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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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About bbwex

  1. I appreciate all of the replies. I thought that the car end of the system could handle the rain, and I am going to get a waterproof housing for the main part of the charge cord -- part that plugs into the extension (yes, heavy duty) and the electronics. On the 110 system that comes with the car, that does not appear to be waterproof. I did have a outdoor, rain protected socket installed and wired to a separate fuse.
  2. So far, I have been at home and able to charge my Fusion in my garage. Not so unfortunately, we are going to our summer home in Maine, and my car will be sitting outside. I am planning to get a waterproof housing for the base part of the charging cable, but I presume that plugging in in the outdoors does not pose a problem should it rain overnight, etc.
  3. I have gone to what is admittedly the dealer where I purchased the car, but I have had lunch plans close by, and have asked them to have the spaces by the charger open. Generally they just use those parking spaces for whatever they need to park. If I go in and ask, they will move anything that they can. If only there was a Ford dealer somewhere near my home...........
  4. Our CPA is trying to figure out our taxes, but says he needs the gross vehicle weight and the Kw hours of battery capacity. I have looked throughout the manual and cannot find the information. Anyone?
  5. I have checked this out a bit further. I intentionally opened the car door before I turned off the car, and the car charged normally. It was clearly not a sequencing issue of opening the door at the wrong time. I suppose there are just some occassional quirks that we will all learn to live with.
  6. I appreciate the answers. I don't think I opened the door first, but it is not out of the realm of possibility. I shall be conscious of that in the future and report if I know I had a charging failure but had turned off the car before I touched the door. At least I know I am not unique in the overall problem.
  7. OK, I have looked more carefully at the manual, and the solid green light on the "vehicle" end should have warned me that it was not charging. However, the question is why and did the act of starting and turning off the car do some sort of reset that I don't see in the manual?
  8. I plugged in my car last night as I have every night since I bought the car. The blue lights did not come on around the recepticle, but the battery was pretty depleted so I did not worry about it, and the two green lights were on on the cord winder (I use the 120 V cord). This morning, the battery had not been charged at all. I had obviously started the car to check the battery charge level, so I turned it back off and plugged the cord in again, and the recepticle lights started right up, and I presume it is charging now, but I won't have time to wait for a full charge. I guess I pretty much did a reset of some sort by turning the car on and off, but other than picking up cues from Microsoft (close all of your windows and restart your computer), has anyone had this happen?
  9. Finding the points to jump the battery was a little hard from the picture for a couple of minutes, but they are not hard to find. If you open the hood, look on the left side. Unfortunately the owner's manual is in black and white. Along the left edge of the engine compartment, you will find the "T" shaped box pictured in the manual. Immediately to the right of that is a red bulb-like cover (it is black in the manual photo). Slide that towards the front of the car, and you will see the positive terminal. The negative terminal is, as someone has asked, a simple bolt stud a bit towards the rear of the car. I am not looking at it now, but it might be on the whole cover of the shock housing, but once you find the positive terminal, the picture is pretty clear as to where the negative terminal (stud) is located.
  10. Thanks for all of the help. I did not see the wattage (and therefore amperage) rating for the 120 V charging system, so it made this somewhat complicated. Now that you folks have filled in that blank, I will try to find a circuit that is not very loaded up. Unfortunately, the one in my garage has an old freezer on it, and it is definitely going to trip with that much load. At least I am on the way to solving the problem for the short term. Thanks again for all of the assistance.
  11. I am picking up my Fusion Energi tomorrow, but have been killing time both on this forum and reading through the online version of the manual. The biggest problem seems to be that all of the electricians I have called are booked until the middle of December. In the interim, how many people use a dedicated line for the 120 volt charging cable, and how many just use a regular household circuit. If indeed a dedicated line is in order, and thoughts about what to do before an electrician can get here -- I can always go to my local supermarket that has a charging station out front, but how often can I shop, and how often can I shop for two hours plus?
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