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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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About FusionChamberMD

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  1. I assume you don't have any "Value Charge" profiles active? Well shoot, now I feel like an idiot. I've never used that feature, but I checked it and it was activated--probably because everything reset when I charged the battery. I turned off the value charge and everything worked normally. Thanks so much for pointing this out--and I will keep an eye on the 12V for replacement.
  2. I had this happen as well (infuriating). I checked the ford charging cable that came with the car and it was VERY close in serial number to recalled chargers. I bought a new charger from Amazon (off brand) and haven't had a problem since.
  3. 2015 Fusion Energi MAIN battery was fully charged. Due to COVID-19, didn't drive the car for over a month. Went to drive it, the car was dead, no power at all. So I jumped the TRADITIONAL battery from our other car, got everything working again. Drove the car just a little bit, using main battery power only. Got main battery down to about 80%, and when I plugged it in that night it wouldn't recharge. So today I drove it so that the main battery was completely discharged, and plugged it in again. Have tried both power cords that I have. Both are receiving power from the outlet, and both display that they are relaying the charge to the car. However, while the light up quadrants around the car's charging plug in port do their usual flashing sequence, and the first quadrant starts the slow flashing indicating it's beginning to take a charge (and I hear the main battery start to hum like usual), after just a few seconds the light up quadrant goes dark and the battery goes quiet. Did something about running down the traditional battery ruin the main battery's capability to take a charge? Anyone else dealt with this before? Thanks in advance.
  4. And per the recall information sheet, the following serial numbers are being recalled: FM58-10B706-AAFM58-10B706-ABFM58-10B706-ACFM58-10B706-ADFM58-10B706-AEFM58-10B706-AFMine is AG but is also experiencing the red triangle fault on multiple occasions. Very frustrating.
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