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Found another interesting site


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I like following the advancements in battery technologies as a lot seems to be happening right now.


My normal cruise through Facebook highlighted a new site with a technical article I could barely understand: 

http://chargedevs.com/newswire/beating-the-polysulfide-shuttle-to-build-a-solid-state-battery-approaching-theoretical-capacity/  (National Drive Electric Week posted this article with the comment "Battery advancement is accelerating!!!". Not sure I see anything in there more than other articles praising Solid State (but I do not understand over half that article either). Solid State does seem to be real promising though. 


But on that site they also had this interesting article with technology that will hit the market in the near future (2017 listed)  http://chargedevs.com/newswire/solidenergy-hopes-to-double-ev-battery-range-by-2017/


I have always thought that if we ever put our collective minds together and looked at solving the energy storage problem it would solve our energy problems. There is energy all around us. The next few years should be very interesting, so happy that car companies in addition to major electronics companies like Panasonic and Samsung are investing here. If only the giant energy companies would join in (a positive way - not like Chevron did a to kill the last time GM tried to launch an electric car) the research. Just redirect a bit of that vast sum of money used for oil exploration.... One can hope. 

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