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AVERAGE Range on a Full Charge


Range on a Full Charge  

245 members have voted

  1. 1. What Is Your AVERAGE Range on a Full Charge

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Even though we're kind of derailing this 'average range on a charge' topic...


The cruising aspect of the Ren Man category starts being negatively impacted around 38 or 39MPH.  If you drive with the coach bars, you'll see it start shrinking around that speed.  The only way around it and keeping your scores high is to find routes at 40mph or less.  The Eco Route of the navigation system does that quite well.  It will actually prefer a slower route, and I also believe it counts the number of intersections you cross, or it may take navigational data from others to see how often they stop and go on a particular route.  Considering you indicated that your route is 35mph, it's easier to understand how you reached 99 in that category.


Braking takes in to account how many 'miles' of energy you recaptured from stopping.  The more you drive in stop and go traffic will raise that number.  It's a rolling 30 day period so unless you're out driving in New York or taking side streets everywhere you go, I personally never expect to be anywhere near that top 10.  I do not know if it counts coasting regen or not (if you're going downhill or just rolling up to a stoplight without touching the brakes before it turns green again).


Gas Sipper is rubbish.  All that is measuring is your furthest trip before you powercycle the car.  It doesn't care if you charge or not fill up at all.  If you drive 30 miles and turn the car off, that would be considered the number of miles driven.  Most of my trips are about 5.3 miles, but I made multiple trips to Detroit around Halloween weekend, so now my Gas Sipper number is 25 miles.  Once I get beyond 30 days, it'll drop to 11 again (the distance to my parent's house).

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I voted 24.  16 miles to work all ev. It depends on conditions but I seem to average about 8 miles back home before it switches over to hybrid mode. 


But if I measure it going home, then it would have to be less because the last 4 miles is all up hill.


Another way to say it is... On the myfordmobile web side it says it takes about 3.1 kwh hours to get to work on average and 4.6 kwh to get home (when I charge at the Fred Meyer across the street from work occasionally). 


I live at 800 feet above sea level and work at 100 feet above sea level.  The commute is 6 miles of surface streets and 6 miles of freeway at 60mph, and 4 miles of stop and go freeway traffic.


Odometer is 2292 miles and the lifetime average mpge is 82 (down from 91 in warmer weather).

Edited by tangozulu
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have noticed that my initial battery range has been dropping, when I first got the car in March it would show 26-28 miles after full charge, but in the fall that dropped to 23-25 and now with the "cold-snap (morning high 40s- low 50s)" it will not go over 20. I hope this is not a trend.

Cold weather significantly affects the range of the HVB. I am in subzero weather on a daily basis and I have seen my range drop by about 40% vs when it was 50 outside.

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I would receive between 31 and 33 miles estimated on MyFordMobile with temps around 90.  Now, with temps in the teens, my estimated range is 18, which is about a 45% drop.  The colder it gets, the more it's going to decrease, and at some point, the ICE will come on even with the battery being fully charged.  The Volt does the same thing and the battery is twice the size of that in the Fusion and C-MAX.


Even normal lead-acid batteries can't provide anywhere near the power they can during the summer.  Any ICE will turn over more slowly while starting in the cold of winter.

Edited by Russael
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  • 1 month later...

I currently have driven 1493 miles on the original tank of gas from the dealer in just a little over two months and I have a quarter tank left.  I commute 7.3 miles each way (14.6 miles), lunch trip 4.5 miles each way( 9. Miles) and kick into hybrid mode  within a block or two to my house. Loving the car so far!  Over two months without a fill up! 

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I currently have driven 1493 miles on the original tank of gas from the dealer in just a little over two months and I have a quarter tank left.  I commute 7.3 miles each way (14.6 miles), lunch trip 4.5 miles each way( 9. Miles) and kick into hybrid mode  within a block or two to my house. Loving the car so far!  Over two months without a fill up!


Sounds like you have the perfect length commute.


EV+ has been my friend on many occasions, keeping the engine from turning on as I approach my home on battery 'fumes.'

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Just bought the fusion energi, been a cold Utah January.  I have a 8 mile round trip to work, one charge definitely gets me to work and back.  The myFordMobile gauge on my phone has told me I have had as much as 20 miles to the charge, but when I get in the car, the gauge in the car itself has not been higher than 16 miles.  when I first got the car, it said full charge was about 9 miles.  I have been a cautious driver, left the heater off, (thank heavens for gloves and heated seats)  watched the miles climb from about 9 for full charge to about 16, hoping the conditioning with a 230 v charger gets it into the 20's.   I haven't preconditioned the battery with Go Times yet, waiting for the 220V charger I have on order.  Been a low in the 20's or low 30's the last few weeks.  Is it common for that much of a drop for unconditioned batteries in the cold? 


Second question, I have had the ICI kick on for a brief time a few mornings, I assume just to warm the engine/battery up.  I figure that will go away if I start preconditioning?

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When the car sits in the cold, the battery estimate drains.  For instance, when I arrive at work with about 10 miles remaining (8 degrees out this morning), I easily lose 2 miles by the time I get in the car to leave (9 hours later).


Preconditioning should prevent the ice from starting, as long as you have the climate set to "off".  It all depends on where the car is parked and how cold it gets.  The car doesn't let the battery get below a certain "cold threshold".  I'm not sure what that temperature threshold is.


I precondition and use the heat.  If you precondition and don't use the heat, the windows will fog over pretty quickly because of the temperature difference so then you end up using the defogger/froster which uses more energy than climate set to "auto"; although some people crack windows or vent the climate (so you end up cold anyway). 


I use the heat because I want to feel comfortable in my $40k car.  I'll make up for the "lost mileage" when the weather warms into the 40's.



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So Go times don't increase distance by warming engine?  Bummer.  Seems odd that it wouldn't use that opportunity to warm the batteries a bit.  

I am sure this next question is in the manual, haven't got that far yet.  To precondition, do you set the car to auto, to warm up the whole cabin, and then turn it off auto to maximize distance?

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So Go times don't increase distance by warming engine?  Bummer.  Seems odd that it wouldn't use that opportunity to warm the batteries a bit.  

I am sure this next question is in the manual, haven't got that far yet.  To precondition, do you set the car to auto, to warm up the whole cabin, and then turn it off auto to maximize distance?


You don't have to set the climate to anything.  Just set the "go times" in MFT, or MyFord Mobile.  You set time to "go", and temperature to have cabin warmed to.  When you leave the house you can set climate to "auto", or "off", or whatever you want.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I updated my estimated range from 30 miles to 21.  I do get estimates around 32 in the summer and can get that kind of range, but now that the car is 1 year old and has survived a full season of temperatures and weather, my winter estimates were around 15 - 16 without heat, and I'd get around 10 - 12 with it with preconditioning.  So my average for a year of ownership is about 21.

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I updated my estimated range from 30 miles to 21.  I do get estimates around 32 in the summer and can get that kind of range, but now that the car is 1 year old and has survived a full season of temperatures and weather, my winter estimates were around 15 - 16 without heat, and I'd get around 10 - 12 with it with preconditioning.  So my average for a year of ownership is about 21.


Since I got my car in the winter i just assumed the 21 miles was a bit of a stretch, or like EPA MPG only under "perfect" conditions. Now that temperatures are up, I am getting 25ish on a charge. This huge swing of available range makes me really glad I didn't go with a leaf or other all electric. Not knowing how much range you really have would certainly give me range anxiety!

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