So my month-old 2013 Fusion Energi Ti was talking just fine to both the web site and the iphone app, when about a week ago it stopped. At that time, it wouldn't Value Charge at home any more and data was frozen. Finally poked around today and was able to get it talking. Thanks to the posters in this forum who provided that fix. Kind of screwy that I need to do this to my brand-new luxury automobile... Performed the Fuse 10 pull, and boy is that a pain to get to. I found that if I pop loose and pull down the driver's side lower dash panel then I can see and barely reach the fuse panel. (If anyone else does this, please take a picture of the fuse puller before removing it from the panel, I still can't figure out how to get mine to snap back on.) So, pulled the #10 Fuse, removed the car from MFM, put the fuse back in, re-added the car to MFM (took a few tries), then confirmed in the car. Now MFM actually updates and shows that it's charging, but I'm still waiting for the second confirmation (24 hrs?) to get fully functional. Here are some pictures that may make this easier for some folks: -Barrey