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Frustrated with the "Value Charge" feature


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The first profile shown is set up incorrectly.  You need to choose different priorities for each value charge window.  Since that was not done, MyFord Mobile did it for you and you ended up with the second profile shown, which is not what you want.  Each of the value charge windows in the profile must have a different height when you set it up.  In the first one, it looks like for the weekday value charge windows, 12:00 am to 6:00 am was set to the minimum cost and all the rest were set to the max cost.  So MyFord mobile changed it for you.  It left from 12:00 am to 6:00 am at the lowest cost, then 6:00 am to 9:00 am the next highest cost, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at a yet higher cost, etc.


You need to change the weekend value charge windows so that 10:00 pm to 12:00 am is the lowest cost, 12:00 am to 6:00 am is the second lowest cost, and then whatever you want for the rest.


Since 12:00 am to 6:00 am in the weekday value charge windows has lower cost than 10:00 pm to 12:00 am in the weekend value charge windows, it is going to wait until 12:00 AM to charge.


Note that the default profile has 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM as the lowest cost charge value window and the rest of the times are in the highest cost value charge window.  It has only two windows. 


Is this explained somewhere on the website, or in the manual or somewhere?


I don't understand why I need multiple windows at varying heights. 


My requirements are very simple:  On weekdays, I don't want the car to charge at any time between 7 am and midnight.  On weekends, I don't want it to charge during  5 pm and 9 pm.


All other hours are "off peak".  That's the only time I want the car to charge.


What am I supposed to do to effect this?

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I already asked if there was a way to delete the extra windows.  They simply noted my request.  I only found out that they must be different heights by trial and error.  There is no manual.  If you don't set the five windows to all have a different height, MyFord Mobile will do it for you as you have seen, and it didn't do it the way you wanted it to work. 


For the weekend charge windows, simply make 10 PM to 12 AM the lowest cost, 12 AM to 6 AM the next lowest cost, 6 AM to 10 AM the third lowest cost, 10 AM to 5 PM, the fourth lowest cost, and 5 PM to 10 PM the highest cost.  The weekday windows are fine.


Also, be careful when you set the GO times.  If you set the GO time for 3 PM and plug in the car at 7 AM on the weekdays, it will charge immediately.  It will make sure the car is charged by your GO time, which means it may be forced to use the higher cost windows.  If you do not set a GO time, it will make sure that the car is charged within 24 hours.  It will use the lowest cost charge windows during the off peak hours like you want. 

Edited by larryh
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Pluggedin, I have to agree with you on this too. If it's more trouble than it's worth, forgettaboutit. I set up the charging times but didn't think I needed to do the "Go" time too. I wanted it to start charging at midnight, but it will send me a text at 3pm saying that it is time for me to plug my car in!


I will just go back to what I've been doing for months - manually plugging it in whenever I go to bed which is always after 9PM. I know my rates go down at 9PM but they go down even more at midnight. Not a huge deal. I just hope I can undo the Value Charge setting without it getting all upset. 


I don't need to get in the car every morning at a set time and I don't even drive it every day. 

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Pluggedin, I have to agree with you on this too. If it's more trouble than it's worth, forgettaboutit. I set up the charging times but didn't think I needed to do the "Go" time too. I wanted it to start charging at midnight, but it will send me a text at 3pm saying that it is time for me to plug my car in!


I will just go back to what I've been doing for months - manually plugging it in whenever I go to bed which is always after 9PM. I know my rates go down at 9PM but they go down even more at midnight. Not a huge deal. I just hope I can undo the Value Charge setting without it getting all upset. 


I don't need to get in the car every morning at a set time and I don't even drive it every day. 

There you go howardbc, keep it simple. Larryh seems to be only one with a real handle on that system anyway, bless his little heart.

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It seems to have worked OK this weekend.  As nearly as I can tell, anyway.


When I look at the messages on the MyFordMobile website, it tells me the car started/stopped charging at all kinds of times that seem to have nothing to do with the value-charge windows.  I don't know if those reported times are accurate, but it is charging at off-peak hours anyway.  I'm happy to have gotten that much out of it, at this point.


Thanks for your help.

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OK, so I thought this was working correctly... However, tonight, when I got home from work, I plugged it in, and it waited to charge, as desired.  Shortly thereafter, it apparently started charging for some unknown reason, and charged up fully during peak hours...  :rant2: :banghead: :runaway: :rant:  :doh: :waiting: :headscratch:

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Monitor the EV info screen in the car when you get home to make sure the next GO time is correct, the value charge profile name is Home2, value charge is enabled, and the next charge time is as expected.  It should select the value charge profile to use based on current location. 

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Monitor the EV info screen in the car when you get home to make sure the next GO time is correct, the value charge profile name is Home2, value charge is enabled, and the next charge time is as expected.  It should select the value charge profile to use based on current location. 


OK, I checked the EV info screen in the car when I got home today, and sure enough, it was timed to start charging right away.


I went into the MyFordMobile site and reset the profiles--for the hundredth time--and it synced back up to the proper schedule once again.  So it's working OK tonight.


Will keep trying...

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I gave up and switched the charge option back to what it was before. In other words, the default setting, NOT Value Charge, but the app keeps on telling me it's time to plug in, even though it's not set for Value Charge and it's not anywhere close to the low-rate time. I never have touched the Go Time options. 


I guess it's another glitch. I still get emails/texts that my car has had an accidental unplug even though it previously told me my car was fully charged and so I had unplugged it to leave the house.  ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This thread is old, but two quick points:


First, there is now--at least in Calif--a deep integration with your utilities EV/time of use plans.  I merely tell MyFordMobile who I buy electricity from (PGE) and the plan (EV-A) and it does the rest.  I don't know how well it does the rest, and give the issues above, I'd be inclined to micromanage for a week or two, but don't see a way to access those settings.


Second, and this is a bug (anyone with ideas on how to get these to the right folk in ford?): on the MyFordMobile ap (iPhone version, at least), if you attempt to override value charging at a specific location (say Home, when you need to top up during peak for some reason), it doesn't seem to work.   The ap allows you to tap on the battery in the battery tab, bringing up options that appear to let you adjust the settings (in this case, from Value to ChargeNow), and it proceeds to sync, but a manual sync thereafter shows no charging.  


Anyhow, I'm a newbie here, but appreciative of the wisdom of the crowd on all the threads I've read.   

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Yes, MyFord Mobile has been updated to include various utilities/plans for value charging.  Unfortunately, it doesn't include in the list of power companies my service provider.


I find that MyFord Mobile does not always reliably sync changes made to value charging on MyFord Mobile with the car.  Sometimes, it takes hours to complete the sync.  But most of the time it is successful.  You will just have to keep trying and eventually it will get it right.  After the initial setup, fortunately, you should not have to change it any further. 

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