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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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Everything posted by sorinmtl

  1. Can the frame of the car get damaged by something like this? The metal is pretty bent and ripped. It's not that big in diameter, but still.
  2. Last night I was driving back home, cruising on a main highway at about 65mph. All of a sudden I hear this loud pop/explosion kind of sound from under the car, passanger side. I thought I've hit something that was on the highway, and my first instinct was to look behind me to see what it was. All I could see was a bit of dust, but I was on a slight curve, so I've lost sight withing 3 seconds. Then for about 5-10 second I smelled something like smoke, burn, but now really. Hard to describe. About 1 min later the yellow airbag light was lit on the dash, and then about 5 mins later the check engine. The direction was fine, car wasn't shaking or going sideways, everything seemed normal. I take the first exit, pull into a gas station where there was some light, and I checked the bumbers, tires, fenders, whatever I could check and everything seemed normal. So I head home thinking I must've hit something, there was a shock, which triggered the airbag light (some kind of sensor, right?), which then triggered the check engine light. This morning I talk to my wife about it, she thinks it was an animal of some sort. So ok, so let's look under the car for any signs of collision. Low and behold, on the passanger side, just about at the middle of the car, towards the outside, a portion of the material that protects underneath the car was torn. And then another piece of solid metal underneath is also torn and I could see a few wires. So what the heck happened??? I’m pretty sure I didn’t hit anything on the highway (other then maybe an animal that I couldn’t see moving), but that wouldn’t do that kind of damage?? What’s even more puzzling is that there’s nothing on the front bumper, or anywhere else. When you hit sometheing it can’t just pop out under the middle of the car. I’m pretty sure it’s due to some sort of mechanical problem. But then what’s under the car near there that can suddenly just kinda explode? There was also a small tiny cable with a connector at the end that was ripped out right in that hole underneath the car. So I’m thinking it must be some trigger for the airbag thus the airbag light in the car. Needless to say none of the airbags deployed or anything like that. I’ve attached some pictures that I just took. So what the heck happened???
  3. sorinmtl

    IMG 1730

    From the album: 2015

  4. sorinmtl

    IMG 1712

    From the album: 2015

  5. sorinmtl

    IMG 1702

    From the album: 2015

  6. sorinmtl

    IMG 1701

    From the album: 2015

  7. sorinmtl

    IMG 1692

    From the album: 2015

  8. sorinmtl

    IMG 1688

    From the album: 2015

  9. sorinmtl

    IMG 1681

    From the album: 2015

  10. You can add another 2014 fusion energi to the list. Car was plugged in the whole night, and today around noon the car was completly dead. I read this thread and I had the symptoms where the battery fans were on while stopped at a light, which points to a bad sensor or a short. I'll bring the car to the dealership tomorrow and hopefully they won't just change or charge the dead battery. I already had an appointment for tomorrow because for the last 7 days the check engine light and the ratchet light were on and off intermittently. Problem is my local dealership has only sold 1 energi I think, so I don't know how good they are servicing it. Plus I'm in Canada and everybody from Ford on the forum they all seem to be from the US...
  11. Yes, I'm in Canada. But it was -23C, which is about -12F ? :) Yeah, that bad.
  12. my problem is the ICE does not turn on. It stays on auto (and auto stays on battery) on highway. Instead of ICE on highway. (I usually use EV later/ICE on highway)..
  13. Yeah, but mine stays in Auto, and here's the bummer, the Auto is only running on the battery. Unless I use the max defrost, then the ICE kicks in. But if not, it stays on Auto, which stays on battery. And then on highway, where I usually use EV later, it stays on auto/battery, and the battery drains too fast. (normal on highway).
  14. So we've had really bad and cold weather for the past week or so. Around -9F every morning. When I drive to work, I usually use EV later on the highway, and auto or electric in the city. But for the third time this week, all of sudden, the only available mode is Auto, even though the battery is far from empty. Is this because is too cold outside? Anybody seen or heard about this before?
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