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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by openair

  1. The difference between the hybrid and energi is that the energi can drive on electricity only for up to 19 miles. The 195hp should be available when running as either a hybrid (Ev range depleted) or Ev later and there is sufficient charge of the hybrid portion or Ev later window.
  2. My 2014 also has the range estimate on the battery icon. It was removed on certain later built 2015s and later year models.
  3. Had the engine run intentionally before running unknowingly? If engine had run at some point during the trip it will come back on to rewarm the transmission fuild and keep it warm until the vehicle is restarted.
  4. Do you use the empower screen? Is the threshold falling unexpectedly or is the ice suddenly starting while the threshold was at the normal 4 bars before starting?
  5. Despite summer weather and all the things I thought had fixed it I continue to get very poor fuel economy intermittently. My average was 3.8L/100k and 4.5kw. I've seen as poor as 7.1L/100km and 4.5kw. Often I would recently get 5.5-6l/100km and 4.5kw. Then my charging cable died. So for two weeks I drove without charging. I often got 5.5L/100km and 0kw. This is all for the same 79km each way commute. It seems the vehicle may be running in a warm up or charge phase for much longer than previously. 20+ minutes at 114kph. I've noticed that accelerating to 130kph for a short period seems to reduce the length of the warm up phase and then keeping it between 118-122/kph, depending on climate demand, I can get the 3.8L/100kms again. This leads me to believe one of three things: the transmission is dieing and or needs a fluid change. The fuel trimmings have been corrupted and the 12v should be pulled (The go time issues I also intermittently experience, that can be fixed by disconnecting the 12v, seems like another symptom of similar corruption). One or more temperature sensor is giving bad numbers. Or the engine and or motor control module is dieing or similarly corrupted. I'm going to finally buy a real odb2 for this because I'm getting no where with Ford.
  6. On the key fob: press unlock and release then press and hold unlock until the windows start to open. To close the windows press lock and release then press and hold luck until the windows start to close. Need to hold for about ten seconds. The 2013 and 2014 fusion energi's come with remote start on the fob from the factory. Surprised they removed this.
  7. It's good to know that it will actually say due to battery temp when that is the issue and that Ford was just blowing smoke when they tried to blame one of my issues on temp while it only said acceleration.
  8. My 2014 fusion energi with 90k km has had more than a dozen warrantied repairs (everything from the hood latch and wind shield wiper motors to o2 and evap sensors to the heater core twice) since I bought it new and still has intermittent issues Ford refuses to acknowledge. All but the second heater core was within the bumper to bumper warranty. The 2016 and 2017 fusions of all trims (gas, hybrid, energi) did have repeated 12v issues that may or may not be fixed yet (software fixes so far).
  9. There seems to be varying or no correlation between the empower and engage displays. Sometimes empower shows more bars. Sometimes engage does. Sometimes empower grows from 1 to almost 2 bars before engage moves from one bar. Approaching 3 or greater bars they seem to converge. If running like a hybrid and the battery is low the empower display shows more bars than the engage display and vice versa if the battery is discharging or maintaining.
  10. This morning, while the vehicle was still warming up the ice, the vehicle showed zero bars in both the empower and enlighten displays. However my foot was on the accelerator and the vehicle was at least maintaining speed so I switched over to engage which showed one bar of white. At about 1.8 bars of white (power from the ice) all three displays show 1.8 bars. Does anyone else experience this? You'll likely need the ice still warming up for it to run at only 1 bar on the engage display. I've also had issues with the empower display not updating or lagging behind when the ice shuts off.
  11. Ev-auto drives using the hvb first. Giving a Ev power threshold of 4 of the 5 bars of kw displayed on the empower display. If the throttle is pushed outside the 4Th bar into the 5 the ice auto engages to provide the additional power. Ev now prevents the auto engage of the ice and limits throttle to the 4 bars unless OK is pushed or certain, mostly weather related, conditions are met. Ev later operates much the same as the vehicle does once the Ev range is depleted, much the same as a hybrid. Changing and discharging the hvb within a -5/+2% window of the % of Ev range remaining when Ev later is set. Or a max of 95%.
  12. It'll function as a hybrid for a long long time. The degradtion will level off after time. Worst case is probably 40-50%.
  13. The warranty on the battery only covers batteries that are defective in some way. It does not cover degradation. It is misleading to bring up that warranty to someone concerned of capacity long term. There must be some damaged cells lowering the capacity. A reduction of capacity or available power is not covered. Many, including myself have reported 30-40%+ degradation with no action from Ford. For what it's worth this will be my last Ford and battery degradation is the least contributing factor to that decision. Edit: To add to your list - level 2 charging and charging in below freezing weather also contributes to degradation.
  14. TIL I should move to Mississippi where car dealers are managed by ppl less than 40. Here being 50+ with mostly grey hair is part of the job description and the attitude is no better then what you blame Millenials for.
  15. To be Ev certified means nothing. It is marketing BS. None of the 8 or so Ev certified dealerships I've tried for service here in Canada meet any/most of those requirements. None ever have a focus electric or cmax energi ever in stock never mind at all times. One of the eight had a charger in the parking lot. Another couldn't work on my vehicle because they iced their own service bay charger with a vehicle that could not be moved for the long term. None have any clue how the vehicle works or the differences between it and other fusions. I have to argue with them over the correct tire size and explain what go times are and how they work. Every time. It's a joke. My favourite was the time my go times were using tomorrow's schedule instead of today's. I said this to the service advisor and dropped the vehicle off. The next day I was told to pick it up because they could find no problem. That Friday afternoon I had to go back into the dealer and show them. The advisor and tech then talked about how they were going to relay this to the Ford hot line. They eventually decided on "the go times are using tomorrow's schedule instead of today's." I then said that is exactly what I said a week ago but I am still in here wasting my Friday afternoon just so you can say exactly what I said to someone who actually has a clue (the hot line) and then I get to waste another day bringing in the vehicle again so you can actually do something more than nothing.
  16. I have not had my modem replaced. I didn't see the point since there are all these complaints about most of its functionality not working afterwards anyway. I also thought here in Canada we would have 2g coverage a little longer making replacing it now pointless but I was wrong and the MFM app and website can no longer communicate with the vehicle. However my go times and value charging profiles still work correctly. I can only guess the vehicle has the old profiles still saved and is getting location data from the navigation system but seems very strange that it doesn't work for ppl with the new modem but does for me with a modem that doesn't even work.
  17. http://fordfusionhybridforum.com/topic/11666-deep-sleep-mode-activated-message/page-2 See post 29 and others. SSM 46128, 46368 and 46433 are all software updates for 2016/2017's related to drained 12v batteries.
  18. Got a second opinion at a private shop. They would pass a safety unlike 4 months ago before I had them machined. Suggested some aluminum oxide rotors for when I do get them replaced. Definitely do not machine them again.
  19. Also did you recieve a my ford mobile notification by email or text that a warning light was on?
  20. Try to get something that shows the dealer kept the vehicle for ten days but did no real work to resolve the issue?
  21. The good news though is that you live in a country with proper lemon laws. Once you get the vehicle back, if the orange light comes on again take it back to the dealer. Get paper work confirming the ornage wrench was on. Three sets of paperwork confirming that (depending on your local variations of lemons laws) should allow you get to the vehicle bought back or in your case get out of your lease early with no penalties (and get your payments back?).
  22. Yea I short of tried that since December. I drive on the highway everyday as well so I occasionally have to brake hard anyway. However since the fronts are again rusted from a lack of use and the rears are now pitted from over heating there appears to be no middle ground. Maybe it'll be different with all new instead of machined but I doubt that much different.
  23. Can anyone recommend any after market brake pads or rotors that may stand up better to rusting and other lack of use issues? My 2014 failed a safety 3 months ago after the dealer did and works and said everything was fine. It failed the safety due to rust on the brake rotors. Dealer says these are new rules meant to protect used car buyers and not actually a safety issue. OK,fine, Np you missed it and had them machine the rotors. Less than 3 months later in for another works. They want to replace the rear rotors due to pitting, machine the front ones again, and do a full disc brakes service. $600. Block of which is the rotors. I cannot afford to replace the rotors every 3 months because they rarely get used but am going to need another safety this December (uber). The dealer says there is only one model of pad or rotor available. I bet part of the issue is these lifetime warranty brake pads. Can anyone recommend pads and or rotors that may stand up better to a lack of use and or Canadian winters?
  24. No. Just that unless they can see the problem it doesn't exist and they will make no accommodation for the weather and intermittent related nature of the issue. Most trouble codes will be stored so they can be retrieved at the dealers leisure. Mine is a 2014. There have been a few posts on these forum of others with similar issues with a lack of heat. Some end up also having their heaters replaced. Others software fixes it. It is definitely not normal wear and tear. First time it was replaced under the bumper to bumper warranty. Second time under my premium care Esp. Neither covers wear and tear items. You'll hopefully have a faster resolution as the trouble code should be retrievable. However Ford has shown me their true colours. They have shown me how they handle real, not routine, issues that are not cut and dry to diagnosis. It's easy for any dealer and manufacturer to fix routine things and it is how they handle the hard stuff that matters. This will be my last Ford.
  25. Yes, it was very annoying. No heat and the Ev now and Ev later modes became disabled and would force you to drive on the battery only. After they replaced it the first time there was an intermittent manure smell coming from the new heater. They refused to do anything about the smell as it "was too intermittent to diagnosis." Only once the new heater also died and began throwing the same trouble code was it replace again. This time by a different dealership and the smell has not returned. Plus countless trips to dealers in the hopes that this time they would find a trouble code or to ensure the orange wrench was not coming on for a different reason.
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