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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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About Apogee1

  1. Does anyone know why I have to reformat my USB stick each and every time I want to add songs to it? While I'm able to add files on the stick, the car doesn't index them, and therefore will not play them. The only way for the car to see it, is to reformat the stick each and every time I want to add. Really stupid logic design if you ask me.
  2. Really dumb for any maker including Ford to have DST as a feature when a manual reset is required. Thanks for the tip Murphy. BTW, I discovered that while the car in plugged in, you can only turn the car on (but is says you have to unplug first), but you have to unplug it to turn it off. If you attempt to not turn it off, it stays on. Another oversight by the designers of Ford. Some simple code could fix this. If external power detected, put car into safe mode power on. If external power dectected while car is in safe mode power on and the power button is pressed again, turn off power to car. Seems simple to me.
  3. Anyone know why the clock hasn't rolled back an hour yet in the car? I set all this up when I got the car. I've been very frustrated with all my other cars that had this feature and it never worked until I manually changed it, and then it would roll back, at which time I had to move it forward again. It's been about a month now and still nothing. I fear if I manually change it, then it will decide to roll back like all my other cars do. What is the point of having this feature if it never works? BTW, getting 175 MPG. Last time I filled up, was July 17th when the price of gas was $3.45, it's down to $2.34 now, and I still have more than a quarter tank left.
  4. Murphy. Finally got a chance to try the diskpart, and it worked! Thanks.
  5. I ran 1350 miles on 9 gallons of gas over 2 months, that's 150 MPG, and an average of 175 MPGe. All without worrying about where we went, but used careful management of the EV Now and EV Later options. I would have kept going, but I knew I had to make a major trip, so I filled up. My next goal is to get 2000 miles on a single tank. At one point in time, I got the MPGe up to 240. Average temp during this time period was 80, but there were several days in the mid 90's. We are now hitting June, and the start of 100+ days. I'm up to the challenge, I hope the Energi is too!
  6. I check my email every single day looking for replies to my emails to which have have sent at least 5 of, all with no responses. I got your PM's on this system, but honestly you have to pick ONE system to communicate on and stick to it rather than bouncing from system to system. My last email was a simple one, It said : Before to move forward please respond to this email to verify you are getting my emails. Sent it over a week ago, and still no reply.
  7. I don't understand, I responded to your email already. It is exactly the information that was supplied in this forum.
  8. Well even though Kim chimed in, I don't have a lot a faith that this will resolve my issue. She has already passed this onto some one else, and so now the whole process of answering the same tired questions start all over again. Interestingly enough, I asked for a direct phone number to call in my reply email, that went unanswered. So instead of getting the "let me transfer you to that department" on the phone, I'm getting that same treatment via email, and with email it is A LOT slower. About to give up on this App and Ford all together. I like my car, but customer care really sucks after they get your money.
  9. Seriously? I've done all of this 3 times already. How is doing it a 4th time going to magically make it work? Again, I have gone through all the steps of setting this thing up and waiting that stupid 24 hours to confirm it within the car 3 times already, and have deleted and reinstalled the app on the phone just as many times and it is still all X'ed out. I've confirmed the website stuff, and I'm still at the same point I was when I got the car 2 months ago. I would really like to see a Ford rep chime in on this nonsense and straighten things out. So far those yahoo's at the customer care center at myfordmobile only seem to know how to do is pass the buck. I mean they got my money, why help me any further?
  10. When I log onto the website of myfordmobile it shows me battery status, charge settings, vehicle location, remote control. I only wished the app provided this information. I've tried to use the app to start the car in the garage of the house and me sitting at my desk which is only 10 "real" feet away from the car (-minus a few walls), but my router is on my desk and I have a fiber connection running at 100 megabits, and it never ever works. All the options are still X'ed out in the App. On a positive note, it has now been 4 weeks since we did a fill up, and only just now hit half a tank and have gone 800 mile. even though the onboard system says 159 mpg, we are actually getting 133 mpg. I foresee us going north of 150 mpg on average.
  11. Iphone. I don't want to log onto a web site, I want to use the app. My leaf app was up and running before I left the dealership. This app sucks. (and full registration process means YES to all 24 hour responses...I've done it 3 times now, and still all the options are X'ed out in the app). I want to be able to control / use the functions this app allows, but for some unknown reason, everything remains X'ed out. Honestly, I don't know how Ford thinks is a winning situation. You never allow a consumer to have to wait 24 hours to respond to their own authorization. Dumb. Mark me as extremely frustrated with this app.
  12. Well, I've gone through the entire registration process with the app, and I have very limited access. I can only check the charge status of my car and I have the option to remote start with the phone, but that never ever works. All other options are still x'ed out. I have no idea what to do to get this to work. I have tried multiple times to get this to work and nothing helps. Some professional insights would be most appreciated. I hate having a fully loaded energi, and I can't use all the options.
  13. Well I have tried all formats, and I still only get Device not supported. Yet every computer I plug it into works just fine. I've tried playing the music from the device on the computer just to make sure it works, but as soon as I plug it into the car. Not Supported. Very frustrating not to be able to use a key feature of the entertainment system. Formatted using FAT32, and all music file formats tried, and my only result is Device not supported.
  14. I really don't get this. I have an 8 gig stick that was originally formatted using windows XP pro, and I have a 16 and 32 gig that were formatted under Windows 7 Ultimate, and the only stick the car recognizes is the 8 gig stick. the other 2 it says unrecognized format, even though each stick has the same exact files on them. Since XP isn't supported anymore by Microsoft, what format do I have to use so that the Fusion Energi recognizes it? Any one got some gifted insights into this one?
  15. When I first saw the files, and the way they are listed as 1,2 and 3, I assumed they were continuations of just one manual. when I clicked on 3, I then discovered that it was from Feb of 2014. Not Nov 2014 as you typo'ed since it hasn't happened yet. ;)
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