I have been doing a lot of research for a few weeks now, narrowed it down to the FFE. I've watched/read every review out there, did a few test drives (including the competition), and read most of the threads on here. I've got my exact build mapped out, and am dying to put in my order, but have one MAJOR concern. I am buying a house w/ garage and should be able to move in come late fall/early winter. In the mean time, I rent a house with, as stated above, no garage and no carport. I do have two separate outdoor outlets that will easily reach to the car (thanks for the info on that, this is how i stumbled on the forum), and I don't mind unplugging and stowing in the house/trunk after a charge. My concern is the weather, I really would like to charge at night, but i'm not sure that this would be reasonable, given the elements. I figure that I could always check the weather ahead of time, but that is never 100% accurate. Also even if I could get that figured out and into a working system, I'm worried about stuff like dew, the cord would be entirely above cement, but cars sitting in a lot dew up too. I am flexible then to charging in the evening but am not excited about the peak hours. Am I the only one doing this/interested in doing this. Any help would greatly be appreciated. And thanks for all the great info, this is an amazing forum, not trashed with junk, just all pertinent information.