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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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About OxxO

  1. Hello, Having a strange issue with my Ford Energi 2017 plug-in It happened so far 2 times in 7 month period. Then i come back to a car after a short drive and I try to start it i get the message Stop Safety Now. Everything starts fine, but i cannot put gear in (have the knob). I go out of the car, lock it down, remote start it with the car remote, go into the car again and it starts perfectly without error. Because it happened just 2 times in long period I am not sure is it just simple strange behavior or should I be concerned?
  2. Hello! So yea. I think the sound was normal. However I have another issue regarding those small dull cliks? Then i am driving on EV mode, i oppened the energy monitor woth those blue lines. Then i press brake while driving, i hear the small dull click and the blue line from wheel disapears for a sec and the direction of power changes(charges fhe battery). After I press the gas again - I hear another small click the blue line disapears for a sec and then the flow changes(drives the wheels) Is it normal? So yea. I understand that it is then energy flow gets reversed. But is it fine and its just how it goes? Just strange to hear something then you are driving in complete silence :D...
  3. Probably its normal. If i hear it again after I am back from holidays. Ill record the sound. Because after the sound the engine runs completely fine. Also what about the ticks then i press brake ( small dull one time tick ) And gas ( sma dull one time tick ). ?
  4. Hello! It is not happening while driving. The issue is: 1.Temperature ouside is -10C and the car is stationary. 2.Battery level is currently 0 3.Then I turn on the car ICE kicks in instantly(thats normal because battery is 0 prcnt) 4. I hear the sound for at least one sec after pressing start button and then ICE starts, something hard like crank/bump but for 1 S. I hear it better then the windows are open. 5. Repeated that for 6 times, same thing. 6. After that everything runs fine, engine runs like a bee, no abnormal sounds or warnings. I have the car for 1 month now. And every time before then I start the icon that I can drive apeared ( because it started in EV mode ). But now I fully depleted the battery and it started on ICE, but that sound felt like some sort of starter or parts moving idk. It came from front left side jus before engine kicks in. But not electric sound. There are no sounds of ecvt while driving or doing something. Also. Then i press brake I hear low click and then I press gas I also hear click. But I think thats normal?
  5. Hello, I have ford fusion energi 2017 SEL. Its cold outside. Around -10C and i started my car and ICE kicked in because the battery was low. Then ICE kicked in i heard some sort of part moving for a sec. Not a sound I hear then normal engine kicks in and the car started and the engine ran fine with no issues. I restarted the car kinda 5 times to confirm if the sound is present. And it was, seemed like normal operation. But idk. Then the engine kick in while driving, no sound at all. But if the car is parked and the engine kicks in the sound appear. Is it normal for these cars?
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