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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by TVBrain

  1. Was in San Diego this weekend. Crazy hot in the sun. Hoodie weather in the shade. BTW - My car has stopped over estimating my charge mileage. I drove to SD and back without plugging it in so my overall mileage dropped below 70mpg. I had gotten it over 80, so maybe that has something to do with it. While I got close to 100mpg from my last fill-up, I'm under 50 after driving over 300 miles on gas-only.
  2. Thank you. I charge in my garage. I felt I got a few more miles in summer than in winter. At work I charge in an underground garage. My home garage is not temperature controlled. I'm not sure if the parking garage at work is. It's just strange that I've already been through all 4 seasons and now as it heads for it's 2nd winter*, the numbers went up. The estimate seems mostly legit too, I'm going further on my drive into work without using gas. *What Southern California calls winter.
  3. I've had my Fusion for over a year and a half and I just went over 30k miles. When charging at home overnight I usually wake to between 17 and 19 miles available for E miles When charging at work it's 19-21. All of this on around 6.3-6.5 kWh, Suddenly those numbers have spiked to 19-22 at home and 22-25 at work. Anyone else experience this?
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