Hello all, fIrst time posting here. We ordered my Bordeaux Reserve Fusion Energi Titanium on 1/18/2013. I ordered it through my local sales person who had to order it through an affiliated dealership because our local one was not able to sell Plug-ins yet. Last Monday, my salesman told me it was already built and was in Arizona and had an estimated delivery date of April 24 2013, but did not have the VIN for me. I had asked him if he could get that information for me, but he never got back to me. Today I called him back and asked him once again and he told me he would call me back once he got a response from the other dealership. He just called me back and gave me the VIN and told me that they just sent him a picture of the VIN because the car was already physically on the lot! He's going to head up there and see what needs to be done with the car before we can take possession, but we should be getting our new Fusion this week! He said he was going to send me pictures once he gets there and puts his hands on it. He's as excited as I am lol he's not seen one yet. edit: Here is my Window Sticker: http://services.forddirect.fordvehicles.com/inventory/WindowSticker.pdf?vin=3FA6P0SU5DR284887