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Ford Fusion Energi Forum

Katniss Everdeen

Fusion Energi Member
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About Katniss Everdeen

  1. Once I get my car back, yes its still in the shop at the moment. I will totally give this a try. Thanks for educating me on these cool things!
  2. Ooo, that's nifty! Why did the dealership not tell me about these cool things? I feel so left out
  3. Go time? Is my car capabale of doing this? I know I don't have remote start. I think that was something they didn't try to upsale me on...
  4. Shade.... that has to be the key. I have a new job, as of two weeks ago. The charging here is in the sun.... before I was always parked in the shade. o.0 wow, who would have thought that shade would make such a difference. A year! I went a year without this being an issue, dang. I will test this theory out over the next week and report back before marking this as solved. But I think this very well might be my solution. Thank you jeff_h for looking elswhere to help solve my problem.
  5. But the thing is, last summer we had record breaking highs here where it was around 120 on average and I didn't have a problem with my car then. So why is it happening now??
  6. Something I just thought of, which makes me think it isn't the gas now is that in the morning when it is in the 60's, maybe 70's, I will stay in electric mode the whole time no problem. But as soon as I get in my car to go home, now the temperature is closer to the 100's. This is when I drop from electric mode. Maybe I need to run the A/C more then? I usually just roll the windows down and let the wind keep me cool, my commute isn't to long usually and this keeps from using the electricity to fast.
  7. 20K for an oil change? o.0 I only did it really because its part of the package that I bought when I got the car, 2 times a year I get an oil change, whether I really need it or not. Otherwise I won't get the optimum use out of my contract. Oh well. Now would putting fuel stabilizer in the gas help with the degrigation of it?? I wish I had my car to go test this theory out. (Currently in the shop)
  8. Unless I come to a complete stop or a small 'hill' to go down it does not go back into electric mode. It will keep me in hybrid mode. Now when I say hill, it is a very minute drop in elevation that I really wouldn't consider a hill. I just got my oil changed last month, so I'm hoping it isn't because of the new oil they put in it. What is fuel maintenance?
  9. This is happening to me which ever mode I am in, minus the wait to use electric later mode. As both you stated, yes when I do hit the accelerator a little to hard it will drop me out of electric mode. This I have come to understand and accept. But when I have 15 miles on the battery and with the gentelist of acceleration possible why is it dropping me? I also understand that temperature effects the over all bettery level, in the winter I only get about 20 ish miles to the charge where as summer I get almost 30. Woohoo! haha. But that isn't the issue here either. The issue is that I still have a decent amount of charge on the battery but on a flat surface and slow acceleration, that should keep in electric mode, is now dropping me out of electric mode.
  10. Hello everyone! So I have a 2013 Ford Fusion Energi. I absolutely love my car. I have had it for 11.5 months now and I am on my second tank of gas with almost 9K miles on it. I bought the car brand new and have been in love since day one. The other day though it started doing something weird. It kept dropping me out of electric mode when I went to accelerate from a dead stop, at say a stop light. I still had 15 miles left of charge on the battery. A little about my driving. I may be 22 but I drive like an old person when I accelerate because I try to make my electric battery last as long as I can before I hit hybrid mode. So I have very slow starts and of course no sudden stops, have to capture as much energy back that I can, haha. Here are some factors that might be causing it. It is summer and the temperature where I am at has gone from the 60's, Fahrenheit, to the 100's. Now this isn't unusual but we had record breaking highs last summer and it this didn't happen then. Also there are no extreme hills where I am at so its not like the engine is working overtime to get up a hill. My question is, has anyone else had this problem? My service department is trying to tell me this is normal. It can't be normal though because it just started happening to me last week. Why would I spend an extra 20k on a plug in hybrid when I could have gone with the actual hybrid and saved myself the money.
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