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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by My14Energi

  1. Im curious, what is the outside temp where you are now that the car is figjting against?
  2. So aside from the alignment and rotation what else were you experiencing to have them service the car? Im sure alignment and rotation wont have any effect on the performance, but these cars are so dependant on the computers and programming that i could see that having an effect. Just wondering what prompted them to mess around with the electronics
  3. This was the numbers from my commute this morning. Again...roughly 21miles @ 75mph and 23miles @ 45mph. Thats the result. Totally satisfying on my end. My point with all this is my time is worth more to me, enjoying my drive, than the gains achieved by fiddling around like the car is a video game with buttons and arrows going up and down. By my calculations, granting the magic number of 50mpg, a gain of 5% battery equals about 1 mile of driving. At 50mpg one mile costs about 5 cents. If staring at a screen and pushing buttons is worth 5 cents to you then thats fine, but thats not for me.
  4. Understood. I'd be slightly irritated too if i got less performance after the dealer serviced my car.
  5. Ok, sorry....im not literally getting run off the road. But have semi's on your a$$ and passing to swerve back in front isnt very fun. Nor dump trucks, pickups or woman driving stupid in their cars. Its something called the average flow of traffic, regardless of speed limit, and if your under that average flow your actually a bigger danger than the people going 80mph. Highly annoying to be "that guy" causing everyone to drive around you. Our own state troopers have warned of driving below the flow of traffic. They did a whole campaign where they ticketed drivers for going too slow, too slow being over 10mph under the limit. But they recognize that a 70mph limit results in a flow of 75. I run by troopers daily running radar doing 75. You want to be that guy thats your choice. Always one in every crowd. I also dont put an ounce of effort to notice people "wasting energy". What you do is your business, doesnt bother me a bit. As i stated before you wont hear me complain about my actual 43mpg. Dont care what Ford stated, didnt buy it based on what Ford said it would do. Im perfectly satisfied going from a 19mpg car to 43mpg. What i saw in the video is "charging" the HVB while driving. Charging at a level that is insignificant to experience any noticable benefit, to me anyways. Also that video is a CMax which is an egg of a car. The Fusion being a completely different shape and size car would surely drive and behave completely different thus different expectations. If im not mistaking there is a slight weight difference between the Fusion and the egg. Bottomline....100% satisfied (minus sound system) owner of a top of the line Fusion Energi.
  6. All that means little for me. My commute is 90 miles that includes 40 miles of highway driving with a 70mph speed limit and if your not going 75 you'll get run off the road by everyone else. I've tried to set my cc at 72 and i still become an obstacle. It seems some people just go crazy trying to crunch the numbers. I get in, push start and drive, and enjoy the car. I reliably get 20+ ev miles using a full 5.1-5.3 kwh and my calculated average is 43 mpg, and thats going atleast 75 and sometimes 80+mph to pass. I watched those videos and i find staring at numbers and fiddling with buttons a waste of time for a couple %, the distance gained from 13% to 15% is miniscule. Notice the % is bouncing up and down but the ev available miles went nowhere. Again, to me thats not enjoying the car by staring at numbers on a screen. I switched over to the Energi from a Lincoln MKS which averaged 19mpg, so 43mpg is more than acceptable to me. More of a concern to me is stuff like i used to be able to watch a dvd in THX 5.1 in the MKS and this crap Sony system doesnt do anything and sounds horrible. I'd gladly give up a few mpg if only able to get my THX 5.1 back!!!
  7. Motorcraft parts have a 24month/unlimited mile warranty and will be honored at any dealer, not just the one that installed it. Your invoice should have that listed from the original repair.
  8. If you had it replaced at the dealer the part itself should have a motorcraft part warranty and be replaced free of charge
  9. Showing in my account as well but what does that mean? Dont know what a FSA is all about.
  10. I just bought a used 2014 in july with 22k miles perfect condition. Great car, not a problem, battery still gets its full range. I paid $24k and financed thru Ford at 1.9%. My Energi is a Titanium with every available option Ford offers. It was actually sitting inside in the showroom and thats where i first saw it. I thought it was brand new and was shocked it was 2 yrs old.
  11. How did they contact you? Unless caller ID says FORD i dont answer unknown number calls. Never got a voicemail
  12. Looks like your mileage range is about right. Is it possible your getting too caught up in the whole kwh used thing? If you were getting 12 miles on a full charge then that would be a problem but i have found too many owners make too much of all the numbers and math.
  13. So trading the absolute minimal amount of actual human effort in pushing a brake pedal for excessively using an automatic parking brake with moving parts that could break over time. Seems like a perfectly valid arguement. I for one HATE having to actually turn a knob with my hand to raise the volume on the radio. Why do they have to make it so hard??
  14. Is there a way to have the car stay in EV later mode during remote start? Its nice to use MFM to remote start but getting to the car to find the EV plummeted makes it not worth it.
  15. I've been getting 5.4 kwh used on a full charge. Is that about right. When it states 5.4 kwh used does it take into consideration the regen?
  16. So out of a 44 mile trip both instances (same route to work both times) the only difference between hybrid only and ev now/hybrid mixed is 6 miles?
  17. So what exactly is the MFM app showing me and where is the data coming from? Example....two days ago i forgot to plug in overnight so i had zero charge for ev driving yet the app showed 15 ev miles out of a 44 mile trip. Today i used the full charge and it showed 21.5 miles. How can no charge result in 15 miles and a full charge show 21? Doesnt make sense, if hybrid mode gets 15 miles ev then a full charge only allows for 6 extra miles? Btw...the 15 ev miles showed 0 kwh used, the 21.5 ev miles showed 3.9 kwh used with 4 miles/13% left.
  18. With my car i have found if you repeatedly try to connect when it has no cell signel it gets jammed up somehow and still wont connect even when you get to an area with service. I now know where it gets a signal and where it doesnt(garage) and dont try to connect there. I have pulled the fuse with success each time in resetting the cell modem only to have it get jammed trying to update in the wrong spots. Since the last reset its been working perfect. It sucks thats the way it works but for now it seems the only way to work around it. Pull the fuse to reset first though, very easy to do
  19. That seems like a crap reason to not get be able to get a car fixed while under warranty. I got mine CPO which includes a rental, i also just came over to Ford from owning a Lincoln for the last 10 years which they always gave a free loaner if your repair was more than one day. Ford should have a little more respect for their owners.
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