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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by tocreemer

  1. This won't help with the "strange issue" but I feel I need to share. So, my wife just had a similar experience with "Stop Safely Now" in her 2016 Fusion Energi. 5 miles into state land and 3 miles from cell phone coverage in Colorado. Parked at a campsite for several days without operating the car. Apparently all the door opening, closing, and using the interior lights depleted the 12V battery to a point the car would not come on. Used another vehicle at the camp to jump start the car, let the 12V battery charge for a bit and was able to power up the car, but had the dreaded "stop safely now" message and the vehicle would not run. Drove into town, found a replacement 12V and returned to camp and installed it. Still no joy. Message still present and drive system would not engage. $450 tow (thankfully roadside assistance covered it) to a shop in Silverthorne CO, not Ford due to a 3 week lead time for service. Shop put it on a computer and pulled a long list of codes, admitted defeat, and said it would have to go to Ford to put on their computer. Towed to Ford and found they had an EV charger on site. Plugged it in for 30 minutes and the car ran perfectly, all codes gone as well as the "stop safely now" message. I had talked to 3 different Ford shops and searched multiple forums. Never saw anything documented with regards to this error message and a charge on the EV system. Just want to get this in a forum somewhere in case this happens to someone else. Funny part, my wife didn't have her EV charge cable in her car since she was going camping and wouldn't have a place to plug in. With space at a premium in a Fusion Energi trunk she left it at home.
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