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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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About lhowes65

  1. Please try the following steps. Important: Use your computer to access www.myfordmobile.com and DO NOT use the application on your phone. 1. Unregister your vehicle from your myfordmobile account 2. Unregister your account from www.myfordmobile.com. 3. Re-register your account on www.myfordmobile.com 4. Re-register your vehicle. If the system asks you if you would like to restore your previous data....please say NO. This was finally what worked for me. Ultimately, I deregistered both my vehicle and my account at least three times before I finally received the second confirmation message. I too had received the first message but not the second message. Once I did receive the second message, I have not had any further issues (knock on wood!!!). I did not have to remove any fuses. If it came to that, it was going back to the service department at the Dealer and they would have taken care of it. Hopefully, this helps.
  2. I have now been able to obtain access to my myfordmobile account. It took a lot of work and support and de-activating my account twice, but it now appears to be fixed. Here is my recent post in the Connecting Fusion to My Ford Mobile thread: For others that may have thought the issue was fixed and then it re-occurred, my car was recently removed from my myfordbobile account due to a master data reset. I tried re-registering it twice. Both times I said yes to restoring my original data, when prompted to do so. Both times I received the first message to confirm registration, and both times, my vehicle was again removed due to a master data reset. At that point, I deactivated my account and started over again. I received the first message, acknowleded it and then received the second message this morning after 24 hours and again acknowleded that one. I now have access, at least for the time being. Kim mentioned (too late, unfortunately) that when you re-register your vehicle, to just say "no" when prompted to restore your data. That may also work, which would mean you would not need to deactivate your account. There is light at the end of the tunnel, if people are still having issues. Blars, I do not know if yours is the same situation, but if you haven't already, you can try one of two things. If you can see your vehicle, you may try removing it and then re-registering it, making sure that you are not restoring any previous data. If this does not work, or your car is not currently registered, you can try deactivating your account and then re-registering and registering your vehicle again.
  3. For others that may have thought the issue was fixed and then it re-occurred, my car was recently removed from my myfordbobile account due to a master data reset. I tried re-registering it twice. Both times I said yes to restoring my original data, when prompted to do so. Both times I received the first message to confirm registration, and both times, my vehicle was again removed due to a master data reset. At that point, I deactivated my account and started over again. I received the first message, acknowleded it and then received the second message this morning after 24 hours and again acknowleded that one. I now have access, at least for the time being. Kim mentioned (too late, unfortunately) that when you re-register your vehicle, to just say "no" when prompted to restore your data. That may also work, which would mean you would not need to deactivate your account. There is light at the end of the tunnel, if people are still having issues. I am thankful for this forum, and for everyone's help, especially Kim who was able to bring all of our issues to Ford at the same time, instead of all of us individually. Thanks.
  4. I was able to finally register my vehicle last Friday and received the first message in my car and confirmed it (soon after that) (Step #3). As of Saturday (after 24 hours), I had still not received the second message, so ended up un-registering both my vehicle and my account and then re-registered them both again. Again, I received the first message in my car and confirmed it (Saturday morning). As of this morning, I have still not received a second message. Meanwhile, I can access my myfordmobile account both on the internet and through the phone. Kim is aware of my issue and has updated my account. I too am hoping not to pull any fuses. I would rather perform a factory reset first to see if that would work, but since I have full accessability to the website, not sure if this is even necessary (waiting to hear back from Kim). Vince, I am assuming you were able to register your VIN. Did you receive the first message in your car and not the second, or did you not even receive the first message? Lorraine
  5. Thanks for updating this forum so quickly. Once I read that your issue was resolved, I went into MyFordMobile and was successful in registering my VIN as well. I was then able to confirm my request in my car and am now waiting for the second confirmation to show up in my car tomorrow. I now have access to the myfordmobile website/app. Thanks, Kim for all of your help getting this issue resolved.
  6. Thanks for the clarification, Jeff. I agree that it should not be so difficult. I do believe there is a group of VINs that were set up incorrectly, which is why so many of us are having problems. If they know that a group of VINs were set up wrong, why can't they figure out which ones and fix the issue? It has to be something in the master data (e.g. a button specifying the VIN applied to an Energi model was not checked). Of course, that would be too easy!!! Kim, is there any buzz at the "office" that could shed some light on what is going on with our issue and a potential solution (or solutions)?
  7. I phoned the IVT desk once again today to check on my case and had a very good conversation with the girl who took my call (Michelle). When she checked my VIN, the first thing she said was that I had a Ford Fusion Hybrid and not a Ford Fusion Energi (based on the VIN number). After I finished laughing, I mentioned that I have been saying that for a while now and have wanted someone to check on the master data for my VIN set up to see if it was set up correctly. Apparently it was not and my original "gut" feeling may have been correct. After being put on hold a couple times, she came back and said that my VIN may be one of a block of VINs that is NOT eligible for MyFordMobile. After I mentioned that my car sticker includes MyFordMobile and that this was one of the selling points for this model, she said she would follow up with an Engineer to see if there was anything they could do. I am waiting for an answer, once again. I am very close to returning this vehicle to the Dealer and asking for a real Energi model. I have said for years that I would not buy a Ford vehicle and finally decided to give them a chance. I am starting to think that my original thinking was accurate and I should have stayed away.
  8. My problem is a bit different. I get stuck at Step 1, with the system not even recognizing my VIN #. I can however schedule the GO Times with the in-car display, so at least can schedule when I would like to start the charging. The IVT Team is still working on the issue with no action since Jan 23rd.
  9. I spoke to a MyFord Mobile IVT person yesterday. He first asked me if I had registered my account using the Chrome browser. He said that with the new website, Chrome was the only "consistent" site to work. I de-registered my account and re-registered it using Chrome. Unfortunately, it did not work for me, but this may work for others. In my situation, I cannot get part one of registering my vehicle as the system is not recognizing my VIN # or my ESN # stating they are either incorrect, not compatible with MyFord Mobile, or not currently registered in the Ford system. The IVT rep is elevating my ticket again with more information this time. He thinks it may be the 2014 VIN numbers may not be registered (or registered incorrectly). He said someone will get back to me in 3-4 business days. Russ, are you getting past part one with the system recognizing your VIN and its just that you are not receiving the message between the MyFord Mobile account and your car to complete the process? That may be a different issue than what I am experiencing. Did you try using the Chrome browser to register your account and your vehicle? It may be worth a shot if you haven't. My poll is inconclusive, although my gut is still telling me what shows up on the SyncMyRide site is related. We have 14 votes. 11 vehicles show "Energi" in the description while 3 do not. Of the eleven, 10 had no problem registering for MyFord mobile immediately and one did not (Russ). Of the three without "Energi" in the description, one was able to register immediately while two still are currently not registered. I will keep this group updated with any updates from the MyFord Mobile IVT team. Hopefully we will have a solution to this problem. On another note, our electrician is installing our new EV Charging station and a dedicated 120 volt outlet in our garage today. We can finally start using the "electric plug-in" feature on our two hybrid plug-ins. I am so excited!!!
  10. I started a poll to see if there is a relationship to the car description on connect.ford.com and whether we can immediately register with myford mobile. This is independent of whether we have a 2013 or 2014 Fusion Energi. If you have time, please complete the poll. Thanks, http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/1682-vehicle-description-on-connectfordcom-versus-connectivity-issues-with-myford-mobile/
  11. Several of us are having issues with registering our Fusion Energi vehicles with MyFord Mobile. This seems to be independent of model year. I am wondering if it has something to do with how our vehicle descriptions appear on the connect.ford.com (SyncMyRide) website. For my vehicle, the description on the connect.ford.com website appears as Fusion Titanium (and not Fusion Energi Titanium PHEV) and I am wondering if this could be a contributing factor in my connectivity issues (possibly the car not being recognized as an Energi, therefore not eligible for myford mobile services). I am curious if others experiencing this problem also have the same description anomaly. If you are a Ford Fusion Energi owner, I would appreciate you fill out this poll with the description of your vehicle on the connect.ford.com website and whether you were immediately able to register your vehicle with the myford mobile application/website, were able to register with assistance from the Ford Technology Team, or can still not connect. Thanks for your time.
  12. Thanks, everyone for your responses. Cosmo, I'm curious, does your wife's SyncMyRide page (on support.ford.com) show her as driving a Fusion and not Fusion Energi as well as mine? I am curious for people that were able to register their vehicles on the myford mobile app/website if their vehicles show as only fusion, or as fusion energi. Russael: If there is any success, I will try to find out how it was fixed and post it to the forum. Thanks for the information regarding accessing the go times from my car. Now at least I can schedule automatic charging. Kim, I have sent you a PM with the information you requested, in addition to the case number and my car's ESN number. Any help with speeding things up would be appreciated. Hopefully we can get this fixed soon (for all of us in the same situation). Lorraine
  13. Hi, Kim: I posted the following in the incorrect forum (2013 Ford Fusion Energi instead of either here or 2014 Ford Fusion Energi). My boyfriend and I just purchased new Ford vehicles. I purchased the 2014 Ford Fusion Energi Titanium and he purchased the 2013 C-Max Energi. We were both able to register with SyncMyFord and MyFord Mobile. However, although he was able to register his C-Max VIN with MyFordMobile, I have still not been able to register my Ford Fusion Energi. My Dealer is unfamiliar with this issue. They helped me perform a master reset, but that didn't fix the issue. When I mentioned removing fuse #10, they looked at me funny and basically stated that that would be a master reset. I contacted the help desk on three different days and spoke with three different people. I currently have an open case # and they are supposed to be looking at the issue. Also, on the SyncMyFord website, my account shows me having a Ford Fusion Titanium and not a Ford Fusion Energi Titanium (while my boyfriend's account shows him having a Ford C-Max Energi. I am not sure if this is what should show on the website? The Dealer checked my VIN on their website and it shows it as a Ford Fusion gas/electric engine, which to us indicated it was registered in their system as an Energi. Please let me know if you would like the case number and I can send you that separately. Thanks for any help.
  14. My boyfriend and I just purchased new Ford vehicles. I purchased the 2014 Ford Fusion Energi Titanium and he purchased the 2013 C-Max Energi. We were both able to register with SyncMyFord and MyFord Mobile. However, although he was able to register his C-Max VIN on MyFordMobile immediately, I have still not had any luck. Our dealer has not been able to help me. The first thing they did was perform a master reset of my computer, which did not work. I contacted the help desk three different days and spoke to three different people. I currently have an open case, but no fix so far. I know from reading this thread that there have been other people that have suffered the same issue. Has the issue been fixed for everyone that encountered it? Another question I have is regarding the SyncMyford website. My account shows my vehicle as a Ford Fusion Titanium and not Ford Fusion Energi Titanium, while my boyfriend's account shows his vehicle as a C-Max Energi. Do other people's accounts also show there vehicle only as a Ford Fusion, or as a Ford Fusion Energi? The Vin pulls up on the Ford website (through the Dealer) as a Ford Fusion gas/electric, so it should be registered as an Energi. I would like to start benefiting from MyFord mobile and it would be nice if I could start believing there was hope that the issue has been able to be fixed for others that encountered it.
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