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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by malibu3105

  1. So did everyone like this screen protector? I assume it comes in the correct size. Question.... before applying, what is the best way to clean your screen first? Or is the blue cloth the best way ?
  2. So awesome!! Now that I'm driving one I get even more excited when someone else gets theirs !!!!! Finally had my first long drive, just over 75 miles. Was getting 20 - 25 mpg the first 40 miles, I think, then it just changed and went to 40 to 60 mpg. The total trip averaged 42.6 mpg. Awesome !! I was told that the mpg would change as the car learned. And I was driving about 75mph the entire time :) Adaptive cruise is the greatest thing ever !!!!
  3. Proof my car is unloaded !! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5j9-sBYBtnsUnRFTnJIOS1DQW8/edit?usp=docslist_api lol
  4. Just wanted to say "Thank You" to HTTP for taking over the spreadsheet. It has been my pleasure, and it is always good to keep it moving so it stays nice and fresh. I know he will do an awesome job!!! Not to get my new car !!!! Where is it anyway ?? Somewhere between Phoenix AZ and Riverside CA. It has been 3 days since Sunday when it came off the railcar. C'On. Does not take that long to drive over here !!!! lol
  5. So your putting together a quick "How To" for the rest of us ?
  6. What ???....... there is an iPhone training App ?..... You're pulling our legs!!! Stop that. lol
  7. Wow... So with that list can you include time estimates ? This is a geek thing you know. Also prioritize!!! lol. O, and I love your forum icon, "Stupid people to that side of the internet" I want that !!!!
  8. Ok, good list, but ..... What is the list when you receive the car? Like, Register with MySync, Pair with Phone, Add waypoints to NAV, etc. Just wondering since those who have receive their cars had had to do some things I am sure, I am going through the over 400 page manual, much in there about programing door locks etc.
  9. Has anyone registered with MySync before taking delivery ?? BAd idea but so tempting ...
  10. So, I am wondering if there are any picuters of a Fusion being built in the Hermoso plant.... Would be interesting to see ....
  11. O..... :hysterical: -- See how Anal I am lol. enjoy!!!!! Mine gets built tomorrow. Then 9 days to delivery if all goes well :)
  12. So did you get it ?? Shall I mark your car as delivered in the spreadsheet?
  13. I don't know for sure, but I think the car is built in one day. Spreadsheet updated :)
  14. Updated, yes but we are all excited.!!! I just hate waiting until May 20 for my build date!! Let's build it next week :)
  15. I updated the spreadsheet for you. -- Everything should be up to date for everyone --
  16. My dealer did give me mine either, but if you have your dealer code and order number you can get it from Ford. If you have your order number, but not your dealer code there are people here in the forum that can get your dealer code if you post the dealer name and address. That is what I did to get my VIN.
  17. So.... My first order the one that ended up black was delivered yesterday to the dealer. He emailed me this morning so I can go look if I want, and I probably will just to see it. So from the date I ordered it, to the day it was delivered, (Mar 28th / April 25th) was just 28 days !!! I think that is the current record. On the other hand :( My second order, the one that will actually be Ruby Red, was ordered on April 15th, and has a build date of May 20th. So 35 days to get built, and if I add 8 days delivery (that was what car #1 took) I end up with 43 days. A difference of 15 days. Oh well. My added wait time will then be the 15 days plus 18 days it took them to order so a total of 33 days I lost. I guess the good news would be that maybe incentives will be better and I miss a car payment :)
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