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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by Juice

  1. I live in south Florida, and it's right around 90 every day. I get about 20 or slightly over 20 miles on the battery during the summer (around 26-28 miles in the winter). I hate the rain as the windshield wipers decreases battery range! I do recall the ice kicking on a couple weeks when it was super hot out (about 95) and the car had been sitting outside in the sun all day prior to driving. Mine also happened a couple hundred yards from the house and it was in ev+ and I was surprised. But it's the only time happened - and it was hot as sh*t!
  2. Same here with the 2013 E. It would be nice to be able to turn this up a couple decibels.
  3. Enjoy the drive. If you don't need the interstate, avoid it. As the others said, speed kills mpg. You could always hug up behind a semi and catch a draft. My wife gets pi$$ed when I do it, but it does help!
  4. I believe you guys are correct. The portion of section 30D that expired on 12/31/13 referred to 2 and 3 vehicle plug ins. For qualified 4 wheel vehicles, the law remains in effect until the manufacturer limitation. However, there is pending legislation that would completely repeal 30D - but not until after 2014. I say buy! You will love the car!
  5. The federal tax credit for plug in vehicles expired December 31, 2013, and is not currently available. Congress did not renew the credit, along with numerous other tax breaks, including the provision that allowed for the 30% credit relating to alternative vehicle refueling property. The sales tax credit is also no longer applicable, but as you live in California, I doubt it would come into play for your situation. Unless Congress changes their mind and renews this credit this year (which I personally doubt), I would remove the $4,001 credit from your calculation. I thought I had heard Ford lowered the MSRP on the 2014 FFE by about $4k, which was to help alleviate this issue?
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