Let me try to say this better. When I bought the car I had to drive on the ICE to get home 140 miles. The MPG indicated around 50 or so for the trip. When home I charged up and the next trips were all on battery and the MPG indicator would increase to 100, then 200, then higher and higher as long as I was only on battery. Then I took a longer trip which required the ICE and the MPG indicator started working its way down. Then the next several trip it would go back up because I was on battery only. All this time, whether on battery or ICE, the Efficiency leaves would get bigger or smaller depending on how much I pushed on the throttle pedal. Then all of a sudden the MPG indicator jumped to 999.9 and the efficiency leaves do not change no matter how I drive, battery or ICE. It seems the car lost it's signal to the MPG indicator and efficiency leaves or the signal has failed to infinity.