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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Posts posted by fatmike

  1. Thanks guys.  I agree, the Fusion felt substantial and safer to me as well (I didn't feel that way about the leaf, volt or the Prius).   Since the car will be used in 2 years by my daughter, this is important.  I didn't list that as a criteria, but it absolutely is.


    I test drove the BMW 328d diesel wagon again.  I think that car is a finalist with the Energi.  It has great interior space, four wheel drive and some "grunt" when you step on it.  I averaged 38.5 mpg on my test drive (mix of city and rural roads), and I wasn't gentle.  The big negative is the money -- it's just in a whole different league financially.  As good as that car is, it just doesn't feel like a good value.  Also, I think it would be over the top for my daughter to drive it in a few years.


    I think I will take another looks at the Fusion Energi.  I really like the idea of a plug-in hybrid.  I will try to get my bike in the back seat area - I am sure the sales guy will love that.  I will use a roof bike rack most of the time.  But there are plenty of times that it's just me, and the bike needs to fit inside the car (for example if I take my bike to Manhattan and park in a garage, or if I stop at the mall, or it raining really hard).   I will probably end up with the Energi if my bike can fit in the back without damaging the car (or the bike!).


    BTW - I like the red interior a lot.



  2. I test drove the Fusion Engeri.  I came away very impressed.   This car far exceeded my expectations.


    I am looking for a highly efficient car.  This would be the third car in the household.  It would get lots of local use (1000 miles a month on short trips), plus some extended drives (100+ miles each way).  Critieria:


     - Highly Efficient (must have)

     - Fuel Diversity (nice to have): Why have 3 gas powered cars?   Plug-in or diesel preferred.

     - Four wheel drive (nice to have).  The car will be driven in the NE winter.

     - Good Space/wagon (nice to have).  I am a cyclist.  The bike has to fit.

     - Good looks and fit finish (nice to have).   The car has to be nice enough that my wife will WANT to drive it.

     - Something my child can drive in a few years (3 years down the road).


    So far, I've looked at the Volkswagen TDI sportwagen, the BMW 3 series Diesel Wagon, the Ford Fusion Energi, Fusion Hybrid, CMax Energi, Honda Accord Hybrid and the Volt.


    BMW 3 4wd diesel wagon - The only car that can check five of my boxes is the BMW Diesel Wagon.  I've owned multiple BMWs in the past, but for some reason I am not jumping on it ($50K price point).   Expensive/inappropriate car for my child to drive.  Wife likes this one a lot.


    Honda Accord Hybrid - I like the Honda Accord Hybrid a lot.  If a plug-in was available in NJ, I might be inclinded in that direction.  But, the Honda plug-in isn't the same as thier Hybrid in fit/finish, and you can't fold the seat down at all in either model.  That is a big issue for me.  Wife likes this one a lot.


    Volkwagen TDI Sportwagen - The Volkswagen was tinny, and just didn't do it for me.  When I started looking, I figured I would give a cursory glance at some other cars and just buy the TDI Sportwagen.  This car remains in consideration because of its configuration and usability.  But it disappointed from my expectations.  Wife didn't approve.


    Volt - Sorry, i just can't see driving it.  Fit/finish is a showstopper for me.  Wife didn't see.


    For Cmax - Good space.  But it just doesn't appeal to me.  I can't see driving it.  Would be good choice though for my child.  Wife liked.


    Fusion Hybrid - I would buy the Honda hybrid if I bought a (non-plug in) hybrid.  X plan pricing makes this a very compelling price point.


    Fusioin Energi - Why I'm here.   The car is impressive.  Good looking exterior.  Drives smooth and quiet.  I like the plug-in feature.   Only drawback is the trunk...  Right now this car is leading, but I just don't know if I can live with the trunk space.  The fact that you can fold the rear seats is at least useful because it gives you an area to work with if there are no passengers.  Trunk could be a showstopper for me.  Xplan pricing and rebate makes this a very compelling price point.  Wife liked.


    Open to any and all comments from current owners about my decision process.  I really don't know what I am going to do.   Does anyone know of any changes for FY'15 for the Energi?   I'll tell you, if Ford made the Fusion Energi in a AWD wagon they'd have my business in a nano-second.


    This would be my first car that isn't a traditional gas ICE.




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