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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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About carstocks2

  1. I'm a police officer who just retired from a VERY expensive high end area in NJ. Our area had so many high end vehicles (MB AMGs, BMW Ms, Porsches, Ferraris, etc. ) stolen right from driveways or garages because the key fob was left in the vehicle. I do not recommend EVER leaving the key fob in the vehicle. The conclusion that my county came up with, and I agree with it... Is that there is a tool / scanner that criminals now have that can pick up the signal between your car and it's key fob when the key fob is within range of the car. You have to understand that when a proximity key fob (no key required to enter or start a car) is in a car, it's sends a signal to the car telling it that its ok to start and operate the car. This signal is transmitted and then intercepted by criminals who will be informed that a car in the immediate area has the key with it. They then pinpoint the signal and are able to get into the car and steal it. Just in my area in the past 3 years,at least 30 cars were stolen when the key fob was left in the car. While maybe 4 cars were stolen in the same area without a key fob- type car or a key fob left in the car. IMHO, do not leave the key fob in the car. Of course, if you are just going to the gym or a quick errand, then maybe okay but do not make a habit of it. We had one family who lost 3 cars in one night worth over $250,000. And all had the key fobs left in the car.
  2. I'll have to check the center screen but I know I've seem 100% show up on my dashboard when I first bought the car. Maybe in a different screen but I have yet to use the center screen to monitor any battery / hybrid anything. Thanks so much for the info though.
  3. well I'm referring to that once the car is fully charged and I check it by changing the "EV" mode selection switch on the center console through the 3 modes that are available. That's when it only shows "95%" charged when three weeks ago. It showed "100%" after a full charge.
  4. This is my first post, and I'm a newer proud owner of a 2013 Fusion Energi Titanium with 24k miles. I bought the car at a Ford dealer CPO ed about 5 weeks ago. I love the car and am getting better and better at increasing its efficiency ( more like my driving it more efficiently i guess) everyday. The one issue I'm having lately is that after a full charge, my dash shows that the battery is only charging to 95%. When I first got the car, it was ALWAYS 100% after a charge with a few exceptions showing 99%. My driving conditions haven't changed ( I live in south Florida and it's still close to 90 degrees everyday). Any ideas? Thanks for you're help Mike
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