Ford is rejecting the second car because it is not eligible. Ford corp. says it is eligible, to try another dealer. Tried a second dealer and they said they check and would call me back. They never did. Any more ideas?

Does the FSA appear in the owner.ford.com account for the car?

Did you receive a notice in the mail for the car?

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Mine is also stuck at 11 miles after the modem upgrade. Also it seems I cant set new go times and it also doesn't seem to switch between value and charge now. Someone mentioned removing the car from website and readding. Will that reset the stats like gallons saved and achievements?

Mine is also stuck at 11 miles after modem upgrade

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