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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by cgrieco

  1. Larryh, Gotcha. I never really paid attention to when my wife's CMAX Energi go time kicks in. She must have a much warmer car since hers is left plugged in over night to the charger.
  2. Larryh, That's good information to know. So you are saying that your Fusion kicks on 1 hour before your go time setting? I dont have that luxury of time since I share a 240 volt charger with my wife and she leaves 1/2 hour before me. She is nice enough to plug the charger into my Fusion when she leaves and the go time kicks on when she does that.
  3. Mark, Are you saying you are using the included 120volt charger? I have a GE Wattstation 240 volt. I find that it definitey makes a difference by warming the seat and the cabin. When it is 35 degrees or colder in my garage, it never gets near 72 inside the car but I'll take what I can get. How far is your commute that it consumes 4 miles of range when using the heated seat?
  4. My dealer applied the TSB and wanted to update all newer software, which I agreed to. There are now more settings options available. The go time now kicks off the cabin fan. The temperature of the air is the same as in my wife's CMAX Energi. I am noticing, however, the blower on the CMAX is moving a great deal more air then the Fusion. I had to get inside the Fusion to realize the go time kicked off. On the CMAX, I can tell the go time is active right from the doorway to the garage. The fan is that loud on the CMAX. Does anyone else also own a CMAX Energi?
  5. I stand corrected. How much of your battery gets consumed with your level1 charger with you Go Times when you enable climate control?
  6. A level 2 charger is needed for go times to work, from my understanding.
  7. This is great news! Thanks for taking the time at the dealer to find your solution. I am going to email my dealer and see what they say about this. THANKS!
  8. Russael, What you describe is what my Fusion is doing now- just the light ring illuminates with power being drawn from the charger. For the cabin temperature to change you should hear a fan running inside the car. When it worked, as I mentioned, the parking lights turn on- as they do with my wife's CMAX. The fan is quite noticable. WIth the charge ring being the only thing illuminating, the Go Time is not functioning completely. What I think is weird, is what is drawing and using power during this time if the only thing being lit is the charge ring? Agreed on remote starting. That is how I am getting the car warmed up in the morning. Though I am not able to have the remote start function 100% of the time using the IOS app. Christian
  9. My wife drives a 2013 CMAX Energi. We bought it in November 2012. The Go Times did not function correctly when it was first purchased but Ford updated the code a few months later and they ware working great. I am not noticing the point that was made that a Ford engineer states the heater will only heat ambient no more than 15 degrees. This is not my experience. My wife's car is quite warm after 20 minutes of heating with ambient at or below 30 degrees. My Fusion Energi is another story. The Go Times worked once. what happens now is the GE Wattstation turns on and powers the Fusion around 15 minutes prior to the set Go Time but the car does not power on. I have master reset Sync and removed and reinstalled the MyFordMobile app. neither made a difference. Yesterday, Barbie, at the Ford call center admitted this is a known issue with the Fusion Energi's and to try removing fuse #10 in the passenger compartment. I cant figure out how to remove the plastic dash panel to get better access to the fuse box to pull the fuse. Any insight anyone can provide on how to remove that panel would be greatly appreciated. I see below that others have tried removing the fuse to no avail. Both my Fusion (when it worked) and the CMAX illuminate the parking lights when the Go Time is active. The interior dash panels to the right and left of the steering wheel also illumiate. WHat I find frustrating is the level of education I have to do when speaking with the Ford call center. They take up to five days to get back to you when you call with an issue. The call back I got was a call to "educate" me on how Go TImes work. I had to politely, as possible, point out that I know how they work because I have a CMAX ENergi that works perfectly and my Fusion does not. I feel sorry for folks that only have a Fusion Energi and are unfamilar with how things should work and may get misinformation from the Ford call center.
  10. Greetings, Just joined and added my location. Seem to be the only one in upstate NY so far...
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