I have a ford fusion energi 2016. Bought it new. For the last two years have had the dead battery issue. Had three battery replacements. Three Ford dealers looked at it. Every time I pay for the diagnosis and every time the come up with "there is a parasitic load on the system", or they say the battery needs replacement. The batteries need replacement because the car runs the battery down every night it is charging. When we don't charge the car and run it on gas for days we have no problem with the battery. As soon as we plug it in, it charges to about 19kms and then the system recognizes the battery voltage is low and it shuts down the whole system, stops charging and then everything is dead and the car has to be jump started, EVERY morning.
We contacted Ford, how apparently have no idea how to diagnose the issue. It is either a design flaw or a manufacturing defect. Likely the latter as it doesn't seem to happen with all vehicles but it happens with enough to suggest it is a Ford issue. Their should be no "wear and tare" of electrical circuits, and someone at Ford should know how to diagnose these issues. The dealers have no idea and neither does Ford seem to know what to do. The car seems to be smart enough to see their is a drain on the battery, while the technicians seem to be unable to. The car has to be tested while it is charging, but so far no-one has done that. The dealer is eager to do more testing, the 4th time, and to replace the battery junction box, but does not provide assurance that it will fix the problem. How can it be possible that there is such an obvious issue that replicates itself every single time we charge the car but no-one is able to diagnose the problem???
After explaining all of this to the dealer they said they will contact Ford technical services. After waiting two weeks Ford came back with advice for the dealer who contacted me. Their advice was...wait for it...they recommend the dealer do a draw test on the car. Ha, who would have thought of that. Brilliant. Thanks Ford!
I've had two recalls on the car. There seem to be enough people complaining about the dead battery issue that it should be diagnosed and recalled. Ford does not care if it's just a few customers with lemons that they sold them. Only when the pressure comes from a large number of customers. I'm sure Henry Ford would be proud of his legacy...NOT!