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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by lsa1218

  1. MEAGAN, The first phone call was the regular 1-800 Customer Relations Dept. number and they gave me a case number : ?????? and told me a REGIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER (for N.C.) would call me within 24-48 hours. I called a number the Customer Relations gave me for TINA ????? but never was able to leave any messages on her voice mail. I waited 5 weeks with no response from anyone and called back after about 5 weeks. Talked with another REGIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER(Maybe name of Autium) and was not at all satisfied with her response. 1st post on forum: Posted 22 September 2014 - 12:07 AM 2013 Fusion Energi 13, 030 miles. Thank You for your interest............ Larry A
  2. Well with all the problems I experienced with my LEMON fusion the first year, back & forth to the dealership 5 times in about 3 weeks, and trying to get the regional manager to replace my vehicle, which she refused and told me it was my responsibility to continue to return it to ford dealership until it was fixed, I politely told her FORD WOULD NEVER GET ANOTHER DOLLAR FROM ME. I like my Fusion Tit. Energi but it cost me many, many, hours of lost wages, my time, etc. and I truly am NOT A SATISFIED CUSTOMER.
  3. they didn't show me the wiring short exact location ......he stated removed trunk liner to access fan & HVB so I assumed it was around that area.
  4. See earlier post : Sept. 22, 2014 12:06 a.m. DEAD BATTERY FIX Picked up my ENERGI today Sept. 24, 2014 after Service Tech. located part of the wiring harness going to the rear battery fans had rubbed the insulation off wire shorting out --- causing the fans to run sometimes after car turned off ---draining the 12 volt battery. This information furnished as stated below by the Service Tech. on the Warranty Repair Invoice. Checked battery condition and recharged, IDS Diag, Low Voltage codes in several modules, checked for draw, less than 50 milliamps, test drove and charged with 240V several times to try and recreate drain on 12 volt system. ....After several days of attempts, FOUND HVB COOLING FAN STAYING ON AFTER VEHICLE IS TURNED OFF. REMOVED TRUNK LINER TO ACCESS FAN AND HVB. FOUND SHORT TO GROUND ON PULSE WIDTH COMMAND WIRE TO HVB. REPAIRED HARNESS AND INSULATE HARNESS TO KEEP FROM CHAFING AGAIN. REPAIRED CIRCUIT ---VYB18 WH-GN. Retested all systems and released vehicle to customer. Service Dept. Tech stated he felt 90 % sure this was the problem with my-- continuing-- Ford Fusion Energi Dead 12 volt battery issue . I'll report back later to advise if this FIX-- in fact-- WORKED. As stated above, I have had my Energi in service almost everyday for approx. 15 months and my dead battery issue JUST started on Sept. 5, 2014. Guess the wiring had enough time to rub against something to chaf and short. Sept. 27 2014 Dead 12 volt Battery problem appears to have been fixed thanks to a very sharp mechanic at Mooresville Ford.
  5. Posted for Info. ref. DEAD 12 volt battery. My 2013 Energi has been towed (4) times by Road Side Asst. Since Sept. 5, 2014. The 12 volt battery has been replaced by Ford once, and charged several times at the dealership. A tele-kinetic module has also been replaced. It is currently at the Ford dealership Service Dept. as of Sept. 20, 2014 for the 5th time, same problem...... The mechanic has talked with Ford Engin. several times and currently have no idea what is causing the dead battery issue. My Energi was purchased in May 2013 and no problems until September 2014............ 13,000 miles
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