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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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About spudman99

  1. Given the above @16vjohn, would you recommend another Blackstone test, or just change more frequently and switch to 5w20 full synthetic?
  2. Battery did not run dead. I replaced the starter battery almost 12 months ago. No periods of loss of power during the interim. Probably put 2k miles on the ICE since the replacement. Dealer reports no codes when they read the emissions part of the test. I will report back next week the results of my situation, just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Certainly could be a faulty computer module on the car, that will be determined on Monday.
  3. Here in PA we have annual car inspections. Took my 2014 Energi in for its annual check-up to the Ford dealer. My modem was replaced in 2016 and failed 4 months later. They did a reset in June 2017 and said I would be good, did nothing. I was too busy to return, they took a look at it yesterday and said it failed. Will be getting a new one courtesy of the ESP. Real question is that the Advisor said they could not complete the emissions test as there was no data stored in the computer (CO2, engine mis-fires, etc). Asked me if I recently changed battery -- no, I changed it last year. Asked if I reset any codes - no. Service Advisor was puzzled, asked me if I could drive it on the ICE and come back in a few days. I know I went just about 30 days on all electric - all short trips so the engine did not come on for about that time. Can the lack of ICE running cause the computer to lose the data and then the situation above arise? I would think the information would remain in storage. I always wonder if the techs working on the cars are just inexperienced with a PHEV and do not know how to troubleshoot the issues and revert to their old ICE suspicions? Anyone else have this issue? Checking in advance as I go back on Monday to see if running the engine 40-50 miles will help.
  4. I pleaded that case. Service writer said that the modem replacement is now out of the original 3/36 warranty. If they did put in a defective one (the replacement modem worked for just under 4 months) it was on me to have neglected to bring the car in sooner. My concern is that the code pulled and the work done today are not related to the modem and may not fix the problem. Hoping someone else may have had a similar issue.
  5. Just returned from the Dealer to have my 2 recalls fixed and have them solve an inoperable modem. MFM has not worked in my car since May 2017, I was too buzy lazy to return it to the dealer to look at the matter. MFM does not connect with the car and get a confirmation, the app just sits there awaiting forever. So tech adviser runs diagnostics and sees a Code U0198 stored in the APIM. Suggested fix is found in SSM 47198 which is basically a reset of the modem and then reprogramming the TCU to the highest calibration. Charged me $100 under my Extended Service Plan for the deductible. Car is a 2014 Energi, modem replaced in January 2017. Modem worked till May 2, 2017 when all communications with MFM stopped. Any thoughts? Has this happened to anyone else, or did I get ripped off of the deductible by a limited experience tech? Thanks in advance
  6. Any helpful thoughts from fellow Energi owners? My BIL has a fusion (non-hybrid) and says the rear view mirror is solid as a rock on the highway. No vibration unless a bump is hit.
  7. It seems to be the mirror and not the mounting bracket. I can wobble the mirror slightly when at a stop. After the windshied replacement, the bracket was glued but the whole assembly shook so bad you couldn't look at it. I assumed there was a missing set screw or loose screw the tech forgot to tighten down. Now I'm wondering if the entire rear view mirror assembly somehow was damaged in the replacement procedure.
  8. Just had our 2014 Titanium Energi back from the body shop after a deer collision. Had to return it back to correct a hood most alignment and paint drip. What was most annoying was the rear view mirror. Upon delivery the mirror was loose (obviously shoddy work by the windshield tech). It shook so bad you couldn't look at it We get back the car couple days later and all is corrected other than a mild shake or vibration in the mirror. Is that normal? At highway speeds on an interstate their is noticeable vibration. I do not recall that condition before, but honestly I never paid attention. Should the mirror be pretty solid when traveling on normal roads?
  9. Just wanted to add a recent story for those who may be reading this forum in the future. No real answer I can offer. Was riding the PA Turnpike 3 weeks ago when I look down at the radio, and then hear a loud thump. Look in rear view mirror, and spot what I later learned was a 3' piece of metal the size of a 2x4. Hit it going 70mph (legal limit btw). Start to get over to right lane and about 45sec later I hear a lout hisssss out the passenger window. I knew exactly what that was, and the low tire pressure immediately comes on. Turns out the side wall had a 1" tear, most likely from where it compressed on the tire rim. Well the compressor and fix-a-flat wont help a sidewall issue, so it was AAA tow to the nearest tire dealer, and $460 and 14 hours later I had 2 new front tires. Best part about this story is that the same piece of metal caused twelve (12) flat tires that afternoon. Took nearly 1 hour to get a tow off the highway. Of course there is no answer for this unless there was a spare in the car. How reliable is the OEM supplied repair kit for ordinary flat tires?
  10. Just got back my Oil Analysis from Blackstone. First oil change on my 2014 Energi, 4500 ICE miles, 12k electric miles, almost 2 year old oil was changed. I added synthetic and changed it my self with no problems. Results from Blackstone were clean except for the following: "Our one concern here is with fuel dilution. Up to 2.0% can be from operational factors, but 6.0% is high enough to suggest a possible fuel system problem. We also think fuel thinned the viscosity since this reading is below the 0W/20 range. A leaky injector can add fuel to the oil. Watch for a rising fuel oil level on the dipstick as a sign of trouble." Any thoughts, comments or concerns. I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to this detailed analysis. In otherwords I do not know if I should have the dealer look at the injectors, add a fuel supplement, or just watch and wait?
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