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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by ctwomey

  1. Same problem here; after charging at a public charger (a ChargePoint station i’d used six months or more before 1-3 times) blinking blue light, questions about whether I was plugged in (I’d never even seen that) and dead battery in the AM. Still working on a fix....
  2. After 2-3 master resets I have basic functionality back. The car has home and default profiles set up properly. Still, MFM web pages and iPhone apps don't show that. They "know" that it is at home or "out and about", but don't reflect the charge status correctly. Nevertheless, the car is charging correctly. Hopefully some future backend db update will restore the connectivity which was nice...
  3. update: I pulled fuzes which didn't seem to fix the challenges of the reappearing home profile that isn't quite working, but the "Master Reset" did wipe that profile from the online MFM server and from the car. I had to reconnect the car to the account, but that at least feels like progress. My 12v battery is still a bit low (leading to the tinny sound notifications/driver alerts and the car computer sleeping on start up), but that is probably a lingering symptom of whatever profile syncing loop was going on...hopefully a long drive will solve that problem too. Given how hard it is to get to the fuzes (you definitely need to pry off that plastic cover beneath the steering wheel; even after that it is quite a challenge and requires tools (small needle nosed vice grip worked for me)), the master reset is probably worth trying before the fuzes
  4. I'm having the same problem. Have deleted profiles and not solved it. But haven't yet pulled fuses. Also, I'm hearing occasional tinny sounds for the warning notifications (too close to near by cars when parking, cross traffic, etc) intermittently. (Sometimes referred to as sounds that remind you of 1980s video games; playing through console speakers, not stereo). I've PM-ed Ford. Hopefully they can help. Can't tell if I need the new software...or of that really helps.
  5. I'm pretty sure I'm having this same problem. Tinny cheapo sounds from the left side of dash instead of the sound system on a 2014 Energi Titanium. (When I first got it I followed forum advice (murphy, I think) and ran a string through to be able to pop the trunk if the battery really dies. Hope it doesn't come to that.) Potentially related symptoms: remote has seemed to be shorter range of late. Charging time profiles frequently failing to sync (unclear if it is ever syncing...probably getting killed in electricity costs). This all started when I (belatedly) got the modem swapped after the old one stopped working (standard recall). The pain coming: the local Monterey dealer always punts on these sort of repairs, forcing me to drive 45 min to Salinas where I bought the darn thing. Anyone from Ford Corporate want to help?
  6. It just stopped working. No visible damage. I'd checked its temp once or twice, and it never felt hot. But I probably didn't check at the end of a charging cycle...
  7. for the record, a 14 gauge six footer stopped working after several months...shifting to 12 gauge now...
  8. Yeah, I tend to get 5.5 ish hours to full on 120 at home too. the predicted time (i.e., at MyFord) is longer than that. Glad to see "conservative" estimates in marketing literature for a change...
  9. I need to listen to the guidance offered here better. My 14 gauge "heavy appliance" extension cord (6', that is all I need) stopped working after 4 months or so. Just upgraded to a 12 gauge, 15 amp six footer w a breaker in there, so moving into compliance with the wisdom from here... anyhow, my rec is don't bother with the 14 gauge even if they look heavy duty...
  10. My Level 1 charger sits outside, as does my car. We've had a month or so of good rain (after a dry winter) and all seems fine.
  11. I'm an idiot, and in a gleeful rush to put them on, put them up much higher than all you smart people. Anyhow, just posting to suggest to anyone reading this thread to put them down as low as possible. I can't imagine (in hindsight) ever having to struggle with the police on this if it is actually on the car in the right quadrant. Also, i bought before xmas, which slowed things down I'm sure, but it was close to 2 months by the time i finally got stickers...
  12. I concur w mczajka; there ought be a setting for "mid term shutdown" that isn't the full on battery disconnect. Until then, tweaking auto update, avoiding window usage and checking the car's status over the web. And turning the car on directly, rather than going to accessory mode. Hopefuly the 2014 models do better (not to abandon the 2013 folk on the list) as well as the updates to software late in this (2013) year. But I'm prepping Murphy's "Preparing For Your Battery To Die" list prior to heading out of the country for several days, leaving the car in LT parking near SFO after new years...
  13. Just another confirmation: I often kill the HVB after a day of driving around, and then hitting an 800' hill on the way home. But almost always, as heading back down that hill to sea level, I charge up the hybrid portion to full, and add a few miles to the HVB for pure EV mode. (it concentrates the mind, knowing that gradual breaking saves you a bit in charge costs that night...)
  14. Sorry, I should have been more precise: for work travel, I'll likely want to leave it unplugged for up to two weeks, at an airport long term parking. Sounds like your experiment of 7 days, Russsael, suggests there shouldn't be a problem. Looks like FusionEnergi has done similar length experiments successfully too. I'll report back after the first such trip. I hadn't thought of the "long term storage" option in those terms, and would hate to have to disconnect the 14v and reset all settings (particularly after getting off a 12 hour plane flight or such). But it was good for me to review what that entails. Sounds like "fuel freshness mode" is a very rare thing that wouldn't apply in such a case (my hybrid kicks in several days a week), and that must only go on when being operated, I suspect. And I'll stay away from MFM checks, disable autoupdate there, turn off GO times, etc. Cross my fingers that i don't have mczajka's fan short (seems unlikely). My kids regularly kill the Li batteries in their hand me down first gen iPad, leave it dead for a week, and then recharging it. I haven't done careful time tests, but the battery life hasn't collapsed on it. I suppose the 300v Energi battery might be a little different though. :-)
  15. Ahh, makes sense now. Thanks, TX NRG and Russael. (And a couple of times I've actually seen it regenerate the hybrid battery back to full, then start adding a bit to the "energi" portion of the battery, showing a few miles (at most) up from zero, as you suggest Russael. Sadly, i have 800 foot hill in the middle of my short r/t commute. On the way home I seem to regularly deplete the energi/EV portion of the battery, kick on the gas engine for a short last burst up the hill, and then, after stop and go down the hill, arrive home with a few miles in the EV battery. This will keep me from achieving TX NRG level ave MPG. :-) )
  16. Umm, I'll start another thread too--can't believe it hasn't been started--but unwinding is good. Gets me most of the way to the car. But I need an extension cord... 20amp, as short as I can buy, that's my goal, right?
  17. So, for some of us, that isn't long enough: Extension cord. In the rain. That's the life I'm living. Welcoming constructive criticism. And the other kind.
  18. This is one of the few places I have seen discussion of three batteries (energi, hybrid, and 14v). Very helpful. When I bought I was under the impression that the energy batteri was relatively standalone: it didn't regenerate, that was only for the hybrid. Similarly, one might wonder whether the plug in system (designed for the Fusion Energi alone) charged the hybrid battery. I'd love to hear the smart gals and guys on that one. The 14v is a bit clearer; it charges after the main (energi?) battery is full. user "amp" thanks for opening up this facet.
  19. Hmm, this is import. Russael, would your advice change after say, 10-14 days of no use? Does that increase probs for the 14v? (partic if you left it unplugged). We don't have the "vamp" drain that other cars have, but there is the occasional 60 watt usage while waiting to charge, no? Plus, worries about either battery sitting at 0% on a regular basis, right? That isn't good (or am I stuck in NiMH legacy concerns mentality re "memory effect".)
  20. Love this thread. Useful to go through the thought process, at least. Anyone know if there is an obvious solution to trunk access in the 2014s (If you store your charger or cables on the top shelf in the trunk, you can just access from the passenger compartment after you use the physical key to get in)? other recommendations on small jump/battery packages? We don't need a lot of power there, right? We aren't turning over a 5 liter engine...
  21. This thread is old, but two quick points: First, there is now--at least in Calif--a deep integration with your utilities EV/time of use plans. I merely tell MyFordMobile who I buy electricity from (PGE) and the plan (EV-A) and it does the rest. I don't know how well it does the rest, and give the issues above, I'd be inclined to micromanage for a week or two, but don't see a way to access those settings. Second, and this is a bug (anyone with ideas on how to get these to the right folk in ford?): on the MyFordMobile ap (iPhone version, at least), if you attempt to override value charging at a specific location (say Home, when you need to top up during peak for some reason), it doesn't seem to work. The ap allows you to tap on the battery in the battery tab, bringing up options that appear to let you adjust the settings (in this case, from Value to ChargeNow), and it proceeds to sync, but a manual sync thereafter shows no charging. Anyhow, I'm a newbie here, but appreciative of the wisdom of the crowd on all the threads I've read.
  22. For a newbie, this has been a very helpful and informative thread. I'm happy I don't have any of these problems (although sorry for those who do), but reading about them is quite informative! Thanks to all the experts here for weighing in.
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