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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by murphy

  1. murphy

    Check engine

  2. If I let it my 2013 it will ping pong back and forth between the lane lines. It's designed to keep you from drifting into an adjacent lane. It is disabled if a turn signal is active.
  3. It's normal. In Auto mode the car runs on battery only until the EV Only part of the battery is depleted. At that point it switches to hybrid mode and tries to keep the hybrid portion charged to the 50% point like a regular hybrid does. The EV Only portion of the battery is charged from house power. There is one exception. If you go to the top of Pikes Peak the regenerative braking will charge the EV Only portion of the battery on the way down. I never drive my car in Auto. Most of the time it is in EV Only because my trips are within the range of the battery which is 21 miles when the temperature is at 70° F. The colder it gets the lower the range will be. Turn on the heater and it goes way down. I put gasoline in the car once a year and fill to no more than 1/4 tank. For me it is an electric car. If going on a trip or above 60 mph put it in EV Later because high speed discharges the battery in a hurry due to air drag. Drag increases with the square of the speed.
  4. It may be a problem with the outlet. Plug one of these in to test the outlet. https://www.amazon.com/Sperry-Instruments-GFI6302-Receptacle-Professional/dp/B000RUL2UU/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2NOF1GHVI7TPB&keywords=outlet+tester+plug&qid=1584613655&sprefix=outlet+tester%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5
  5. You can't just install a newer battery. The firmware that controls the battery must match the battery.
  6. No. It is the air path from the registers on the package shelf to the battery. The battery is cooled using cabin air presumably on the assumption that if the passengers are happy the battery will be happy.
  7. " for winter I will use a strictly winter tire on the hungry wheels. " That sounds to me like you are only putting winter tires on the front (drive) wheels.
  8. You need winter tires on all 4 wheels. Slowing down is more important than moving forward. Regen braking doesn't work at all if one of the front wheels loses traction because of the way a differential works.
  9. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000MSDKMA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I had to remove the battery tray and cut the rear end off of it to make the battery fit.
  10. I can only speak for my 2013. On the main menu select "Information". On the Information menu select "System Check". It's at the top of the system Check screen.
  11. It has an Atkinson cycle engine instead of the "normal" Otto cycle. They are normally louder. There is a sound resonator in the air intake path to reduce the noise level caused by the intake valves opening before the end of the combustion cycle. Any chance the previous owner modified the sound system? That would detune the active noise cancellation system.
  12. Welcome aboard. I put gas in mine once or twice a year. When it gets down to 1/8 tank I bring it back up to 1/4 tank. From late spring to early fall the engine doesn't run at all.
  13. The convenience outlet was on the 2010 - 2012 Fusion Hybrid. It was 150 watts. My 2013 Energi Titanium does not have it. I adjusted the steering wheel 7 years ago when I bought the car but haven't adjusted it since. I don't remember if it is manual or electric.
  14. Of course the battery is being used. Another name for EV Later is Hybrid mode. There is only one high voltage battery in the car. When you select EV Later the car saves 95% of the current battery SOC. If you make multiple stops at each start it saves 95% which means the SOC is going down.
  15. The 5 kW resistance heater on for 1 hour is the entire capacity of the battery. It's not that bad since as the cabin warms up the current to the heater drops. If you have a 240 volt EVSE you can warm the cabin using wall power before you leave (240 volts x 16 amps = 3840 watts). It doesn't work at 120 volts because only 1440 watts is available (120 volts x 12 amps).
  16. They do if you are lazy and don't guarantee that the wrench is fully seated before turning the lug nut.
  17. If you watch the ring when charging begins it will sequence through all 4 segments. I'm betting that one has burned out. I had my ring replaced under warranty for missing segments and I now have it turned off because it will only burn out again and this time it will be out of warranty. Look at your My Ford Mobile account for how much charge was used for a trip. Unfortunately, at least on my 2013, for a charge it just says it was charged to 100%.
  18. My car has been sitting in the garage for 7 days. The temperature in the garage is 46° F. I turned the car on and the indicated range is 17 miles. I turned the heater on and the range dropped to 12 miles. The electric only part of the battery is 5.6 kWh when new. A measurement of how many kWh it takes to charge from 0% to 100% would be helpful. I have power meters installed in my garage that can give me that data. If you don't there is a meter called a "Kill A Watt", manufactured by P3, that can be used. It plugs into a standard 120 volt 15 amp outlet. The EVSE that came with the car is plugged into it. It measures volts, amps, watts, volt amps, hertz, power factor, kWh, and hours. kWh is the one of interest. https://www.amazon.com/P3-P4400-Electricity-Usage-Monitor/dp/B00009MDBU/ref=sr_1_5?crid=W79BPYXMHEXT&keywords=p3+killawatt&qid=1581097053&sprefix=P3+%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-5 When it goes below freezing I get about 10 miles from my battery. It is difficult in cold weather to analyze a battery. It's a lot easier when the temperature has been 75° F for several days so the battery is fully up to temperature.
  19. When the temperature drops below 70°F the battery efficiency starts to drop. If you have the heat on, that comes from a 5 kW resistance heater. Energy used to heat the cabin is not available to propel the car You will only get the advertised range if neither the heater nor the air conditioner is in use and the temperature is above 70°F. Speeds above 55 mph will also reduce the range since the air drag on the car increases with the square of the speed. Like all cars you only get the advertised range if the car is driven the same as the EPA test cycle that determined the number.
  20. The Energi has a pressurized fuel tank. If new gas isn't added for 18 months the car will go into burn mode and use up the old gas until there is less than 1/8 of a tank left.
  21. It's also based on time. My car is coming up on 7 years old but only has 10,000 miles on the odometer. If it were just the odometer I would only have dropped to 50% instead of hitting 5% every 2 years. My ICE is hardly ever used. I bring the gas tank back up to 1/4 tank once a year.
  22. Yes, The Energi is 20,000 miles or 2 years, whichever comes first.
  23. No. The spacer would have to be thick enough to put the donut spare completely outside of the brake calipers. The mounting bolts are not long enough to allow that to work. The outer diameter of the brake calipers is the same as the inner diameter of the donut spare which means zero clearance.
  24. murphy

    HV Batter

    Yes, when the battery is exhausted it operates in hybrid mode. In case you aren't aware of how hybrid mode works, the car keeps the hybrid battery at the 50% point so there is room to capture regenerative braking energy.
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