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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by murphy

  1. I replaced my lug nuts a long time ago. If the socket isn't completely seated it will distort the aluminum cap. The ones I bought are solid, they do not have caps.
  2. Is this an electric certified dealer? I emailed my dealer the serial number and a picture of the old charger. When the new one came in I went in and handed them the old one and the insert. The gave me the new one and the new insert. The service manager watched while I installed the insert and the charger in my trunk. Nothing had to be done to the car. It never left the parking lot.
  3. Take the foam insert out of your trunk and tell me what you see in the center of the depression that is the spare tire area for the gas car. The panel that surrounds the trunk latch must be removed to get the foam out.
  4. The Energi does not have a heat pump. It has a 5 kW resistance heater.
  5. Someone used an OBD II scanner to determine that an indicated 100% is actually around 95%. If you don't charge to 100% the 12 volt battery will never be charged using wall power. It gets charged after HVB charging is complete.
  6. It would allow the reading of any codes that are stored in the car. If there are codes that could give you an idea of what to look at.
  7. No, but if the DC to DC converter is bad the battery would run down to zero. That is enough to cause material to flake off of the plates which if done enough and the material reaches the bottom of the plates it will short out the cell.
  8. The DC to DC converter takes the place of an alternator. However if the battery can't supply enough current to pull in the contactors there is no high voltage to feed the DC to DC converter. Voltage measurements mean almost nothing on a battery unless the battery is under a 100 amp load during the measurement.
  9. If the 12 volt battery isn't being charged it would be the DC to DC converter. The DC inverter generates 3 phase power for the drive motors. Load test the 12 volt battery. If it's the original battery it is almost certainly bad.
  10. Do you have a good AT&T cellphone signal where you park your car? It is possible that the modem is defective or that the antenna wasn't properly hooked up when it was installed. Does your car report going to sleep to preserve the battery? If the car goes to sleep it can't be accessed remotely. That is an indication of a dying 12 volt battery. If you have this problem and have a 12 volt battery charger, not a maintainer, connect it to the terminals under the hood to keep the car from going to sleep and see if the message pops up on the screen within 24 hours after it is requested from the website.
  11. Are you doing it from the smartphone app or from a browser connected to the web site? I have found the web site to be more reliable in this situation.
  12. The car hasn't changed since 2013 for the most part. Many people have discussed this topic in he past. The wiring diagram is available but it isn't cheap. https://www.helminc.com/helm/product2.asp?Make=FRD&Model=FUSI&Year=2016&Category=3&class%5F2=FRD&mk=Ford&yr=2016&md=Fusion&dt=Wiring+Diagrams&module=&from=result&Style=helm&Sku=FCS2102816&itemtype=N
  13. Battery Capacity: Battery protection 0.5 kWh Hybrid mode 1.5 kWh EV Only mode 5.6 kWh Total 7.6 kWh Drive in EV Only mode to get an accurate reading of EV miles. It is unnecessary to open up the trunk like that. The fans exhaust the hot air underneath the car. Make sure the intake vent on the package shelf is not blocked. The car design assumes the passengers will keep the cabin comfortable. Cabin air is used to cool the battery. Charging is not efficient. 120 volt charging is worse than 240 volt charging. I live north of Philadelphia, PA. My car has never refused to run in EV Only mode. From late spring to early Fall my engine does not run at all.
  14. My understanding is that the microphones listen for the sound of the engine. That sound then has its phase shifted 180° and it is then mixed with the sound going to all of the speakers. Because it is out of phase it cancels out the sound of the engine at your ears. I have not had a need to access the microphones but if they don't pop out of the headliner then the headliner would have to be lowered to get to them.
  15. There are three microphones. There is one behind the grab bar for each front seat. The third one is directly behind the overhead light for the rear seats. Some amplifiers only draw power when they are actually amplifying something. Active noise cancellation is on even when the sound system is turned off. It's purpose is to cancel out most of the sound of the engine. It is not an Otto cycle engine and many people when first hearing it would think that something was wrong with the engine. It is an Atkinson cycle engine.
  16. If you change the amplifier to a different model you will have to disable the active noise suppression by removing the microphones from the headliner.
  17. There is only only one high voltage battery. It is divided up as follows: 0.5 kWh for battery protection. This is not available to you. 1.5 kWh for use in hybrid mode. In this mode the car tries to keep the battery gauge at the 50% level. 5.6 kWh for use in EV now mode. The engine is not used in this mode. That adds up to 7.6 kWh for the whole battery. Running the EV now portion of the battery down to zero is not a problem. That is the point where the car switches from EV now mode to hybrid mode. In hybrid mode the car works the same as a Fusion Hybrid. You can leave the car parked in either mode for as long as you want. It will not hurt the battery. You didn't indicate if you have a traditional key or a key fob with push button start. If the latter: Learn how to unlock the car when the 12 volt battery is dead. It's in the owner's manual Basically you remove a cap on the rear of the driver's door handle. Then you open the key fob and remove the metal key you will find there and use it to unlock the door. That gets you access to the handle to open the hood. The 12 volt battery on the other hand can go dead if parked for a long time. It is in the trunk which can't be opened if the 12 volt battery is dead. There are jumper terminals under the hood that can be used to jump start the car. They are on the driver's side of the engine compartment. The + terminal is covered by a flexible red cover. The - terminal is a bolt that sticks up out of the shock tower directly behind the red cover. Any 12 volt battery that can provide 10 amps can be used to jump start the car. This does not mean that the engine will start. The car will turn on with the green icon in the lower right side of the dash display. When the car is on the 12 volt battery is charged by the DC to DC converter using energy from the HVB. One of those small jump start devices can be useful but don't store it in the trunk because you need it to open the trunk. Another way to provide access to the trunk is to tie a small cord to the emergency access handle in the trunk and route the other end behind the right rear seat back which folds down. Once in the car, folding the seat back down and pulling the cord will open the trunk.
  18. The 12 volt battery is charged when charging of the HVB is complete. Once 12 volt battery charging is complete it will not restart even if the battery drops to zero volts. I've never tested it but it is possible that accessing the car from the app will, since it wakes the car up. If the car has gone into deep sleep the app won't work. If you are close enough for the fob to work, locking or unlocking may work.
  19. You must use a battery, not a battery charger. Most modern battery chargers must see 12 volts before they turn on. I always connect a battery under the hood before replacing the battery in the trunk to keep the car alive. That requires extra precautions in the trunk to keep the positive lead from touching any metal. Is the positive lead in the trunk insulated from touching any metal? If not, your only option is to use something long with a hook on the end to grab the emergency release handle.
  20. Connect a 12 volt battery to the jumper terminals under the hood on the driver's side of the car.. Positive has a red flexible cover. Negative is a bolt sticking up out of the shock tower. For the future tie a thin rope to the emergency release in the trunk and put the other end behind the passenger side rear seat back. With the battery disconnected the engine loses its operating parameters. It takes up to 25 miles of driving for it to relearn them. It had to do that when the car was new.
  21. Preconditioning (GO Times) with a 240 volt EVSE is done using wall power. Preconditioning with the 120 volt EVSE is also done using wall power which makes it almost worthless since only 1440 watts (120 volts times 12 amps) is available.
  22. My house was built in 1957, GFCI didn't exist back then.
  23. GFCIs trip on an imbalance in current between the hot terminal and the neutral terminal. Some EVSEs verify the ground connection is present by sending a small current through the ground terminal. That current could trip a GFCI because it isn't going through the neutral. If the input to the EVSE is inductive, the kick back while the magnetic field is building or decaying can also trip a GFCI. I only have GFCIs in the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room. I had to rewire my kitchen to get the refrigerator off of a GFCI. I don't need a refrigerator full of spoiled food because a GFCI tripped when I wasn't home to detect it. The only GFCi in my garage is a plug in unit that I use when using AC powered tools in the yard.
  24. Empty on the display is not empty for the battery. That is where hybrid mode starts. There is only one battery. It is a 7.6 kWh battery. EV mode 5.6 kWh Hybrid mode 1.5 kWh Battery protection 0.5 kWh It is not possible to run the battery down to zero. When the ambient temperature is below freezing I typically get about 10 miles. It must be at least 70° F for me to get 21 miles out of the battery. It must be 70° long enough for the entire battery to be at 70°. What was the temperature during your tests?
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