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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by meyersnole

  1. Welcome to the forums! You will find a lot of information on these boards from what goodies people have bought for their new ride to very detailed information on how to get the best efficiency from your car. Poke around in the various boards, abuse the search feature on the main page, but if you can not find something please ask... we all are enthusiastic about our car and want to share tips.
  2. Hi Carol. Welcome to the forum! There is a search box at the top of the topics, and you can find out a lot about the car. As for your question you might want to start with this topic: http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/2234-charging-outside-in-rain/?p=14496
  3. Did you get it worked out? Maybe post the solution over here for others? (Hope it is solved!)
  4. Hi HotLap -- yes your driving habits have a large impact on the estimate of how many miles you will get and how many you actually get out of your battery. Lot of good information in this thread (Cold Weather Observations): http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/1446-cold-weather-observations/ and (Variability in # of miles a full charge produces?): http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/2040-variability-in-of-miles-a-full-charge-produces/?hl=%2Bbattery+%2Bonly&do=findComment&comment=14185
  5. Worth the 30 mins to watch in my opinion. A real good discussion on the current state of battery technology and some possibility of where it is heading.
  6. They are pretty sweet... know nothing about them except a web search... company here: http://www.thelightingfirm.net/
  7. Edit: 2/16/16 I will leave the video in here because this gets referenced, but the company making this does not appear to be around anymore. The website simply repeats the web address. These headlights look pretty nice... mimics the new Mustang lights...
  8. The company merged, but there are still multiple satellite signals -- requiring different equipment to receive the signals. Are you just listening to music or is there some specific content that you are listening to on Sirius? Why not just switch to a bluetooth or usb media player or if you have a smartphone listen to what you want on there (pandora, spotify, etc)? System works very well.
  9. I bought the GPS system with the knowledge that the system would be dated before I drove it off the lot.... just like the convenience of an integrated system. It is odd though, given the prevalence of smart phones and and how this has impacted the portable navigation systems that there has not been more of an impact for the cars... at least in the update department. TomTom and Garmin can provide quarterly updates either covered in the cost of the device or around $100 for a lifetime subscription and the 3rd parties who support the in car navigation systems can not seem to even put roads that have been there for a year or longer on the maps. And if what Murphy is stating about releasing a new version with no updates is right... well that seems deceptive and shameful. Also a business model that is not sustainable. Really looking forward to the next version of infotainment in the car like Apple CarPlay http://www.macworld.com/article/2843793/72-hours-with-carplay-test-driving-the-pioneer-avic-8000nex.html
  10. Another article from Green Car Reports that I found interesting: Which Electric-Car Makers Are Serious? U.S. Sales Show Top Three http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1095314_which-electric-car-makers-are-serious-u-s-sales-show-top-four?fbfanpage Couple things that were surprising to me, BMW selling so many and Ford outselling GM in this area. Also surprised me that the king of the Hybrid Toyota seems to be ignoring this market. Compliance only numbers (focusing on hydrogen). Did not surprise me to see Nissan up so high, those Leafs are everywhere. Given how well Tesla seems to be doing, the rate at which BMW seems to be taking off it seems like the premium end of this market is doing well. It will be interesting to see how Mercedes Benz does with their current B and S class PHEV (and their rumored C class). VW also jumping into the mix with their popular Golf (GTE model). As more and more people figure out how nice these cars are to drive this could really take off.
  11. My kWh is 11 cents, it cost me about $0.75 to fill up the battery. I know I should track it, but do not really have a great way to do it I never put a meter in the line. Looked at it but the cost was not worth it to me. I chose to ignore the cost... just like burning less fossil fuel. Locally I burn almost no fuel, only have to fill up when traveling. I got 235 mpg (ignoring electricity) on my first tank, I am inching back up just under 62. Will take another hit around thanksgiving as I plan to take another road trip. Football season is very hard on the MPG... but still way better than it was in my Acura TL. I get about 40mpg (drive too fast to get the most out of the car). If I didn't like driving 75, I know I would be in the upper 40s.
  12. I just got and took the consumer reports survey as well. Unfortunately I have done way too much highway driving lately, so I have dropped well below triple digits. :)
  13. HotLap, Do you mind posting some pics of your de-badged car? I thought about doing this when I had trouble with some of the letters falling off. Fortunately I have not had any issues with them since the replacement, but it is still a pain to hand wash with the design of those badges. Might be worth starting a topic on the subject in Body Exterior ( http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/forum/30-body-exterior/ ) as I am sure others would be interested in seeing it also.
  14. Welcome to the forums Johnny! You might want to check out this thread... http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/636-stuff-for-the-car/?p=2056 (Stuff for the car...)
  15. A while back I tried to create some friendly signs (most of the ones I found were a bit aggressive for my taste) to leave when you have been ICEd. Check them out here: http://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/1847-ev-parking-reminders-help-please/?p=12053 If you have any suggestions, let me know and I will update them. I really don't use them as charging stations either do not exist or are are being used by other electric cars for the most part here. My biggest issue is that they need more of them.
  16. You can run a Vehicle Health Report at anytime and it will tell you how much life you have left in your oil (if you take more trips on gas then you will need to change your oil faster than if you run only on electric). Running the health report will also let you know about any other issues the car may be having, fluid levels, and recalls.
  17. There is one of these driving around my town, and I agree its a looker!
  18. Rexracer, I agree that they will not do it out of the kindness of their heart but hopefully this is where small production runs might work in our favor. If they keep the parts close enough to the same design it would be in their best interest to make the replacement parts out of the same materials as the new lines as it would give them additional quantity and hopefully improve their scale of economy. At least that is how I hope they will look at it!
  19. Do not think that that the market is large enough yet to account for 3rd party production yet. Can not even get a trunk liner for the car because of the limited production of these cars at the moment. Hopefully this changes as people discover how nice the PHEV is. It seems that we are on the brink of another battery chemistry break through, if no third parties pop up hopefully the major brands (Ford, Chevy, Nissan, etc) offer the replacement parts in the future with the new tech -- which should yield the 50 miles or better that you are looking for.
  20. Just click on the Quote button under the text you want to quote. You can then edit what is pasted into your reply if you like. Yes, eCVT transmissions are used in both the Fusion and the CMax. The eCVT transmission is more efficient than a 8 or 10 speed transmission, as they are infinitely variable in the ratios they create. The reason some manufactures use 7 or 8 speed transmissions is that we are so conditioned to how a changing gear feels some do not like CVT (especially when the motor is running). something just does not feel or sound right. When you are under electric power, it just feels smooth.
  21. Musicmafia -- I think you might be better off going to the SYNC forum to get some help for this. I use the system to play music but do not use playlists. (you will have to create a userid for this board as it is separate from this site... but that may be good as it is for all the Ford SYNC systems. Good luck! http://fordsyncforum.com/
  22. Hi Ben, I have had this happen to me many times as well. I think it has something to do with timing. I just know that when I get into a situation where the door does not open my solution is to slow down and wait for the audible sound of the unlock before I pull the handle.
  23. Not even close to my area of expertise, but just as the battery has seen major progress in efficiency over the past decade due to focus, is it not also logical to assume that technical issues/limitations in transmission will also be overcome as needs arise? I have spent a grand total of about 10 minutes with google to discover that there is already a great need to improve the world's capacity for electric transmission. China is deploying a more efficient transmission infrastructure with costlier materials to handle their growth. I agree with the above that the really fast charging would be limited to a commercial offering, but again I think this makes it more viable. If the energy (Exxon Mobile, et al) companies have somewhere to go they are less likely to fight it if they can turn it into an opportunity. Even at 15 minutes this model has issues... but just happy to see that there is progress being made in battery technology. The longevity of the new battery is probably more important to acceptance than charging speed (in my opinion), the speed is a nice bonus though. Still have many issues, scarcity of resources, weight, bulk, heat, ... This battery technology has much promise beyond cars though... for example a better battery could also be paired with home solar to move homes off the grid. These types of applications make me think that deployment will face much opposition. Cynical, I know.
  24. Now this is the kind of break through that is needed to make the electric car take off! http://gizmodo.com/new-li-ion-batteries-charge-70-percent-in-2-minutes-la-1645721894 Technology that could go into production by 2016 and have cars that can charge in 15 minutes? Yes please.
  25. Remember that you have a much larger battery than the hybrid to carry around, so that will cost you mpg. The Energi really shines on shorter trips where you stay in EV mode, but still allows for the longer road trips without much penalty for the extra battery weight. If you drive primarily long highway trips then maybe the hybrid is a better choice. If you have the opportunity to drive this on shorter commutes in EV mode then the Energi is highly recommended.
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