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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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Everything posted by openair

  1. Please clarify, diagnostic fees are standard for a vehicle still under the bumper to bumper warranty?? Paying for time to decide if an issue is warrantied or not on a vehicle that is still under the bumper to bumper warranty is standard? Paying a diagnostic fee for a vehicle that is still under bumper to bumper warranty to decide if an issue is even fixable with new hardware or is a software issue that applies to all android phones and MFT equipped vehicles and, at this point, cannot be fixed by a dealership is standard?
  2. 50/50 so far. Interesting. It would be nice if we could get more examples of issue CSMs will help with so we can stop wasting our time with them and issue they wont. Does anyone know if I take my vehicle to a new dealer, without informing my CSM, if this new dealer will somehow (VIN or Ford account) be able to contact my CSM? My last dealings with my CSM, they parroted the dealers threat of charging me for future diagnostic related to my phone issues while my vehicle is still under warranty. The CSM went as far as to threaten that if I took the vehicle to a new dealership they would also charge me for this diagnostic time. I ended up being able to reason with the dealership but this would make the second time my CSM as carried over misunderstanding and bias against me to a new dealership when I attempt to get a clean second opinion. IMO, the entire point of a second opinion is to get fresh eyes on the problem that are not biased by prior dealings in either direction. This is common practice in many industries. But when my CSM tells the new dealer I am only there for a second opinion and their job is to help build confidence with the prior dealer or that they are to charge me for diagnostic time it defeats the purpose of getting a second opinion.
  3. Can anyone give examples of meaningful or useful interactions with CSM they have been put into contact with from these forums? So far my speaking with two different CSMs has been a complete waste of time or even counter productive. Please include whether you live in the USA or Canada.
  4. Once. The vehicle is ten months old. Went six months on the original batteries. Changed them and did not have any issues with intelligent access for about four months. The day after the alarm was triggered the intelligent access refusing to open the drivers door occured for the first time since changing the batteries. It did this at least once a day between the Monday after the alarm triggered and the Friday I took the vehicle to the dealer again. Including the day of seeing the dealer and once where after it refused to unlock from the drivers door I then unlocked it from a passenger door, locked it from the drivers door and it again refused to unlock from the drivers door. Could not reproduce it at the dealer. It hasn't been a problem since that Friday. Idk it's actually the batteries and if they're going to ever fix it, it needed to occur in front of the dealer so I haven't changed the batteries again.
  5. The good news there is a very simple work around I feel stupid for missing. The very first unintended behaviour is when the second text listen prompt does not replace the previous texts repeat message prompt. If you ignore this behaviour and simply push repeat message instead of repeating the previous message this plays the new message. The menu doesn't work as intended but I can play every message. If you don't understand how the system is supposed to behave, if you don't understand the intended difference between "listen" and "repeat message" it always appears to work correctly. Can anyone, even those who feel theirs is working correctly, answer if they are pushing 'ok' on the steering for "listen" or for "repeat message" on the right lcd for each new text?
  6. I am at the dealer now. I have reproduced the issue with the dealers phone. Identical behaviour to every android phone I have tried. It is either an issue with my car and the dealer car or sync and all android phones. The IVT team is escalating the issue to the customer care department (or something to that affect). An "entirely different department than the customer service manager" these forums put me in contact with. I was able to reason with the dealer. They did not end up charging me for the diagnostic time as they and my CSM had previously threatened. 6+ phones across 5 carriers and 3 vehicles all identical.
  7. My phone is an international z3 with a different model and firmware number than on their list. So I'd still be stuck buying a new phone to go this route. But while my phone is not on the list, it behaves identically to two other phones that are on the list (and every android phone i have tried) that I have borrowed to test with previously. I cannot borrow these long enough to take them to the dealer. It will also take less than 15 minutes to accomplish what I need with their phones they say do work so that I can either have the IVT team escalate this issue or prove to myself some android phones do work. 15 minutes of ford times should be cheaper and eat less of my time than finding a lawyer and all that. And if I am able to reproduce it with their phones I will know that I need to look for a new dealer as well.
  8. I unlocked mine with MFM and opened the door without a fob. No alarm. Based on the manual I think this is normal. I locked myself in the vehicle and had wife walk away with the fob. Opening the door triggered the message and eventually the message disappeared and the horn began to sounds repeatedly. There is a delay I did not wait for previously. The panic button skips this message and the delay and goes straight to the horn. So my alarm seems to function fine and the only question is why did it trigger when I had the fob. Probably for the same reason the drivers door does not open unless I change the batteries every four months or some other intermittent reason.
  9. No. Less than a year old. 13000 km. They are charging me because they've already given me an answer. Doesn't matter that that answer doesn't mesh with the reality of 5 other devices behaving the same way. Or that I only want to find out if spending $700 on another android phone will solve anything or not.
  10. It seems the requirements are flexible if the demand doesn't meet the cost. One dealer, after speaking with my CSM, made an appointment to look at my car. 5 minutes later they called me back "our trained tech quit." Another has me wait days or weeks because their trained tech was sick or had booked the day off. The first dealer, almost two months later, is still listed as certified on ford.ca but never called me back to say they had got a new trained tech. I had read these 'requirements' somewhere before buying my car. The redundancy of two techs and the other requirements influenced my decision to buy this car. In practice these 'requirements' do not apply to Ontario, Canada dealers. Outside of Toronto anyway.
  11. Haha this thread makes me laugh. Here in Canada you're lucky if an electric certified dealer has one trained tech. He only works 9 to 5 Monday to Thursday. Have to make an appointment for everything, no matter how small. There are no charges outside you can just pull up to and leave your vehicle at and the one inside is often iced .
  12. I am now going to be charged for any time the dealership spends trying to resolve this issue. Because the issue was reproduced on another like model and they have been unable to reproduce it with their two phone they feel it is my phone. But they offer no explanation as to why I have been able to reproduce this on every phone I have tried. Including the two models they have been unable to reproduce it on. 5 different phones across 4 different cellular providers all behave exactly the same. All work to the same degree until they all fail to "listen" to the third text and become stuck on this text. I can take their word for it and spend $700 on a new phone and hope it works or I can pay $90 an hour to show them how to reproduce it and where they fail at following my instructions and then the IVT team will escalate this issue. Other than their word, they lack of anyone here being able to (or trying to?) reproduce this, another dealer saying none of their phones work correctly and my own experiences reproducing this on every phone I have tried I have nothing else to go on. These sources of information do not correlate together to draw any firm conclusion. Being charged $90 an hour to finish the steps the IVT team wants before they will escalate this issue is quite ridiculous. I now feel, at this point, that had I not asked the dealership to try to reproduce this on their own, if I had insisted on more communication and to show them how when they didn't want my help they would not have wasted as much time repeatedly failing to reproduce this and wouldn't be now charging me for future diagnostic on this issue. But I never asked them to try to reproduce this multiple times or for many hours hours. It takes less than 5 minutes from pairing to completion to reproduce this. I expected them to try once,maybe twice. They chose to waste so much time and are now punishing me for their choice.
  13. Can anyone answer how this vehicle Alarm message is supposed to behave? The panic button triggers the horn repeatedly but not this message. The one time I did get this message the horn did not honk even once while the manual description for this message says the horn should. Is pushing the panic button somehow different than the alarm being triggered by an unauthorized access? Some posts in the hybrid forum suggest receiving this message can be operator error. Such as leaning on the panic button or maybe locking. I cannot get this message to reproduce doing either internationally. It's hard to find something else reproducible to show the dealership to maybe try to get some things fixed without a solid frame of reference of how things are supposed to behave.
  14. How frequently did you experience these issues hybridbear? Were they reproducable or intermittent? Do you know of any other members of the hybrid forum who experienced similar?
  15. It seems to me that if data such as trips and, as I recently discovered, seat minding and mykey settings are not return to defaults by either or both a hard and master reset that there must be some way to completely reset the vehicle?
  16. If all fobs should act the same, with no mykey created, which is the correct behavior? Periodic sets of beeps while the vehicle is in motion but not wearing a seat belt or no beeps?? Edit: there is no correct behavior. It is variable. Page 32 of the manual describes how to enable or disable this behavior for individual seats. One key fob thinks this is enabled for at least the driver's seat. The other thinks it is disabled. This seems intended. The belt minder has two levels of minding and (appears to have) two levels of enablement. It can be enabled or disable per seat (and per fob). A fob that has both the seat minder enabled and a mykey increases the minding from only beeps to the buckle up to unmute audio message.
  17. After changing the batteries in the key fobs less than four months ago, they have started to act up again. With the key fob in the same hand that touched the drivers door handle it repeatedly refused to open and the passenger door open first try again. I also had, for the first time, the unauthorized access alarm message (vehicle alarm - to stop alarm start vehicle) appear as I was exiting the vehicle yesterday.
  18. All restrictions were set to off or user selectable. Clearing mykey has returned one key to the previous behaviour (only beeps with the radio between). The other now doesn't even beep without the seat belt. Must have been something with to do with the hard resets since the mykey was created. Are the two fobs intended to act differently even without a mykey created ?
  19. Both key fobs behave the same way. This is part of the same audio warning you get when not wearing your seat belt in many cars. It has just changed behavior in the past two weeks as described above.
  20. What sort of electrical issues? Things like buttons not working? The vehicle not even agreeing with itself? Undefined powertrain faults? These could all be electrical issues. I've had intermittent issues like that for about six months.
  21. This is the message I got just now. I turned the vehicle off at home as I do everyday. I noticed the four way blinkers went on briefly then all seemed normal until I opened the door and it continued to shut down. The message "vehicle Alarm - to stop alarm start vehicle" appeared on the left lcd and a beeping noise started. Started the vehicle, all seemed normal. Shut it down, without doing anything else, and it shut down as normal this time. What is this alarm? Anyone seen it before? Edit: the manual says this is the unauthorized entry alarm message. But it only beeped quietly. The horn did not repeatedly honk as when the alarm is usually triggered. This also makes the third message on the left lcd to appear that, until two weeks ago, I had never seen. The alarm had sounded without this message previously. The message to buckle up to unmute audio is also new. Previously it would only beep in sets with the radio in between. And the auto light dimming message I had also previously not seen. The dealer says they didn't update any software. Have others always received these three messages? Are they software update related or only now appearing after my numerous hard and master resets to try to fix other issues? Edit 2: thought maybe I leaned on the panic button on the key fob. Pushing the panic button while the vehicle is running does nothing. I cannot reproduce this message appearing in the way it did or the quiet beeps along with it. In fact ,even when the panic button does trigger the horn repeatedly, I cannot get this message to reappear at all.
  22. Maybe for 2013s or trips done entirely in ev later. But for 2014s and later it would be very difficult to figure gallons without knowing fords math for mpge for any blended trips. As blended trips are reported in mpge (even though it only says mpg) on MFM for 2014s and later. If the 2015s haven't also had mpg removed from the break down when the vehicle is turned off, and it still functions as in 2014s (mpg only, no e), can use this data from within the car to figure gallons.
  23. The catalyst for the right lcd phone menu becoming stuck on a single text with the listen and ignore commands not working is receiving a text while the name not available text repeat message command is on the right lcd. If you press left to navigate away from this text before receiving the third text it does not reproduce. Turning phone book download off only changes unknown name to unknown phone number and all other behaviour remains the same.
  24. That's nice. This was also debated two years ago in the hybrid forum. As far as the rest of the hard reset... Would you suggest following the advice I found in the hybrid forum or the dealership's? Which is correct for an energi? Should any data such, as trips, survive this kind of reset?
  25. From an old post on the full hybrid forum, to perform a hard reset to wipe the keep alive memory: Disconnect negative 12v terminal and pull the HVB disconnect. Wait an unknown amount of time. Is this correct for an Energi as well? Should any data, such as trips and the average fuel economy within the empower and such screen, survive this and a master reset? Is it possible, necessary, a good/safe idea (without pulling the HVB disconnect) to perform a hard reset by: Disconnecting negative and positive terminals and holding them together. (No mention of the HVB disconnect). This is what my dealer has said they have done and is the how to reset the keep alive memory. I attempted to do so but there did not appear to be enough slack in the negative and positive cables to accomplish this.
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