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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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About Wadeskees

  1. Our 12 volt left us stranded for the first time this past week. Our 2013 has about 64000 miles, well out of warranty, but this is just wrong for a 2.5 year old vehicle. Meagan, if you are monitoring, we are very unhappy about this. Our dealer would not even consider prorating the battery, of course our new $105 battery is warranted longer than 2.5 years. We have been very strong supporters of the Energi platform, and are still very happy with the car overall, but this is just wrong. I have a Chevy Silverado with 140000 miles that I have had for 7.5 years that still has the original battery.
  2. I drove tonight in an ice storm in southern Illinois. We planned to have it safely put away before the storm hit, it didn't work out that way. Car handled perfectly as is. The extra weight from the batteries gives the car a very solid feel.
  3. My go times have never functioned correctly, I just assumed it was because I don't have a level 2 charger. I am interested to see what the rest of you come up with. My build date is 24-1-2013
  4. 1. 10+. Better than we ever expected. 2. 2006 Fusion SEL, still using it as my daily commute car with 210,000 miles. 3. I would definitely do it again, my wife drives the Energi, my next vehicle will either be an Energi or a Focus Electric. This car is all about how you drive it. If you only drive interstate at 75 mph you probably won't be as thrilled. We purposely take two lane roads when we can, we don't run the A/C or heat unless we absolutely have to, and we enjoy every minute of it. Unless we have to take it on a trip we only have to put fuel in it every six weeks and it already has 16000 miles on it.
  5. Merriam Webster - geo·ther·mal adjective \-ˈthər-məl\ : of, relating to, or using the natural heat produced inside the Earth; also : produced by such heat It would be a significant reduction for us, natural gas is not available where we live and we currently heat with an electric resistance furnace.
  6. I have been looking at Anapode Solar, they sell DIY kits using the same Enphase microinvertors. I only have roof area for a 5k system, just curious how that would compare. Most people I talk to about this, and the geothermal to reduce my consumption, think I have lost my mind.
  7. We have had our energi since mis April and our bill has actually went down. We pay more attention to our usage, turning off lights, running the AC less this summer, etc. We were so concerned when we brought it home that our usage has changed. Next up for us, geothermal and grid tied solar. This started as a way to reduce gasoline costs, now we want to be completely energy self sufficient. We are so used to making payments every month, with gasoline and electric bill, i would rather make the payments for equipment.
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