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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by starvoyager

  1. Let me try to say this better. When I bought the car I had to drive on the ICE to get home 140 miles. The MPG indicated around 50 or so for the trip. When home I charged up and the next trips were all on battery and the MPG indicator would increase to 100, then 200, then higher and higher as long as I was only on battery. Then I took a longer trip which required the ICE and the MPG indicator started working its way down. Then the next several trip it would go back up because I was on battery only. All this time, whether on battery or ICE, the Efficiency leaves would get bigger or smaller depending on how much I pushed on the throttle pedal. Then all of a sudden the MPG indicator jumped to 999.9 and the efficiency leaves do not change no matter how I drive, battery or ICE. It seems the car lost it's signal to the MPG indicator and efficiency leaves or the signal has failed to infinity.
  2. I have owned my 2017 Fusion Energi since new and mostly drive short distances and therefore on battery only. The left display showed the MPG increasing every week and I took a picture at 868 Average MPG. The next day the display showed 999.9. Now the efficiency leaves do not change in the right display and continually fill the screen. My nearest dealer doesn't handle the Fusion Energi and I had to buy it from a dealer that is about 140 miles away. When I called their service department they suggested I bring it to them to check out. Is there any setting I missed or has anyone else had this problem? There are no warning lights and over 5500 miles on the car. Everything else works great.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I will hook up the trickle charger when I don't drive the car for a few weeks.
  4. Please clarify - if I don't drive my Fusion Energy for 3 weeks but keep it plugged in to the 110V charger will the 12V battery stay charged? Or do I need to hook up a trickle charger also?
  5. Question - if I can't driver my car for a few weeks should I leave it on the 110V charger?
  6. New owner with a charging question. I will not be driving my 2017 Fusion Energy for 3 weeks. Is it better to leave it plugged in or unplugged and let it discharge? Would I need to put a trickle charger in the 12v battery? Thanks
  7. I'm a new Energy owner in Reno, Nv. Couldn't buy one within a 100 miles so I had to go to California to get mine. I drove it home about 180 miles, over the mountains, and just love the car. I have over 2000 miles and have a 1/4 tank left and have not added any gas yet but I will fill it before winter sets in with added fuel stabilizer. My best miles per charge has been 32 and my average miles per gallon is 368.
  8. Has anyone found a narrow tire and wheel assembly that will fit on top of the shelf over the battery on an Energi?
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