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Throwing this out there, but I'm sure you guys did all of this...


Try checking the menus in the left screen of the instrument cluster under Vehicle -> Remote Start -> System and see if it's on or off.  Since the remote fob itself seems to be working, I'd expect it to be on.  I'd also check the climate settings.  I have mine set for Heater: – A/C Auto.


Second thing to check is your clock settings.  Make sure it's set for the correct time and correct time of day (am/pm).  Make sure the Go Time isn't set for vacation mode or skipped. 


If everything in there looks normal, you could try resetting the car by pulling the negative 12V battery cable in the trunk of the vehicle, leaving it sit for 10 minutes, and reconnecting it.  The car is a giant computer and reboots fix more than their fair share of issues. :)  This resets a lot of stuff though... certain things you may need to reprogram.


I do not leave my climate system on when I exit the vehicle since it's usually warm enough in the afternoon to not need it on the way home, but the go time still pre-heats/cools the car during the set times.  Remote starting the car also overrides the fact that I leave the climate off.

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Yes, mine work as they should.  I see the charge indicator on my charger indicating that it's sending energy to the car, and when I go to put my crap in the back seat, it's nice 'n warm.  When I press the trigger to unplug, everything shuts down since I have the climate system off usually.


I never checked to see what time the car actually starts to precondition itself though.

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Have you actually gotten the go times to work on your Energi? I mean actually engage them when they're supposed to work? I haven't had anyone actually confirm that they have successfully gotten the go times to work. Programming them is one thing, but getting them to work is another! 

Read post #26 (two posts before your #28 post).

It is not a universal problem.

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Well my first use of Go Times worked. It didn't shut off though at the set time. I have a go time of 7:55 and when I went out it was still working. I had to manually disengage the charger before it stopped. Is the Go Time when I am supposed to go, or is it when it starts? Also, I did not care much for the racket that came out from under the hood. It didn't sound good, like the motor was struggling, that is the best description I can give. Any feedback on that would be appreciated as well.




Fr. Bill

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There are a lot of people that have this problem, its been over a month and still no resolution to my parent's energi.  They even had it in the shop for 3 days and they could not get it to work.  I suspect there will be some sort of recall in the future regarding this problem if they ever figure out what the problem is.

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There are a lot of people that have this problem, its been over a month and still no resolution to my parent's energi.  They even had it in the shop for 3 days and they could not get it to work.  I suspect there will be some sort of recall in the future regarding this problem if they ever figure out what the problem is.

Mine works fine as does many others, I doubt a recall would occur but I bet a new TSB will be coming out soon to correct this -- we've seen other TSBs about charging DTCs and errors about vehicle being plugged in, etc.  So this seems (to me, anyway) like a software glitch and since it's more than just 1-2 cars affected there will be a TSB that will fix it, once enough data is collected and the fix is derived./tested/approved... my 2¢ anyway.

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Throwing this out there, but I'm sure you guys did all of this...


Try checking the menus in the left screen of the instrument cluster under Vehicle -> Remote Start -> System 


Thanks for posting this.  I found out my time was only set for 10 mins instead of 15.  Mine works, and isn't very loud.  Just has a little whirl from fans or something.

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FF: no problem.  There are more settings in there than I expected for remote start options.  The manual covers the menu tree to make it easier to see everything without playing with the car itself.


I noticed that 'go times' seem to be a lot more quiet in regards to the HVAC fans.  I presume it isn't trying to rush the temperature to the set point and makes an effort to be more quiet, unlike remote start that ONLY has a 15 minute window to get your temp where you want it.  The car is extremely quiet when I go out to it in the morning to begin my commute.


The A/C had kicked on a few times while using remote start when the temperature overshot in the cabin.  The compressor makes a whirring noise and the radiator fan comes on to move air over the condenser.  Consequently, that makes quite a bit of noise.


I have noticed that while using remote start in cold weather, that it defaults to floor/defrost as it warms the car, at least while I had it plugged in.  I have yet to remote start it with it unplugged.

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I can't figure out what's happening with my Go Time heating issues either.  If I remote start, the car's always warm when I get to it.  My Go Time heating is hit or miss and usually a miss.  Blowers are on, but the air is cold.  I've tried to reset temperature to 85 rather than 72 - still cold.  I've left the climate system on and off before getting out of the car.  Every controlled experiement leads me back to the same thing.  Random heating from Go Time.  Any suggestions? ? ? 

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Well so far no resolution to the GO TIMES issue. Still set them manually on the car itself and nothing gets activated in the morning. Tried on the MFM site and it doesn't work either. Not sure what else needs to happen. I have taken it to the dealer, but I cannot imagine they will find a way to get it to work either. The instructions on how to use GO TIMES are straightforward and simple, and I am certain I am following them to the letter. Feature just isn't working despite all the tweaks recommended here as well. 

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I just got the latest software update and my go times are still inop.  The charger kicks on but nothing happens in the car.


You've very likely checked this, but worth mentioning since it's something I noticed the other day -  when setting the Go Times using the MFM web site, when selecting or changing the days I noticed that any change in the days/times used a default cabin temp setting of 'OFF' so I wonder if it's possible that your cabin temp settings got inadvertently set that way?  Maybe it's worth a login to the MFM site and checking.

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You've very likely checked this, but worth mentioning since it's something I noticed the other day -  when setting the Go Times using the MFM web site, when selecting or changing the days I noticed that any change in the days/times used a default cabin temp setting of 'OFF' so I wonder if it's possible that your cabin temp settings got inadvertently set that way?  Maybe it's worth a login to the MFM site and checking.


Jeff, I tried that too. You may notice (at least I did) that there is no "enter", "confirm" or "save" prompt on that page. When I set it to ""on" and set my temp to 72 degrees, it just defaults to off and a 7:00 set time when you revisit the page. Nothing seems to work. I even deleted my MFM account and set the go times manually on my car. Still nothing.

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I guess my Energi was hoping I would take it on a ride!...... I had went into the garage to get a tool and when I did, what did I hear and see, the heater warming the cabin compartment and the Leviton flashing yellow(drawing current). I slide on my shoes and rushed to the car. Opening the door I felt a nicely warmed cabin. ? I unplugged the 240 and rushed back inside to grab my keys. I hurried back to the Energi and slid into the cockpit. After I pressed the start button I checked the go time settings to see if I had setup a new go time or turned an old set time back on. I looked at all the days and times. Strange, nothing set to On in the go time settings was anywhere close to the current time. !? Why had it came on? Was Ford working on a secret project? Had I been HACKED! Pinching myself......ouch.....No, I wasn't sleeping. I performed an exorcism just to be safe(kidding).

Any ideas?

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I guess my Energi was hoping I would take it on a ride!...... I had went into the garage to get a tool and when I did, what did I hear and see, the heater warming the cabin compartment and the Leviton flashing yellow(drawing current). I slide on my shoes and rushed to the car. Opening the door I felt a nicely warmed cabin. ? I unplugged the 240 and rushed back inside to grab my keys. I hurried back to the Energi and slid into the cockpit. After I pressed the start button I checked the go time settings to see if I had setup a new go time or turned an old set time back on. I looked at all the days and times. Strange, nothing set to On in the go time settings was anywhere close to the current time. !? Why had it came on? Was Ford working on a secret project? Had I been HACKED! Pinching myself......ouch.....No, I wasn't sleeping. I performed an exorcism just to be safe(kidding).

Any ideas?


I think somehow you remote started your car.  :)

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I think somehow you remote started your car.  :)

After your tip I first checked to see if Remote start was enabled. Confirmed Remote start enabled on. Then checked temperature settings under remote start .....it is set to last setting used. I have only been using the heater with the go times to warm the cabin before departure. During all my previous trip I have kept the climate off and just put up with slowly getting cold.

Then I tested (with the Energi plugged in) the remote start. It did turn the EV on, but the climate was off. If I did remote start the vehile on(keys on desk) it still would not explain the cabin being heated.

Thanks for your advice though, I appreciate all the help.

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I've had the car since August and now that the weather is getting colder I have been trying to get go times working to warm up the car for a few weeks.   So far I haven't had any luck and I've been reading all the related posts hoping to find a solution.  After reading your post above and a notification I just received I had an idea.  Is it possible that the preconditioning is happening but not at the correct time?  Maybe a certain number of hours offset from the schedule?   I was changing notification settings yesterday and just got my first plug in reminder.  My value charge profile starts at 7pm but the notification sent at 5:40pm said the charge was starting in 79 minutes at 2pm.   Maybe the time being off in the notification is unrelated but i was curious if your car warmed up at some hour offset from your scheduled time. 


"11/20/2013 05:40:52 PM"

"scheduled to start charging in 79 minutes at 11/20/2013 02:00 PM"

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Good point, although every morning the car is preconfigured on time just before taking the kids to school. We do not use the second setting, i believe the second setting was running even though it was set to off. I will investigate and keep you posted. Thanks

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I've had the car since August and now that the weather is getting colder I have been trying to get go times working to warm up the car for a few weeks. So far I haven't had any luck and I've been reading all the related posts hoping to find a solution. After reading your post above and a notification I just received I had an idea. Is it possible that the preconditioning is happening but not at the correct time? Maybe a certain number of hours offset from the schedule? I was changing notification settings yesterday and just got my first plug in reminder. My value charge profile starts at 7pm but the notification sent at 5:40pm said the charge was starting in 79 minutes at 2pm. Maybe the time being off in the notification is unrelated but i was curious if your car warmed up at some hour offset from your scheduled time. "11/20/2013 05:40:52 PM""scheduled to start charging in 79 minutes at 11/20/2013 02:00 PM"

If you haven't already, I would recommend you take the Energi to the shop and have them perform a system update on your car.

Edited by FusionEnergi
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