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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by Relgel

  1. I have asked for a picture of what it is going to look like. If i get it, i will share with the forum. I would guess that the pass thru feature would have to remain to keep the situation from getting worse.
  2. Robertlane- Yes, the Cmax Energi has a limited trunk area. I emailed Ford to tell me the size of the Fusion Energi trunk and yesterday they told me that the Fusion Energi trunk size is 8 cubic feet ( i believe that is 1/2 the size of the Cmax trunk). I would have spent the extra money for the Fusion Energi, but the reason i would go with the larger car is for out of town and out of EV range trips....this small trunk eliminates this approach. Fortunately, it is great to have choices in the Ford lineup.
  3. For-what-its-worth: My salesman from our local dealer attended an inhouse Fusion training seminar this week. He told me that the trainer said the Fusion Energi will not be delivered until late March early April. No one has said this, but perhaps Ford is trying to find another spot for the extra batteries? If Ford does to the Fusion trunk what they did to the C Max trunk, there won't be enough room for a small suit case.
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