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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by chuck1011212

  1. Where would For get the car more range from? The battery already eats a ton of space in the trunk. Sure, it can have more range, but this doesn't happen by magic and you would have to give up a larger percentage of the trunk and the car would cost even more as well. To place the battery at a more advantageous position would take more money and R&D and most importantly time. Ford is doing the best they can with what they have. Sure, they are late to the party in some ways, but the Fusion is an amazingly sorted and engineered car for what it is. My 2nd car: a Leaf is an econobox pile of crap in comparison. (Nevermind the dismal Leaf resale value......)
  2. You have probably already purchased a charge cable for your car, but if not, consider this.... I bought the Clipper Creek 14 50 https://www.amazon.com/ClipperCreek-HCS-40P-Charging-Station-14-50/dp/B013VNIAEU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469225265&sr=8-1&keywords=hcs40p for my Fusion for the simple fact that it pumps out as many amps as possible for my car now and ideally any car in the future. ALSO it is portable and is the power supplied at more places than anywhere else. Take your charge cable with you on a road trip and plug into most any RV outlet. It is quite expensive, but much more flexible than one with a different power outlet requirement. As others have stated, you can downgrade the cable from 14 50 to something smaller if you want or need to. Plus this item would probably be easier to resell if you sell or wreck your Fusion and go to a non plugin car.
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