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Ford Fusion Energi Forum

Mark H

Fusion Energi Member
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About Mark H

  1. For anyone who has had the false "Is your vehicle plugged in" warning (when it is not) that made the car inoperable: I took it into the dealer multiple times and they could not replicate it. It would randomly happen when I was stopped, regardless of driving conditions. I'd get stuck in intersections, having to restart the car multiple times. Sometimes it would happen 3 times a day, sometimes I'd go several weeks. I unplugged my 12V battery overnight and it didn't solve the problem. I replaced my 12V battery but it didn't fix it. Finally I left my car charging and started gently wiggling cables, figuring it was a loose connection. I finally found the cable - see attached picture. It's the black cable leading to the 12V junction box with the green CDD tag on it. When I wiggled the cable while wearing electrical PPE (very gently - don't disconnect any high voltage cables) while the car was plugged in, it faulted the charging. I then taped the cable down (it faulted while wiggling up) and I've gone 4 months with no problems. BTW - I would recommend having a licensed dealer do this as messing with electrical cables on high voltage cars can be dangerous. I've seen this issue enough where I think Ford should issue a bulletin about it - their dealers are clueless on the issue and its potentially dangerous to have your call conk out when stopped in an intersection making a left hand turn.
  2. Has anyone fixed this permanently? I've gotten a short term fix by unplugging the 12V battery for a few hours, but problem comes back in a few days - very frustrating.
  3. See below video on you tube for issue. Turn on volume for a gripping commentary. This is an incredibly frustrating problem that is intermittent - happens at stops about 1/20 times but then keeps happening. It's scary because I can be stuck in the middle of the road not able to move. I took the car to dealership - they couldn’t replicate. They checked the battery and it was fine. No error codes when they checked the system. I have a voltage readout on my cigarrette lighter that shows 14.5 while the car is on, 12.3 when it is off.
  4. No four wheeling, just a few gravel roads nearby. I'm a very boring driver.....at least in this car. I'm wondering if the problem might be a high voltage problem with the 12V battery - I'm getting readouts as high as 14.9V when I come to a stop. Does anyone know the error trigger on high voltage?
  5. So I think I solved the problem. Attached is a video that shows the car thinking it was plugged in and then immediately having a 12V battery fault and not being able to move. The car was not plugged in. I believe dirt must have been caught in the plug port latch and the plugged in sensor got stuck. I took a vacuum to the charge port and the issue has not reappeared in the past 2 weeks. fusion issue.MOV is a video
  6. Thanks much - The car sat for about 2.5 weeks while I was on vacation, but that was a month ago, and it started up fine. I've pluged in a volt meter into the 12V cigarrette lighter port and have tried to replicate - unfortunately it hasn't yet. While the car is on, the voltmeter is reading 14.3V, when off it is reading 12.3V. If the problem comes up again I'll look at the voltmeter. Your load test method makes sense - if it arises again, and the voltage drop does not show 11 on my readout, I'll take it in to NAPA and have that done. Will post results when I fgure it out.
  7. I have had four occurances in the past week where I am sitting at a traffic light, car in D, foot on the brake, in EV only mode, where the car will not move and the battery light comes on (see below). Car is 18 months old, 15k miles. I drive the majority of time in EV only mode, but occasionally need the engine. In all occurances the engine had not been on during the trip. On one occurance, the plug indicator showed up briefly, and for a split second it asked me if my car was plugged in (yes or no). Restarting the car twice seemed to solve the problem, but this a big issue (safety issue?) as I'm stuck in the middle of the street for 30 seconds trying to get the car to move. My two thoughts are that either the 12V battery has gone bad (which is odd given the short time I've owned the car - I am original owner) or there is something wrong with the plug-in switch and the car thinks it is plugged in. Car is under warranty, however this is difficult to reproduce at the dealership. Thoughts or experience from anyone on this issue?
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