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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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About markb

  1. The 12V battery in my 2013 died after around 15,000 miles. Called Ford Customer Service and they arranged a tow to the local dealer (we were on vacation) who replaced the battery for free under warranty. I was impressed.
  2. Kim, Thanks but I've already tried that and it didn't work. Since posting this I've contacted Sync support and they are working with me on the problem. I'll report in on how that goes. However, I did read the page you sent me to. I have a lot of contacts on my phone and quite a bit of information on them, including photos (from LinkedIn). Could that be the source of the problem? Should I prune my contacts, there is a lot of "dead wood" in there that's accumulated over the years? Should I "disconnect" LinkedIn from my phone?
  3. I am having problems with loosing my address book contacts. I have several hundred of them and all of a sudden most will be gone. For some reason a lot of them in the A-F (I think that's right) remain and a few in the T-Z but all the rest are gone. I've done a full system reset several times but the problem keeps recurring. I have a Nokia 1020 Windows 8.1 phone and ATT is the carrier. Has anyone else had this problem? Any known solution?
  4. Russael, The contacts in my phone were not affected, only those in the car were lost. Definitely not a system upgrade. Need to emphasize that these did NOT happen at the same time but I'll mention it to the dealer in case there is a power problem. No other evidence of one, however.
  5. Wow, we're above 60 responses and the first female (and a non-technogeek to book) is included in those. Whoever she is, welcome to male geektechnogeekdom!
  6. I previously posted about my Sony stereo DSP setting not remembering to stay in Surround. A few days ago I lost all of my Address Book contacts (I have well over a hundred) except for 4 (strange isn't it, why not all of none?). Today my Climate Control system lost my 70 degree setting and came on at max cold (when it was in the 40's outside). Are other people having these problems or do I need to make an appointment with my dealer?
  7. I read an article about regenerative brakes. When you depress the brake pedal you are not operating the brakes, you are sending a signal to a computer that controls both the regenerative and the traditional brakes. It decides which to use based on how hard you depress the pedal which is why gentle, steady braking gets the most energy back. I would assume the adaptive cruise control uses that same computer and, from its point of view, it may well not matter if the driver or the cruise control systems says to slow down.
  8. OK, sorry, I wasn't clear. So, I'm on the driver side and my wife's on the passenger side. The fob is my pocket and I want it to stay there. How do I unlock my door AND her door? I know how to unlock mine but she claims she can't do the same from her side.
  9. Not precisely on topic but does anyone know how to unlock the front passenger door with the fob in your pocket without reaching around and using the manual unlock button on the driver's door?
  10. Agree it seems to happen between trips. Sigh, they recently updated the software, you would have thought such an obvious bug would have been fixed.
  11. I can't get the DSP setting in the Sony System in my Titanium to stay in surround sound mode. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix or is this a bug Ford has yet to address?
  12. Agree, it's buggy. I've driven over 400 miles since I picked up my car and have used ZERO gas. MyFordMobile shows 40 miles without adding gas. Go figure!
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