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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by MrBadger

  1. OK, this may be a stupid question. But... I can't find the "trip odometer". There's plenty of stuff that shows me how far I went in the last session. But if I want to set a trip odometer that accumulates over several driving sessions over several days... There's GOT to be a way to do that.
  2. Thanks. That's kind of what I suspected since I didn't see anything that even remotely looked like it would lead to direct battery readings. Oh well. What I'm actually trying to figure out is whether the charging at work from a station is putting more in than the charging at home on 120. The "miles available" aren't going to be accurate since I live on the top of a hill and it's always going to think that I'm going to get less from a charge at home because it's just come up 800' of hill! :)
  3. Newbie coming out of the shute .. so the distance it can go must be based on how much charge it thinks it has divided by how fast it thinks it will use it. My question is this: Is there any way to see the raw numbers (presumably in KWh's) on what it thinks is in the battery? I can do the math myself! :)
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