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Everything posted by subman576

  1. OK the dealer got the part in last week and we got the car in for replacement. Picked it up the next day last Thursday. I charged it 11 times during the week with 6 of them being over night. Zero issues. The light ring did not stay on after charging, no flashing light ring in the morning and no check engine light. Looks like it is fixed. For those of you on warranty this is good news. For those of you that are not the part was $1,000.00 and they spent a day installing it. I hope this information helps. Matt
  2. I have started a new topic on this issue that I talked about in "The Flashing Ring Of Death" topic to bring more information to some of you that have had charging issues. For those of you that didn't read my other information I will give you a short description. After owning my used 2019 Fusion Energi Titanium that had 11,000 miles on it at purchase for about 9 months I started to notice that the next morning after a charge from the night before that when I unplugged the car and then unlocked the door the whole light ring would flash rapidly for one minute. The charge had completed and the car ran and drove OK. This would go on for three to five days then the check engine light would come on. The dealer later told me the code was P0020. The dealer could never replicate the problem and mentioned the possibility of my level 2 charging cord possibly having an issue after my first visit. Between the first and second check engine light I tried charging with my factory cord and also charging from two different locations as well as monitoring voltage and amperage during charging. I also sent my level 2 cord back to the manufacture to check it and no problem was found. They had come out with an upgraded model with more charging information so I upgraded to that model. During the next period (SECOND) I used both cords alternately only to have the same issue return about five days back from the dealer. Again they could not replicate the problem. Between the second and third time I discovered that when you start the car after getting the flashing light ring the flashing stops until the next charging. I also discovered that if you didn't start the car and left it in the flashing mode for a day the check engine light came on. On this third time I made an appointment on Thursday to take the car in on the following Monday. The car continued to charge OK with the check engine light on and would still have the flashing light ring after the charge was complete. I should also note that during all of this sometimes after the car was charged and the light ring went solid it would stay solid for up to 1 and a half hours then go out. It might also come back on briefly later. OK so on Friday night before the third appointment with the check engine light on and the light ring flashing after charging I started the car for a couple of minutes and then shut it off and exited. I locked the doors then unlocked them to see if the flashing had cleared and it had so I re-locked the doors and left the car. Saturday I didn't drive the car till after about 2:00 PM. When I unlocked the doors the light ring did not flash as it should have and I got in and started the car to find the check engine light had gone out. Sorry this is long but I want to pass this on to those that may need it. Monday morning I dropped off the car and waited for a call. Thursday I called them and found they had just started on it with their top ENERGI guy that had not been involved yet. The following Tuesday I morning drove buy and spoke to the advisor and was told they had decided it was an intermittent issue with one of two modules and had a call into the Ford Service Help Desk waiting to hear back. HALLELUJAH something finally. Tuesday afternoon I got the call. Ford had told them to replace the BATTERY ENERGY CONTROL MODULE (BECM) that I am told is part of the High Voltage Battery. The part has been ordered with no idea of arrival time so I picked the car up this morning till it arrives. When the part is installed I will return with an update and continue to follow up with any changes. Thanks to every one that added information to get me to this point. Matt
  3. Thanks for the input murphy. It is actually a new 20 amp outlet with screw fittings but the farthest away from the panel. Before starting the charge voltage is 118.6. The National Electrical Code allows a 5% drop stating between 114 and 120 is OK. Most equipment will operate without issue down to 109 but it isn't a good Idea. Also I never got a fault code on any of the cords I have used. I normally don't use the level 1 charging cord I always use my level 2. I am just doing testing to try and get to the bottom of what happened to cause a check engine light and flashing light ring on my level 2 cord after 8 months of no issues. I sent the cord back to the manufacture the same day I took the car to Ford. They inspected it and found no problem. I went ahead and upgraded to the better model that gives you more information about the charge and am using it now. After getting the car back from Ford the first time finding no problems with it I switched to the level 1 to see what happened and immediately I began getting the flashing light ring after the charge was over and 3 days later a check engine light. Ford again found no problems after resetting so now I am running tests on both units to attempt to resolve it. I am looking for information from anyone that is more up to speed with exactly how it charges and what is normal. An example is I was not aware that it switched to the 12 V battery after the charge is complete. Do you know if the light ring is on or off during this time. That might explain better what I found. Just tiring to take care of any possible issue under warranty. Thanks
  4. jsamp the dealer has not found anything specific yet unfortunately. The check engine code is non specific it just says charging problem. They tested it with 3 different charging cords that included 1 level 2, and 2 level 1 units over a period of three days and could not re-create the issue. I am very knowledgeable of electrical, electronics and troubleshooting. I started several very close checks last night starting with my level 2 charging cord. It has in my opinion some odd things going on. I see you guys use several acronyms I am not familiar with HVB being one of them. It is my understand from all that I have read (and please correct me if I am wrong) that the so called charger cord is not the charger but rather a amperage regulator that communicates with the car charging system. The light ring is just a visual reporting device. My level 2 is nice because it has a complete readout of what is going on during the charge. That information includes charging temperature, charging voltage, charging amperage, charging time in hours, minutes and seconds, a visual battery charge indicator and total KW hours used. This is what I saw during a charge from 1 mile remaining when we returned from the dealer. The charge began at 14.1 amps and 240 VAC. It charged for 2hrs 14 minutes and the light ring went solid for 1 minute then off but the charge continued at 8.2 amps. At 2 hours 23 min it is still charging at 2.4 amps with no charge ring light on. At 2 hours and 38 min I found the charge ring light on and the charge rate at 0.4 amps. At 2 hours and 42 min I found the light ring still on and the charge rate at 0.0 amps. It stayed on with no charging amps until I unplugged it at 2 hours and 56 minutes. 12 minutes later I plugged it back in to see what would happen. The light ring flashed normally then went solid for 41 secs at 0.4 amps then the light ring shut off and amperage went to 0.0 amps. One hour later I got in the car to do a SYNC update that took about 30 minutes. I started the car with the climate control off but the heated seat on. I turned the car off and exited and locked the door. One hour later I plugged back in the type 2 charging cord. The light ring flashed normal, showed a solid ring and shut off. The charge cord showed a 2.4 amp draw for 11 min and 23 sec with the ring light never on then stopped charging. Do you see anything odd about this or is there an explanation for what is going on. Today I tested the level 1 charging cord after driving the car to a point that it had 18 miles remaining when I started charging. I made a short test cord upstream of the cord to be able to use a clamp on amp meter to see what was going and plugged a volt meter into the adjoining outlet in the box. I started the charge at 10:00 AM and the amperage slowly ramped up to 12.4 amps and 116.8 VAC. I checked it several times over the next hour and just happened to catch the light ring go solid and then turn off at 11:08. I checked the charge rate and found it still going at 12.3 amps and 116.8 VAC with the light ring off. I kept a close eye on it and the amp draw didn't vary much during this time. At 11:40 the light ring came on solid and staid on for 1 minute. During that time the amperage draw staid the same until the light ring shut off then it went to 0.0 amps. I watched it for another hour then unplugged it. Again do you see anything odd about this? I will continue to closely monitor the charges to se if I get the same failures I had before.
  5. rickrye did you ever get this issue resolved? I have a similar issue they are working on now. The problem started on my level 2 with the light ring blinking for 1 minute when I unplugged it and unlocked the door. After a few days of this the check engine light came on. When check the code was a generic charging problem. I switched to my level one after getting the car back with no answer. That charger started doing the same thing and then turned on the check engine light. They kept it for three days and could not replicate the issue even with my level 1 charger. In the mean time I had sent my level 2 charger back to the manufacture that found no problem. They had come out with an updated model that gave you more charging information so I got it and upon return of my car started using it I found the car continues to charge a a low rate even when it turns the light ring solid and sometimes the light ring doesn't go out until I unplug it.
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