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Everything posted by JeffyT

  1. I can relate to this, heh! So, further reading seems to tell me me that 1) you can do certain things to slow the degradation of the HVB; 2) the battery degradation levels off at a point, regardless of how fast the capacity has degraded; and 3) once the degradation has occurred, worst-case scenario is the FFE sort of becomes a hybrid. Some folks seem to be less interested in tweaking their driving/charging styles, using the car exactly how they want to, plugging in when they can or want to, and they are happy with the car anyway. All correct?
  2. Yes, the trunk space. Certainly not a deal-breaker. Depends on how many of us are traveling, I suppose, kids, one or three. I've never had adaptive cruise. I'm looking forward to that no matter which direction I go. I appreciate the link. That's all interesting. This car's a hobby as much as a way to get around, looks like!
  3. Thanks, everyone. I appreciate the input. I have a daily 40-mi round trip commute. I have about 10 years left of daily commute, if things continue as they are. I have a free charging station 1/2 mi from my office. And I could use the walk. Occasional longer trips, several per year. If we take longer road trip, we would take wife's car, or we would just fly. I don't travel much. Running around weekend errands. So, I figure it like this--buy a used FFE with lower miles, drive it for 10 years, and part company with it--donate it to my "favorite public radio station," etc. Any used car I buy will essentially be used up after I'm done with it regardless. I love this technology, love the car. I know you folks may have some bias, but if anyone can see any flaw in my reasoning, I'd be happy to hear it!
  4. I've always driven typical ICE automobiles. I maintain them well and drive the for at least 10 years. When I decide to move on, it's usually easy to find a buyer--someone who wants an affordable well-maintained car, even a 10-15 year old one, and I may get a couple thousand toward the purchase of my next car. I'm considering getting a low-mileage used FFE. Where will I be with this car in 10 years? These are still niche cars with a limited market/demand. And with 10 years on the battery, what will I do when it's time to dispose of the car? This is really the only concern I have about the potential purchase.
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