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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by Deezul

  1. Some combination somewhere. When I've set a Value charge on my car, it says it will start charging at 11. Has yet to do that. Other times, in the middle of the day at some weird time I'll get an alert that I need to connect my car for charging. Waaa? If I could find a timer for a 240V circuit, I'd use it to have my car only charge at night unless I plug it in a different way and by pass the charger. This is one of those things where as an IT person, I'd like to ask them, "Can I see the event logs so we can figure out why it asks to charge when it does, and why it doesn't start charging when it says it is?"
  2. Issues with my app, too. Car was fully charged, never got notification. When I viewed the status, it had the right approximate time it finished, and below the battery had the value of the battery charge. But the picture of the battery showed 0%. And value charging still doesn't work...
  3. My Value Charging profiles for my home and home2, since the car seems to thing the same address is not the same at home. I've got them both set to Value Charging, but of course it charges the moment I plug in. And then there's the 2 Chargepoint stations near my work where I charge, yet MFM can figure out those four spots are all the same. I guess It has to do with residental addresses and industrial/commercial being different sizes. When I was at my mother's house, MFM had an address two houses down!
  4. How does the Plasti-Dip effect the clear coat on the wheels? I'm considering doing it myself, but if I don't like it, I don't want to peel the dip off then have to get the wheels painted again.
  5. Count me in as someone with range anxiety. My job requries me to drive. Some days I only go into the office and can charge there, and at 25 miles, I get pretty close to making it to the charging station on battery. Bad traffic days mean more brake recharging, so I don't mind them as much anymore. But there are days I get in, and within 30 minutes of charge, I have to head out to a client. Once I can get a vehicle that I can comfortably get 150 miles a day on, I'll consider all electric. Either that or find a new job within range of my battery.
  6. I've avoided gap insurance through the original financing, because you're paying for gap for the entire length of the loan. I've always gone with gap through my insurance provider, because in my case, at the 3rd or 4th year, my remaining loan payment is less than the value of the car. If I was in an accident and totaled the vehicle at that point, I'm getting a check from the insurance company. So once the KBB value of my car is greater than my loan, I drop gap insurance. Just my 2 cents.
  7. GM started in 2015 I think in replacing modems on cars. I had a 2004 Chevy with Onstar. I never used it, but GM issued a recall that said if you had OnStar or wanted it, you could come in and get the modem swapped out for one that would continue to work. So even if GM had issues, they had years to get it working. Worst case they could have put an old modem back in if there were major issues then once those were figured out put the correct one back in. Ford waited until the last moment, and it shows. Heck, I bought my 2016 new in December, but with the amount of miles on it already, it had obviously sat in the lot for quite some time. Yet I had to take it in 3 weeks after I bought it for the modem replacment. Why wasn't it done while it was still there!?!?
  8. The credit goes to the original purchaser of the vehicle. If you lease, you're not going to get the credit, Ford is. But dealers have been reducing the cost of the lease by the $4007 credit. You're getting it indirectly, which is probably better for your tax situation anyway.
  9. For whatever reason, I added my Home, and later MFM added another charging location as my address again. I added it as Home2, and set Home and Home2 to Value Charging. Yet now that Home2 is recognized as really "home", Value charging isn't sticking. Sticks fine for Home. It appears to me that it stays as "Value Charging" until I get home and plug it in, then it switches to Charge Now, and starts charging. Arggh!
  10. Mine is the max time frame and mileage, 8 years/150K with lights. I think I can average just under 20k miles a year to stay golden during the warrenty period. I skipped the first day rental as I have another vehicle and can leave it there overnight if needed.
  11. Yes, it was a new car purchase. Yes, I filled out the form with the maximum allowable amount of $4007 as specified on the IRS's website. If I removed that credit, my refund dropped by $4007 dollars. Please, no "you should adjust your tax amount so the government doesn't a free loan from you" discussions. I thought I was doing the right thing once before, and one year ended up owing several thousand dollars that if not for a job change, I was going to be hard pressed to pay. I'm fine with having a large refund instead of a large payment. My life situation has been fluid the past few years, so I'd rather have more money taken out than not enough.
  12. Just waiting for my tax return and I'll be purchasing mine. Essentailly using the $4007 tax credit for the FFE purchase to pay for it!
  13. I'm curious - how many miles do you usually put on a car each year? I use my car for work driving to client sites, so unless they'll give me a great price to pre-buy extra miles, I'm going over 12,000 every year. I leased a 1999 Ford Ranger, and fortunately had a 20 miles total commute each day, so I was fine. But I turned that in for a 2001 F150, and after losing my primary job, I took a job delivering newspapers until I found something else. Even then the job I found had a 60 mile round trip commute, so I was WAY over at the end of the lease. It would have been a huge mileage penalty to turn it in, so I was stuck paying essentially MSRP minus the lease terms because I didn't negotiate the residual. I didn't think I'd keep the truck, so I kept a lower payment with low miles. I'm glad it works out for you. You have to wonder though that if Ford is pushing you to lease, they did the math and realized it's more profitable for them than a sale.
  14. Mileage went back up to 21-22 miles, so I know that's going to fluctuate. Just the 5000 EV miles achievement seemed strange that it was awarded on MFM.
  15. This is actually the first NEW car I've ever purchased off the lot. I did buy a truck after the lease ended, but I didn't plan to and only did because I was way over on mileage and it would have cost me more to simply get rid of it versus buying it and keeping it. All my other vehicles have been used, and I drove them into the ground or lost them due to accidents.
  16. That was my next question - which plan did you go with? I was looking at 8/150, as I tend to drive cars until they give up on me. I only bought my Fusion because of a car accident in a 2004 that was totaled. It had over 200,000 miles and would have made it to 300,000 easy. My 2006 Mariner has 214,000, with only cosmetic issues. I had to have the thermostat replaced on the Mariner, and that wasn't cheap. But the killer was the power steering module going out. So an ESP with just those two issues, and I'm coming out ahead. Twice as much mileage and two extra years, so there's the change in bulb price. I have a job that requires me to drive, so unless I change jobs, I'll probably hit the mileage before the years, but not by much. I don't think I'll put 25,000 a year, so a 7 or 8 year plan is the way to go for me. I just have to figure out how much I drove the past few years and do the math.
  17. Must be different pricing depending on the warranty or year of vehicle, as when I've picked the $100 and $50 deductible plan, it shows $175 for the bulb fee. I'm not worried about a one day rental, I've got another vehicle if it's a day thing. If it's an overnight, I'll gladly take the rental that comes with PremiumCare.
  18. Not that I should be that surprised with anything strange from MFM, but today I got the "5000 EV miles" achievment, yet my car only has 1600 miles total. Hmmm. My battery life has also dropped on a full charge from 22 miles to 18 miles. And of course the Value Charging for my home isn't sticking and the car seems to charge whenever it's plugged in at home. Yay.
  19. $45? I read FloodFord's website as $175 to add bulb coverage, and then the deductible when you have lights done.
  20. What helped sell me on my Energi was the salesman that I worked with has one, and he uses the charging station at the dealership when it's not charing a customer car or a car for sales, as well as telling me "tricks" to use either a PEHV. Sure, he could have been giving me dealership BS, but when he can explain things without checking a manual or with lots of, "Um, I think this" or "I'll have to confirm" but can say it from experience, it helps.
  21. About to pull the trigger on an ESP through flood as soon as my tax return comes in. Is the light plan worth it? I know the manual says you have to remove the front bumper to change the bulb, and if I get the Premium plan (likely) I get a rental car if it takes more than the day I bring it in. Conversely, if I get the light plan and the bulbs never go out, I'll kick myself for "wasting' the money. My morning commute usually means I'm leaving with headlights on, so it's not like I'm a daytime only driver that barely uses the lights. Just seemed high to get the bulb plan, but then again the first time the front bulb goes I'll wonder if I should have bought the bulb plan. I intend to get the 8 year ESP since I hold onto my cars, so the bulb plan may be the way to go. Thoughts?
  22. I hadn't set up value charging until this week. My modem was replaced two weeks ago, but I'm getting non-sticking Value charging as well. It recognizes my car is home, and I've set value charging to be from midnight to 6 pm. But it starts charging as soon as I plug it in.
  23. Mistakes happen. I'd just go to the dealer and say they installed the incorrect modem. Take pictures like jdbob said and show them they put the wrong one in. My guess is they had a few of the older ones in their stuck, and the tech just grabbed the next one in line. I had a correct modem installed but it turned out to be DOA and I had to take my car back to be fixed. It's supposed to be ready later today and I'm itching to get it back!
  24. The new modem installed in my car was bad. Service departmetn tried reprogramming, but no dice, so that's when they found it was bad. It's been replaced, but now the car is at the body shop for a scratch fix. Hopefully will have it back on Monday, and can confirm MFM is working again. Just in time to take it to a tint shop for the windows...
  25. No luck yesterday. When I try to enter the ESN of the modem, MFM doesn't recognize it. So I suspect the dealership never linked the two. At least that's what I'm hoping. Now to figure out who is supposed to link them.
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