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Everything posted by lars_stenstedt

  1. Meagan: sure can do. I'd rather not post my VIN though, let me know the email etc and I'll send that info. redacted I've been out of town, but still having variations of this problem. "Stalls" or stops charging sometimes at 1 or 2 miles charge, now more recently stalling at about 10 miles charge.
  2. 240 volt charger is hard wired. Haven't had the chance to try on 110 yet - it's a pain to string out the long extension cord. It's been pretty warm here lately (California, Bay Area).....when it's warm and the car is charging there is a fan that kicks on to keep the battery cool (in the back). When it's failed to charge, or stalled charging I haven't been noticing the fan....so I'm wondering if it's something along those lines; if the battery is too hot (because the fan isn't working) it just stops charging? Then when I unplug and replug in (in which case it always works and fully charges) the car/battery has had a chance to cool. I'm going to take it into the dealer in the next week or two as my schedule allows, and I'm preparing my "case" and load of evidence to try and direct them. At the moment I'd steer them that way - checking out that the charging cooling system is properly working.
  3. Good thought on the voltage drop, but yeah, no error condition on the charger unit. I will try the 120 volt charger and see if it ever happens with that one if no other ideas come to mind....
  4. Yeah, sorry forgot to mention. I checked (and double checked) and none of the "value charging" settings are on. It's all set to default and the default is the normal. It's almost like occasionally there's a bug which makes it *think* it's in value charging mode. Also this "stalling" of the charging happens mostly at night (that's when I usually charge) and that's when a "value charge" would kick in anyway..... The ring lights up like it's charging, so I'm sure it's starting. It just seems to occasionally stall out (stop charging) at 1 mile worth of charge.
  5. I have a home 240 V charging station. I recently traded in my C Max energi and I NEVER had any issue with charging - so I'm pretty confident the home charging station is working fine. With my new 2015 Fusion Energi I carefully plug in the charging and periodically it starts to charge (the ring lights come on, and the charging unit indicates "charging") but then stops/stalls at about 1 or 2 miles worth of charge. When it first happened I assumed I hadn't quite plugged in the charger etc; but I've now very carefully experimented/monitored things, and it just seems like once in a while it starts to charge but then stalls. If I get in the car and turn it on, the dashboard charger will indicate "charging" but it'll just show additional hours to charge (when I first start charging it'll show a completion time about 2.5 hours from start, if it stalls in the night I'll check in the morning and it'll just show that time plus another 2.5 hours). I've looked at the connectors and all seems fine. And when I just unplug and replug it works fine. And as far as I can tell this only happens when I start a charge from full zero. Anybody see anything like this? I'll take it into the dealer but I'm afraid they'll plug it, have it work fine and give me a "no problem found" conclusion....
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