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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by meyersnole

  1. Here is the announcement for the Semi truck in September followed closely by Tesla pickup truck in 18-24 months! http://insideevs.com/elon-musk-tesla-semi-truck-to-debut-this-september-pick-up-truck-to-follow/
  2. I think that your best bet might be to create a google sheets with the information and click on share link (view only). Then just share the link in your post. You can also add additional editors by email to help you keep the table up to date. Another option would be to take a screen capture and post the image, but that would be more of a pain to maintain.
  3. How prophetic.... http://www.reuters.com/article/samsung-sdi-batteries-fire-idUSL4N1FT3BX
  4. I bought this one, looks similar. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B007Q2HOYK/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. My dealer also almost always have the chargers blocked with non-EVs. It is hit or miss on if they will move them to charge my car when I service it there.
  6. What's involved in the certification process? Here are the basics listed by Ford: "Certification means the dealerships have met the automaker’s guidelines for dealers selling electric vehicles—including installation of at least two on-site charging stations (one in the service area and the other located in the customer area) and participation in highly specialized training in the field of electric vehicles." In addition, a minimum of one Focus Electric and one C-Max Energi must be on site at all times. EV Certified dealers are the only Ford dealerships allowed to sell plug-in vehicles. Ford also announced that it expects its three plug-in vehicles—the Focus Electric, C-Max Energi and Fusion Energi—will become available in all 50 states within the next few months. Ford claims the increase in EV Certified dealers is a result of "increased demand for the company’s electrified vehicles." http://www.plugincars.com/ford-ev-certified-dealers-hit-900-spring-126388.html
  7. I feel the problem is that there just are not enough of these vehicles for the dealerships to invest the time to become knowledgeable on how these vehicles really work. I fear that the electric certified was a one time thing that included some infrastructure requirements 4 years ago. I wonder if there is any ongoing requirements to maintain this certification. I fear there is not. It is always an adventure at the dealership when I have a problem that is specific to this powertrain. I assume it is better in California where more of these cars have been sold, but locally it is a struggle.
  8. Missed this earlier. Sounds like your 12v battery died. Hopefully that is all that it was and you are back up and running again! I am guessing they are still putting in 390 amp batteries in these cars. IMO, they really should be using a larger capacity battery.
  9. I really did not think it would last as long as it did, as I have one of the very first examples of the 2013s off the line. One of the cars that sat in Mexico as they worked out production issues. I have had issues from the first days of owning the car with the systems shutting down because the battery did not have enough capacity to keep the car on once I turned the car off. But up until the time it failed it never triggered the 12 volt battery is low message, that is until it totally failed. If you are relying on that to tell message to tell you when the battery is low, don't. I got lucky, because I never followed Murphy's advice of attaching a string to the trunk release and hiding it in the rear seat (I think I will do this now though). The car was dead. Nothing... was odd to see everything dark. What was even more odd is that the car was plugged in, so you would have thought that the car would have been asking the charger to charge the 12v battery. In my case opening the car door was just too much load for the 12v and it shut down. Fortunately it recovered after a few min, long enough to hit the start button and turn the car on. Once the car was on you would never know there was an issue. I was thinking about putting in a AGM battery like I have in my previous 2 cars when this one failed, but I needed my car right away and did not want to have to disassemble my whole trunk and modify the battery tray...and what if I had messed that up? Decided on a Duralast (Johnson Controls) as it seems to get good ratings, and the price was right at just a hair over $100. If I have issues I will post, but the Duralast 67R-DL seems to be a perfect fit for the car and I am back up and running!
  10. You should be able to reset the windows yourself. When doing this hold the switch about 1 second at the top and bottom. If you have to recalibrate too many times you may need to have your switches replaced, that was a solution for my 2013 that kept losing its programming. I have not had any issues since then. 1. Lift and hold the switch until the window is fully closed, then release the switch. 2. Lift the switch again for one more second. 3. Press and hold the switch until the window is fully open, then release the switch. 4. Lift and hold the switch until the window is fully closed. 5. Open the window and try to close it automatically. 6. Reset and repeat procedure if the window does not close automatically.
  11. I would think that it is unlikely that anyone would manufacture something specific for a car that has less than 50,000 produced. Production numbers from here: http://insideevs.com/monthly-plug-in-sales-scorecard/ 2017 1,443 To date (eo Feb) 2016 15,938 2015 9,750 2014 11,550 2013 6,089 Total 44,770
  12. 94-year-old inventor of li-ion battery unveils solid-state battery breakthrough for fast-charging, 3x energy capacity, and more https://electrek.co/2017/03/01/li-ion-battery-inventor-solid-state-battery-breakthrough/ There have been several companies formed around this type of battery, and it seems close to a break through... article is light on details but the source of the invention knows the field of study. Here is to hoping that we will see a new type of battery over the next few years as it could be a game changer for the adoption of the EV.
  13. Possible dead 12v battery? Are you with in the 3 year warranty? Ford Roadside Assistance: https://owner.ford.com/maintenance/roadside-assistance.html
  14. It is real nice to only care about prices at the pump when I have a trip planned to go somewhere. I only fill up my car on trips... only burning hundredths to tenths of a gallon at a time locally on the rare occasions where electric range is not enough.
  15. Hello Crazyazn and welcome to the board. This site is full of tips and experiences, abuse that search function :) Congratulations on the new ride.
  16. You need to go back to the dealer, this is not as designed. Just verified that I can lock my doors/communicate with my car after the update. I did have an issue where the car's range was stuck at 11 miles (what it was when I dropped it off) for a week or two but that cleared up on its own.
  17. The battery is never allowed to completely discharge or charge. Off the top of my head about 5.4 Kwh is a "full" charge (when the car reports 0%). Temperature and battery degradation will impact that number. You will also lose some energy in efficiency, maybe that is where you got the 7.7 number... see http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/4675-electric-usage/?p=28372(bdginmo's post for detail)
  18. Interesting way to look at EVs... don't really subscribe to economics of purchase, as a car is usually a poor "investment" and rather believe it to be an emotional / utility purchase. http://insideevs.com/plug-electric-vehicle-purchase-price-per-kwh/
  19. Isn't some, a lot, of the kwh displayed as used generated from braking? Even more if you have a mixed commute using both the combustion engine (ICE) and battery? With gas at or near $2 and electric rates at .23/kwh I agree that its going to be hard to compete with gas on cost. Feeling very happy with my .11/kwh rate now. Some utilities offer plans with lower rates off hours, have you looked into that? If it raises your day rates to get the offset at night it probably is not worth it as the battery in this car is quite small.
  20. http://insideevs.com/report-electric-honda-clarity-just-80-miles-range-priced/ Releasing an 80 mile range EV in today's market... can you say compliance vehicle? Even the FIT electric has more range. https://automobiles.honda.com/clarity The hydrogen angle is interesting... but the electric charging infrastructure is way ahead and hydrogen does not seem to be getting any traction. Honda does not release their EV sales numbers, but I bet they are not very good. http://insideevs.com/monthly-plug-in-sales-scorecard/
  21. If you have navigation, set the trip and it will tell you how long it took when you arrive. (The 2 trip counters mentioned by murphy also work)
  22. Should we mark this thread "sorta" solved, moving wopolino's post (#53) to the front of this thread? I realize that it is not solved and just a work around, but it might save some people some time reading the whole thread? I don't use go times so I have no idea if I have issues or not, or if this works. Does this work around not work for anyone having the issue?
  23. Welcome to the boards...poke around and ask questions, this car has a lot to learn about. Not from CA so I can not answer your HOV sticker question but many are and can probably help you out. This may help you though: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vr/decal
  24. Looks like Ford has been selling some PHEVs.... http://insideevs.com/ford-plug-in-hybrid-sales-outperform-in-2016-especially-the-fusion-energi/
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