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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by keithsm2

  1. Since the temp of the battery seems to be so important, why is there no readout for the temo? Seems like it would be a goid thing to know
  2. I understand when its using it. I just dont think its good to wait till u need it in a stress situation to turn it on.
  3. https://www.accuweather.com/en/press/62876528 This is the article that made me think Accuweather was avail.
  4. I was just thinking about this last night. If you are running on EV and run it till its out OR for whatever instance the ICE is needed. It probably cant be good on the ICE to turn on first thing and have a heavy load on it...IE accelerate to highway speed or Climb a hill. ( no warm up time ). Thoughts?
  5. A few questions about Android Auto. 1) Does it only work when plugged into the phone. I understood that the Android would work by bluetooth. If I want to use "ALL" of its functions I seem to have to plug it in. My sales rep after several weeks the car will download everything from my phone and bluetooth will then have full function. I'm not so sure. 2) Shouldn't accuweather work with Android Auto? When i plug in the phone I only see nav, phone, music. I dont see any option to see a weather map or anything from accuweather app. Thanks Keith
  6. My sales rep came by today and showed me that you need to go into settings under bluetooth and select the primary device. So apparently it doesnt like bluetoothing to the phone and IPOD on hardwire. You need to select one or the other.
  7. The hybrid ice always runs on cold start till its warm. Also charges the battery while warming up
  8. It assumes you are going to have to run the ICE when you first start the car anyway due to the ICE being Cold. Applies to Hybrids moreso than Energis
  9. I just took delivery of my Energi and purchased a brand new Ipod touch. Loaded it with songs and it only shows up in sources about 1 out of 4 times i start the car? Ive unplugged it and plugged back in. Ive restarted the IPOD also. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Keith
  10. Im new to the energi but not the fusion hybrid. I was just wondering why while in low power consumption modes like, cruising down highway, cant the ICE Charge the EV portion of the battery? Thanks Keith
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